Week of: Feb. 12 – 18

Week of: Feb. 12 – 18
redo: Valentine’s Day!

Aries [3/23-4/20]: Just like there can be a Bad Moon on the rise, there can also be a good planet on the rise. And that’s what you’ve got coming up this week because Venus swings her lovely and sweet self into you hot and fiery sign. Between the cool and gentle sussurations of the goddess blowing in your ear and the difficult work that you’ve got ahead, you feel like one of those people who is being torn in two different directions. The solution? Pick as course and stick to it. Perhaps the most correct route ain’t the easiest.

Taurus [4/21-5/22]: The really good news this week is that you can attract the fancy of a passing stranger. The flip side of this two headed coin is that although you attract their fancy, the strangers do continue to on their merry way. What’s that mean? It is a mere infatuation, not the real thing, when it comes to this love affair which might, or might not, get started this week. If one does get started this week, don’t say I didn’t warn that it might have a very short duration. You really must learn to curb you emotions when dealing with these little infatuations. Perhaps it’s just the season that does this to you, what with St. Valerntine so promienently displayed.

Gemini [5/23-6/21]: I warned you about being ready for some big changes, more than a month ago. In fact, these changes have been at work, behind your scenes, for almost a three month period. The deal is this: you are rapidly approaching a frustration peak, and this can be surmounted if you are willing makes some quick adaptations to a new lifestyle. In other words, there are some big changes brewing themselves up just for you. Traditional therapy isn’t such a bad idea, not this week. Nor is non-traditional stuff, either, like working out, and eating from a more healthy diet. Wait, I’m starting to sound like a doctor, and I don’t even play one on TV. That one serioous love interest is even more serious this week.

Cancer [6/22-7/22]: Dear Cancer Friend. Oh Dear. We seem to be face to face with yet one more small and seemingly difficult period in your life. The first part of the question has to do with romance, and no, that area is not going to improve in this next week. You do develop a momentary affliction of the eyesight when some person catches your eye, but this fleeting. The second part of the question is money, and yes there is more, you just have to work for it. I know you hate it when I give direct answers like that, but there you have. Romance? Yes, albeit temporary. Finance? Yes, albeit work.

Leo [7/23-8/23]: By the time the weekend gets here, you will be ready to party like it was 1999. Who sang that song? Do you care? Does it matter? No, except that you haven’t been feeling very regal lately, what with all the odd bits of gravel in the sly exerting a negative influence. Worse yet, you’ve just had a half-birthday. What that means, though, is that it is time for you to get ready for the slow ascent to the real party of the year: your birthday! It’s only six months away, and now is the time to starting getting prepared.

Virgo [8/24-9/23]: I’ve been telling some Virgo’s that it is high time they consider getting a new boat. I’ve been telling some Virgo’s that it would be a good investment for our coming fishing expeditions, what with Spring practically staring us in the face. Most of these Virgo’s are waiting for the best buy of the season, and that isn’t going to happen, at least, not one that would make them happy. However, there is a decent buy, just waiting. Go ahead and task the plunge, splurge and get us a new boat. You will be happier. Trust me.

Libra [9/24-10/23]: Well, it’s about time! After what you’ve just been through, I think you’ll agree that you need a rest. Problems? Not to worry because time has a way of settling these things without any input from you. For just once in your life, the passive – aggressive Libra thing is going to work for you. The deal is this: set back and assess your directions and goals. Get your fishing gear in order — there’s a great season ahead!

Scorpio [10/24-11/23]: The week starts out with you being really, really moody. Like this is any surprise for a Scorpio? Surely not (and don’t call you ñSurely,î I know, I know). While the week starts with a black cloud on Monday, by Friday your spirits have been lifted and you can sally forth into the great unknown. By the time the weekend rolls around you feel like getting out and socializing. Go for it — it’s time for the little Scorpio in you to play.

Sagittarius [11/24-12/21]: You will feel, before the end of the week, a huge burst of energy to get out and get things done. That’s the good news. It gets, better, too, so just hold on. Business, the art of making money, as opposed to winning it in a game of chance, figures very strongly right now.. you have some new ideas which, if you could just implement them, you can make some serious cash. Once you get shoved off, you are really moving forward. Just remember where you came from. You will have a slight tendency to get lost this week, partly, because you feel so good.

Capricorn [12/22-1/20]: Good news, bad news this week. Expect some terrific challenges as you attempt to communicate some the things that you are working on. Now look: you have the potential to do a lot of good right now, that’s a plus. You also will encounter some rather large obstacles, too. If you can just assess what it is that seems to be blocking your forward progress, you will probably find that much of the problem is from yourself.

Aquarius [1/21-2/18]: Judging by the Aquarius slice of the night sky, you got a lot of stuff going on right about now. A lot of lines are dangling into the river of life, and you are trying, not entirely in vain, to hook a lot of fish. All at once. Big deals coming down the pike, to mix a few metaphors. What to do? Aquarius is supposed to be technically proficient. This week, though, you might find yourself creating more problems on computers than you would really like. Give yourself a little extra time to reboot, to get yourself going again. The bad stuff is gone by the end of the week.

Pisces [2/19-3/22]: Well, if it’s not one thing, then it’s another, right? Don’t complain to me now that you’ve got mars in your sign. Mars brings a lot of energy — that’s good news. He also makes accidents happen — it’s a good time to be careful with sharp objects, cutting edges that sort of thing. You could hurt yourself. As a personal note, this isn’t a good week for heavy military artillery, either. The standard warning is this: no flamethrowers for igniting the barbecue grill. You could wind up torching the entire neighborhood. In fact, it would be a good week not to attempt too much because you will be prone to over extensions and related disorders.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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