More on Mercury

Excerpt from the Devil’s Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce. “Overwork: n. A dangerous disorder affecting high public functionaries who want to go fishing.”

Quick note:

I was doing the radio program (Real 97.1 in Indianapolis, IN), and right before the show was on the air, the jock (Ernie, Sagittarius) was telling me that Thursday nights they host a child psychologist, and even the psychologists said, “Were looking into this Mercury retrograde” thing.

Not the first time I’ve heard that, either.

I’ve chronicled this before, but I was sitting across from psychologist, and she was asking about Mercury being retrograde, and if I recall, her comment was that she just doled out “It’ll be better” to her clients when Mercury was retrograde because nothing seems to work right.

You ain’t got to be a shrink to see that. Or an astrologer.

Caffeine contents
As long as I’m going to digress, I’ll digress in a way that interests me.

Average cup of coffee (8 fluid ounces): 115-120 mg Caffeine
Espresso? 100 mg, per one-and-a-half ounce serving

And for comparison? A couple of the favorite cola-types – in mg.
Diet Coke 45.6
Dr. Pepper 39.6
Big Red 38.0
RC Cola 36.0

So I did a quick search, and what I came up with was pretty much similar material. Either everyone copies the same source, or those reports are fairly accurate, as far as caffeine content goes.

The “brewed versus drip” coffee question intrigued me briefly, but then, I tend towards a French Press, with oily Italian Roast beans.

There – so it appears – to be less caffeine in the darker roasts, and I uncovered a shade darker roast than the Italian Roast: Spanish roast. Tastes like charcoal. I must find some of this roast.

Coffee blog? Iced?

I still couldn’t discover what the approximate content of the Press process coffee was, other than it does have a little bit better flavor, and that I like my beans almost burnt. Plus, it takes several cans of coke to equal one good cup of coffee.

The numbers I culled from several sites, but the average content of a single cup of brewed or drip coffee ran right around 120 mg per serving whereas the coke averages all stayed the same. I was surprised to see Big Red kind of low on that account. I always figured it had more caffeine. The espresso servings, those numbers varied, averaging at about 100 mg, but the size? No two sites would agree, someplace between one and two ounces.

Where did espresso come from?

An impatient engineer and some innovation, so it seems.

Curious shades.

Viva sloth!

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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