Horoscopes starting 7.21.2016

    “But when the planets
    In evil mixture to disorder wander,
    What plagues, and what portents, what mutiny,
    What raging of the sea, shaking of earth,
    Commotion in the winds, frights, changes, horrors,
    Divert and crack, rend and deracinate
    The unity and married calm of states
    Quite from their fixure!”
    Ulysses in Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida (I.iii.94-101)

It’s part of one of my all-time favorite orations from Shakespeare’s canon. A little-performed play that has an unsure taxonomy. I tend to read the play as dark comedy, but that might say more about me than the play. Mars in Scorpio, Sun in Leo, fall out from the Full Moon? Feels like the planets have wandered into an evil mixture and disorder.

Leo starts — officially — at July 22, at 3:30 AM.

Horoscopes starting 7.21.2016

The Leo:

The Leo

The Lion

Coyotes in the night, one sounded like an alarm, “Yip-yip-yip.” Coyotes are a part of my every-day reality. Mostly from travels further west, but I’ve heard that the little scavengers survive as far east as the East Coast. I don’t know. I was in Far West Texas when I was listening to the coyotes at night. Some nights, like right after the big, full moon? There’s a loud and raucous cacophony that the little critters put up. To me, it’s sort of night-time music that I’m used to, as I’m pretty sure the little fellers won’t try to come inside. I’m bigger and more scary than they are.

The real coyotes are scavengers of the first order. Sleep most of the day, and forage at night for vermin and whatever looks like it might be food. I’ve seen them eat bugs. The problem is, as “civilization” encroaches on the coyotes native lands, there’s a small clash. Then, too, the coyotes are adaptable. Human food, and discarded human food is sometimes easier than catching mice.

Making the best of a situation. Not bad, either. Take a lesson from my noisy friends, Leo, dear, adapt. Sometimes, the new ways are easier. Work hard and hunt down a single field mouse for supper? Or? Knock over a trash can. Look! Free food!



The Virgin

I use a Shakespeare quote just about every week. On rare occasions, I’ll deviate from that, but as a rule, a quote from the Bard, each week. In order to validate that, I’ve, over the years, had a laconic and relaxed way of studying each of the 36, no, 38, no, now 40 plays that comprise the Bard’s known body of work, and as such, I’ve enforced listening to some of the early bits and pieces that are more gore and less poetry. Early stuff, kind of interesting to me. As a Virgo, even now? My background work on Shakespeare’s plays? There’s a strong bit of symbolism here. In my Virgo mind?

In my Virgo mind, to understand the entire canon, the complete volume of work, took more me than two years to listen to each and every play, then attempt to read some of the plays, and then, to understand some of the typical Lit Crit material, think, like a wikipedia-type précis — more than two years. The classic plays are still strong, even stronger now, and with a working understanding of the whole canon, I can more easily tease out nuances. Two years — or more — of background work. There’s a little-recognized early play that is attributed, in part, to Shakespeare. In that play, there are clear roots for what is to come, with majestic poetry as noble warriors succeed in battle.

Background research. As of now, I’m not advocating anyone ever read the entire canon, end to end, but like me, this is a good time for Virgo to step aside, and dig around in the background. Sources, roots, branches, and possible antecedents.

Background research.


There’s a special kind of Libra Logic at work. I’ve seen this happen before. “Chicken Fried Steak, baked potato (loaded), cornbread, and fried okra. Ranch dressing on the salad.” I’ve watched as my Libra buddy consumed that, then patted his belly, “I had a salad, so it’s healthy, you know?” I watched in abject horror, as that baked potato, not mentioning anything else, but it was a loaded baked potato.

    It had a stick of butter, quarter pound of grated cheddar, maybe a half-pound of bacon bits, and probably a pint or more of sour cream. I’m not seeing how this qualifies as a diet meal.

Comfort food? Sure. Balanced meal? Yes. But enough empty calories in that chicken-fried-steak, enough calories to feed a whole village in another part of the world.

Libra Logic applied?

“Salad. Leafy green stuff. It’s healthy.”

Libra Logic, let me know how that works, OK?


The guy ahead of me in line remarks that the woman behind the counter had a nice smile. He also suggested that a smile would brighten everyone’s day and she agreed. Me? I worry when a Scorpio smiles at me with that wan, slightly askew look. I worry big-time. I noted that. “Only time I worry is when a Scorpio smiles,” I observed. “Hello Kramer,” and she smiled back at me broadly, “yes, you should worry when one of us smiles at you.”

