Week of: Jan 8 – 14

Week of: Jan 8 – 14

Aries [3/23-4/20]: While everyone else is suffering, my dear Aries friend, you are going to be doing ever so much better. This is, in part, due to your ability to deal quickly and decisively with problem which arise. And the problems will arise, you just happen to have an effective way of dealing with this little hassles. Okay, then, the deal is this: be prepared to have an inordinate number of small and inconvenient annoyances crop up, especially in regards to work. Since you can usually deal with these in a straightforward manner, do so. Life gets easier for the next week for so as long as you don’t wait around.

Taurus [4/21-5/22]: It’s just one of those weeks, you know? Well, of course you know, you’re right in the middle of it all. What’s going wrong is that nothing you touch or say seems to come out right. Now, I wish I could make this all better, but I can’t. I wouldn’t advise this for many people, but in your case, you might want to consider just hiding your head in the sand for a few days. The progressive degradation of the planets, though, is going to make this feel like everything is just worse all the time. It is. Wait a few weeks before you come out.

Gemini [5/23-6/21]: The way, and you can certainly feel it right now, the way for big changes in your life is being cleared. Are you ready? Can you adapt to some new events? I’m talking about something major like a possible career change. If you’ve been wearing a monkey suit for the last few years, consider getting a real suit. If you’ve been in the world of business suits, maybe it’s time to change to a leisure suit. I hope you understand the concept here: it’s time for some serious thinking about what you want to do in life. Don’t out anything in action yet, but get started thinking about it.

Cancer [6/22-7/22]: There! Across the room! Your eyes lock onto each other! You’re sure it is the soul mate that you have been searching for, all your life, there is that person! Sorry, but it isn’t so. Sad but true. You need to be wary of fast infatuations right now. If you are already involved, be careful that it doesn’t get too deep at a time like this. With the mercurial nature of the planets right now, you are not doing too good. I wouldn’t plan much of anything right now because work is going to wind up taking a lot of extra time. Forget the eye lock. Plan on staring at a work screen for a while.

Leo [7/23-8/23]: after such a long time when things have been going along so swimmingly for you, I have a little bit of disturbing news: there is some rain headed for your parade. If not today, then tomorrow. The advantage of listening to an astrologer is that you now know that it might rain so you can take a rain coat. And an umbrella. And maybe some plastic bags. In other words, you are looking at a torrential downpour which has the capacity to slow you down. What’s worse, you being to think you know a way around all of this meteorological disturbance. You might have a clue, but I would strongly urge you to hold you cards close to yourself until the rain has stopped.

Virgo [8/24-9/23]: Poor old Virgo. Everyone is always picking on you, aren’t they? Neat freak? Retentive? Always too critical? Well, in uncertain times like these, yours is a job that no one likes, but some one has to do it. Thank God, Goddess, whomever, that you are here to worry about these things. The good news this week is that everyone else is suffering the slings and arrows of an outrageous Mercury retrograde, and it is sliding right on past you, almost as if there was nothing there at all. Poof! Just like that! No big deal. Just watch out for irate Capricorn’s who want to get in your face.

Libra [9/24-10/23]: Romance is considered a big issue this week. You will find that romantic overtones are compounded, perhaps in a less than wonderful light right now, by the Aquarius/Capricorn Mercury thing. What does that mean? You will feel more loving and kind this week, but your attempts to display your affection might be misunderstood. Be careful in your decisions about love. Be careful in communication with other Air signs, like Gemini and Aquarius.

Scorpio [10/24-11/23]: go and let an evil and maniacal laugh. This is especially good is you are at the office. Actually, there isn’t a whole lot going on this week for you. The laugh is just to upset anyone who is close to you. They will know, absolute certainty, that you are up to no good. Which might be the case, but it’s not due to an stellar influence. In all actuality, you are probably beginning to recover from the holidays, and this is a good time to consider getting rested up.

Sagittarius [11/24-12/21]: The last time a small, insignificant blue ice ball was introduced to the sign of Sagittarius, just a few short months ago, Astrologically Aware Sagittarius types were complaining about lower back pain, lower Scorpio pain, and how rotten the world was. Now, there is one word for what is starting in this luckiest of all signs: transformation. It also is deeply symbolic of change on many levels. The question you have to ask yourself, my lucky Sagittarius friend, the big question, is: how willing am I to accept these new changes?

Capricorn [12/22-1/20]: Well, the week starts out with numerous celestial events really making some interesting changes for you — you are going to be cursed with the windows 95 bug — that means every old fashioned computer you touch will need to be upgraded after you get done with it. Every computer you even look sideways at is going to need some expert help. This is because of a couple of electrifying planets which give you the ability to fry electric’s. And then there’s that pesky and slight mercurial problem associated with that pesky and slight planet Mercury. Oh well, with a week like this, nothing is going to be big deal.

Aquarius [1/21-2/18]: Good news/bad news this week — the world will appear to be an increasingly difficult place to understand over the next week. That’s the bad news. And Mercury begins its little backward journey in your sign, that’s even worse news. All of this bad news might have you wondering, “Kramer, is there any hope for us Black Leather Jacket Types?” Yes, there is hope, just because you are a rebel in some strange ways. While all of this bad energy might play a holy havoc with other signs, you will seem to thrive on the chaotic effect it has on your life, especially this week. Just don’t touch any computers that I use.

Pisces [2/19-3/22]: The time seems to flitting by at a very rapid pace — the best way to define this is like vacation time, you know, it’s as if you are living in FAST FORWARD and everyone else is just stuck in regular time. The good news is that the work problems, that ugly word “reality”, seems to be the stuff that is slipping past you so fast. For this next week, despite the usual Mercurial Caveats, your life is in high speed motion forward. Just watch out for the other people who think they belong in the fast lane.
© Kramer Wetzel ´ Austin, Texas ´ October 1995 ´ rodeo voice mail: 512/209-2200 ´
fax (Bubba’s fax line is ALWAYS open): 512/448-0970 ´ http://www.io.com/~fgs/ ´ fgs@io.com

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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