Website adjustments

Website adjustments & more

Like many aspects of my life, I don’t have rhyme or reason as to why this occurred when it did, but I was making some adjustments to the website, based on traffic patterns and actualized yield.

Last quarter moon, in part, the results of a loophole in some code, exploited last Sunday night, was some of the problem, and poking through the Amazon reports gave me valued insight into consumer behavior.

I reserve the right to change any of the layout, but what the reports indicated was that the Amazon banners were garnering no commission sales. Which doesn’t bother me too much, but it does mean that the banners are getting removed until a time when I feel like putting them back.

Almost sorry to see them go, plus, they were kind enough to pay for their own bandwidth, and what it works out to, they should. After all, the site only makes a commission when a purchase is made. That’s a lot of free exposure for someone else’s brand.

Which is the problem with “pay for click” advertising in the first place.

Webcam notes:
On the trailer’s kitty cam, I had one of those embarrassing moments. The cat was comfortably asleep on the futon, so I let the camera run, unattended, and when I hopped out of the shower, I grabbed something from the desk, and I broke my own vow about not appearing on the cam naked. There was one shot, and it’s long since rolled over, of my naked cheeks. Maybe there’s a future in film?

I seriously doubt it.

File this under the “you still don’t get it” department:
It’s part of the battle about “freedom of speech” and “blogger’s rights” versus big, nasty computer manufacturers. Somebody leaked information – which was clearly stipulated in an NDA – and all that nasty, big company is doing is trying to seal the loophole.

“Hell, I’m tired of waiting, if they won’t come to the salt lick, get the natives to beat the bushes.”

I’ve got an (way-out-of-date) press badge. Issued by the department of public safety. Even got my finger prints. These days, I carry it back-to-back with my minister card. Both are about as useful. Useful as what? Insert your own witticism here.

Gone fishing?
There’s got to be place in the world for someone who can try and tie modern abstract art into bass fishing in Central Texas. The thumbnail of that image, rendered a little smaller, evoked a strong Mondrian type of feel. Could just be me, though.

I was trying to avoid an afternoon nap so I could get to bed early so I could get up early and fish. I got to toying with a formating option, and I had to have some kind of text to work with, so I snagged the latin filler. What generated the idea in the first place? I passed that church, and they didn’t have a particularly good sign up, but I did have a file copy of one of the more engaging images.

Tweak-end & Lorum Ipsum
(Made me think about this album.) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris pretium. Maecenas viverra, magna eget sodales gravida, leo metus pellentesque tellus, ac feugiat ante magna eu sem.

imagePraesent et sapien ac lorem tempor rutrum. Etiam semper magna quis magna. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam mollis odio eget ante. Nunc blandit tellus sit amet nisl semper vulputate. Nunc vel diam. In blandit, massa viverra aliquet lacinia, libero ligula facilisis ligula, sit amet tincidunt est dui id purus. Sed id libero in nunc congue ullamcorper. Sed eget tortor. Donec fringilla. Phasellus quis nisl eget elit commodo ultrices. In dui. Nunc a neque. Fusce porta egestas purus. Donec tincidunt. Integer lacinia, orci quis tincidunt sodales, odio pede volutpat mauris, id gravida nisl odio sit amet nulla. Nulla molestie dolor sed leo.

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About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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