Gemini, Virgo, Gemini **plus** Mercury RX
I’m not sure which one is more important, what was the biggest thrill for the day. First, it was lunch at Hoover’s with my Gemini buddy. He instantly felt strong feelings for the little waitress [Sagittarius>. “You know, I dated more Sagittarius than anything else. Mercury is retrograde, what are going to do?”

Nothing of note. Then, it was a Virgo with a dead possum – only, as it turned out, the possum wasn’t dead, just asleep. \\Playing possum\\.

Finally, as I was walking homeward under a sodden sky, my phone rang. I took the call, and it lasted from downtown, over the Congress Avenue “bat bridge” on towards Shady Acres. Just then, Bubba stops at the light. He waves. I look at the phone, tell him it’s stupid to talk on the phone when we’re both in the same location, and I jumped in his car. We rode \\back\\ up Congress until about 7th, when I spied my original destination, that somehow got thwarted because I was walking and talking, and I rolled out of the front seat, pulled a shirt back on, and ambled into the Hideout for a quick treat that topped the day.

I got an Amy’s Ice Cream/Hideout Espresso “milk” shake. Only, no milk. Just two ingredients, three shots of espresso blended up with some of Amy’s Mexican Vanilla. That made the day: rich, thick, creamy, so satisfying, the perfect combination to give a little lift to the evening and hundreds of e-mails with “close but no cigar” answers to the trivia question.

To answer this week’s question, a proper citation has to include **the page number** where the quote is found. Simple as that. Remember, I can check this stuff, too, as I do have a copy of the texts in question.

Which never addresses my Gemini buddy’s analogy, from lunch:
“Mercury Retrograde. You ever watch a long jumper?”

I felt very much like that one Apple ad, where “Ellen Feiss” says, [pause> “huh?”

But my Gemini buddy continued, “Yeah, watch what they do. They [the long jump people> walk up to the sand pit, looks at it, then walk backwards, keeping their eyes on the destination, back to the starting blocks. Then ‘boom’ they’re off.”


“Yeah, see, Mercury Retrograde is like that. You’re walking backwards, getting ready to spring and make the best leap ever. Retrograde, walking backwards, you know, reviewing, getting ready, keeping an eye on the objective.”

Wow, man, that’s just, so, like, you know, poetic. Or something.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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