With Mars in the final stages of leaving for a spell, off to bother someone else? Relief is on its way. The problem being, at this moment? It’s not here, not yet. But smile. Smile and take the compliment. There will always be one, like me, who does worry a bit when a Scorpio smiles at me, but that could be me.

Smile. Maybe not the best action with a Scorpio mouth, but for now? Perhaps the wisest course of action.

Smile. Makes people like me worry about what you’re up to next.


One would think, with eyesight being one of the most important sense I’ve got, useful for fishing and apparently other skills, one would this that I have highly specialized sunglasses. I do. Cheap sunglasses. In part, that’s an homage to a certain little band from Texas, but it’s also a practical solution. First rule? Have to be polarized sunglasses, as that’s an aspect of fishing, quite important, to have that glare from the water properly reflected. Helps to see through the water, and the glare, on bright, summer days. The second guideline I adhere to? Less than five bucks. In recent months, I’ve had to stretch out of my Sagittarius comfort zone, thanks be to Saturn, and pay more than five bucks, but still at less than ten?

Still a good deal. The odd part about this, the cheap sunglasses? I’ve got two pair, one sits in the girlfriend’s car at all times, but I’ve got two pair that I’ve had for close to a decade now. Not all that unusual, as the cheap sunglasses tend to last as long, if not longer, than the expensive kind. Whatever works, right? So I do tend to my eyesight, I just do it with cheaper frames and plastic lens that are supposedly 100% UV protected. What the sticker says. I just prefer to shop cheap. What made me think about this, I’ve got two pair, at least, maybe more in my travel gear bags, that are old. So sometimes, the cheap stuff lasts. I think, not being afraid to buy cheap? When a pair broke the other afternoon, while I was walking into the store? I just tossed the old sunglasses and replaced them with new ones. Still under ten bucks. No loss. As a Sagittarius, don’t be afraid to abandon that which does not serve us any longer. Personally, at five bucks a pair? I’ll still go with cheap sunglasses.


On the road, the other day, it was big, old Chevy Dualie, with the appropriate cowboy/oilfield accoutrements. Diesel tank, tool box, trailer hitch, yes, all normal, not that unusual of a sight in my world, just sayin’. What caught my attention, caused a double-take to verify accuracy? There was a very clear, large, FatBoy Slim sticker. Norman Cook? FatBoy Slim? Originally of Brighton, UK, the “Big Beat” sound? I like some the mixes from FatBoy, think, Rockefeller Skank, and derivatives. Most of the last decade of sets are available as free downloads, makes for good background music. However, might be my own narrow-minded perceptions, but a big truck like that? Country, Western, Heavy Metal, those are all acceptable genres of musical stickers. FatBoy Slim?

This week, in Capricorn, holds contradictions, visual irony, or just some “non sequitur” situations. What to do? I couldn’t safely grab a picture of that truck’s bumper sticker, or I would’ve. What to do with the contradictions? Make note of them, but maybe this isn’t a week to ask, “Why?” Maybe it isn’t a week to make a big fuss, either.


It’s such an odd combination, this might work. The planet energies are almost combative, not quite, but almost. The trick to using this energy as wise as possibly? Wisely as possible? Buy time. Bide your time, but maybe, buy some time. I am, so rarely, in a place that has actual parking meters, anymore, that I almost don’t know what to do. However, I was in just such a place. What I did, I once got a parking ticket in old downtown Austin, left a girlfriend’s car at the meter, like I knew what I was doing, and it collected a ticket.

I could’ve just not paid, and eventually, the City of Austin would’ve caught up to her, and demanded payment plus penalties and interest, associated fees, all of that. I just sent in a check for ten bucks or whatever it was at the time. Your planets, this week, made me think of that ten–dollar fine. Not a big deal, not really, but I could’ve saved that by putting some quarters in the parking meter. Save your Aquarius self some pain. Save yourself some trouble. Avoid late penalties. (Don’t get Aquarius girlfriends pissed off at you) buy some time. Could be as simple as sliding a quarter into the parking meter. Simple as that.


Marlow, one of Shakespeare’s early contemporaries, had a play called “Edward II.” Think I’ve got a paper copy of the manuscript someplace here.

In the Fourth Act, I think, there’s a comment about “Earth melt into air.” I can’t seem to find the reference at this moment, but I might look it up when I’m done with your horoscope. Earth can’t really melt into air, but earth–like substances can be melted by fire. With the planets aligned like they are, there’s a big push in the fire area of the Pisces chart.

Two likely outcomes will derive from applying the Leo-like fire towards Pisces. One is that someone will offend you and then, that offending person will get burned, scalded badly. (Don’t piss off a Pisces, can land in hot water.) However, there’s my alternate reality outcome, and that steam, that super–heated Pisces water? It can drive a steam engine, a giant piston with an articulated arm that then spins a crankshaft, and the rest is mere mechanics.

