Week of: Jun. 17-23

Week of: Jun. 17-23

“Men’s evil manners live in brass; their virtues/We write in water.” Just like Griffith says, in King Henry VIII (IV.ii.46-6) Now think about that in terms of Ancient Egyptian Astrology where the Cancer was considered the House of the Soul. Kind of makes you wonder, doesn’t it?

Aries: Despite what other, lesser, astrologers might tell you, this is a good week for Aries because there is a strong amount of “flowing” energy going your direction. The one problem you’re going to encounter this week is that all this flowing energy is trying to flow you right back into bed. You will discover that you can be late, and it will be okay. You will encounter a higher degree of forgiveness than usual. And, because of this, you will tempted to take the week off and stay in bed just because you can get away with it. (hint: it’s not really a good idea)

Taurus: Okay, dear Taurus friend, this is the week to go forth and make money. Don’t ask question, don’t wonder why, just get out there and make some money. The time is ripe. It’s a season for you to clean up in the area where you earn income. Of this we can both be sure. You will find that your business insight has been a little foggy lately. Like getting up too early in the morning. The fog has lifted, the sun is out. Go forward and make some serious bread.

Gemini: From last week’s emotional roller coaster, it’s back to love and work these days. Gemini’s are often depicted as being scattered, that “twin” thing, or maybe the Mercury (your ruler) thing, or maybe the Mutable Air thing. Whatever the case, as the case may be, you guys are wound tighter than a bloated tick’ belly this week. But if you maintain this frenzied pace, you will find that you can a lot of work out of the way.

Cancer: The sun rolls into Cancer, and there’s a new Moon just celebrate and set everything off. This is a great week for the cocoon thing. You guys love, you know that. I would prefer to build a nest on a new bass boat, but you have yet to listen to me about that. Why start whining about a new boat with Cancer Birthdays all here now?

Leo: This is it — the final dark before the big party. The sun is officially in your 12th House which means that it feels like nothing is going to go your way. You will probably be very tempted to act childish right now, particularly this week. Don’t get that attitude with me, I just report the facts! As soon as you can, remember that it’s that old, foolish Sun who is making you this way. We have some other pitfalls ahead, so keep your eyes set on a Birthday Bash.

Virgo: The week starts out slow, didn’t it? Gets a lot better now, doesn’t it? Go do the Virgo thing and clean house, or clean your office, or something like that. You have been in such a state lately, I swear! Get ready for the weekend because that long lost love is coming back to you — what’s it been? A week? A month? A year? A decade? They are on their way back to you this week. Let me know when they arrive.

Libra: You incisive mind is finally feeling a little bit better because you are a little more willing to go with the flow this week. Last week was good for money deals. So is this week, only, I would exercise a little more caution around a business deal which is a little too structured. All those rules and clauses may not be filled out properly. Check the red tape, one more time.

Scorpio: Other than a little emotional insight into yourself and your reactions to certain events, there isn’t too much to report to you this week. You feel a little bit on the good side. No bad hair days this week, at least, you’re not supposed to have any. Of course, with no bad things happening, you might generate a few of your own, just for the sake of amusement.

Sagittarius: Well, the almighty pressure is off, if only for a little while. I still remember, back in Nov. 1995, when Pluto hit Sagittarius first. I did a half dozen readings, and the first four were early degree of Sagittarius. The predominant theme then, as it is now, is relationships, only you are now heading into the healing aspect of the planets. I sure hope things are getting better for you.

Capricorn: The good news is that you are in wonderful spirits. The bad news is that you seem to be out of step with the rest of the world. In other words, as good as you feel, not everyone seems to appreciate your cheery manner this week. don’t let them get you down, whoever “them” is, but remember: not everyone likes a cheerful morning person.

Aquarius: Relationship problems seem to be flaring up this week. Just when you thought you had put all that romantic stuff to rest, here it is again, all over. Not much we can do about it, is there? I wish I had some epic words of advice, but here’s Helena from Midsummer’s Night’s Dream “Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind.” (I.i.234-235) Remember that as you go forth this week.

Pisces: Relax a little. This is the quiet before the storm. There looks like there have been some problems at work, and this situation is not getting any better. It will improve over time, but this week is not a good week to assert yourself too loudly. If you do so, it will likely as not fall on apparently deaf ears. If I can convince you to, just hold off for a little while. You time will come. But you knew that already.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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