So, my favorite Pisces, what will it be? Can’t have “earth melt into air,” or can we? Recall, too, someone, or some entity, will be trying to super–heat that Pisces water. Careful how you let that steam out. Tightly controlled? You can easily move mountains this week.



The Ram

Ever heard the expression, “He’s smart, but dumb as dirt?”

It refers to a person, this has been observed about me, I might add, but it’s a person who might possess “Book smarts,” with no practical application of those book smarts. It’s a comparison that still holds up in this modern era.

As the Sun hits its proscribed course through Leo, and what with Venus and Mercury in there, too, this creates a flowing aspect for Aries. Good stuff. Careful, and this is where I earn my keep. Careful with talking too much, too fast, or before you’ve had a chance to ascertain all of the facts.

Me? I work without facts quite often. How I’m wired. I can wing it with ease. Absence of facts never hindered me, but I’m used to working that way. Careful with an attempt to appear “book-learned,” only to have that challenged and fail. Careful with a situation where a moment’s pause and consulting some resources would lead to a better answer. Careful that you don”t leap, then look where you’re headings. Careful that you don’t wind up with my appellation, “He’s smart but dumb as dirt.” Doesn’t bother me. Might bother your Aries self.


Observed phenomena? In general, folk tend to be a bit cranky after the full moon. Given the Taurus sentiment that strives for peace and harmony? This is a time, this week, it’s a good week to go around and smooth matters over.

I imagine it’s something like this, “I’m sorry I pissed you off this week.”

There’s always some internal subtext, “You ignorant fool, you deserved that,” but that’s the point, keep that as an internal dialogue with only your Taurus self. It’s quite all right to think it, but maybe not say it out loud.

Mercury and Venus are in Leo. Makes you want to talk. Mars is opposite you, makes you snarky. A little extra dose of Taurus compassion goes a long way to making this an overall better week. But you’ve got to work with me, be nice, and stifle that internal dialogue.


A Gemini buddy of mine will keep talking until he hits that dead air space. Usually, this is a cell phone, or cell-phone like conversation. As a Gemini, he can talk even when he has nothing to say, having one on the line, jumping from the end of one half-formed thought to start on something new and then loop back around to a previous point that needs further elucidation. Back and forth.

“Let me just say this about that,” is typical bridge comment.

When I lined up the planets, though, I kept thinking that there was point where Gemini would benefit from not talking at the moment. Maybe not all week, but just try it, a little silence for a few moments. The way this stacks up, all the little planets? There’s a special Gemini communication ability that you do have, the problem is pacing. Which is why, a well-timed Gemini pause, that moment or two of dead air? That serves to let your Gemini self gather up more thoughts. It’s about reloading the Gemini brain to move forward.


I see very few movies that I recall much about. Maybe a few lines, perhaps a single scene or something, but as a whole, most movies are entertainment that is largely forgettable. It’s more about an experience, when I’m in a real movie theater. Ambient temperature, and then, dark, with something on the screen that hooks me.

Characters, action, plot, story, some element, or a combination of elements, something pushes the emotional buttons. Personally, I don’t like it when a romantic comedy goes all predictable, and hits certain emotional notes with alarming regularity. Cute kids, improbable situation, loss, apparent betrayal and reunification.


Still, I much prefer the wide-screen, surround-sound, digital, graphic, whatever essence that comes from sitting in a movie theater to see some movies. Better experience, for me. This is about the whole package as an experience for Cancer. The Moon Children? We’re looking at a situation where an experience is more important than the actual “thing.” Like, the names of the last few movies I’ve seen that weren’t really good, but, seeing them in a theater with comfy seats? I felt better.

Comfy seats and good food.


About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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  • Matthew Alexander Jul 23, 2016 @ 11:00

    Background research? Reading Stephen King’s memoir on the craft of writing, On Writing.

    A much better read than I anticipated, it goes to show you you have to try some things before making a judgement.

    Also finally reading my friend Michael Herr’s book, Dispatches. As disturbing as I expected it to be, I guess I’m reading it now as a tribute to him now that he passed away. And yes, his greeting was always “hey man”. He always said that he would rather fall down a flight of stairs rather than write. A bit different than King who can’t seem to stop writing.

    • Kramer Wetzel Jul 25, 2016 @ 6:49

      Yes, On Writing was good for me.

      Depends on the day, for me, some days I can’t wait to start and some days, this is hard work. Pleasant, but difficult —

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