
Week of: 2/16-22

“Then, Jupiter, thou king of gods,
Why hast thou thus adjourn’d
The graces for his merits due,
Being all to dolours turn’d?”

— First Brother in Shakespeare’s “Cymberline” [V.iv.76-80]

The problem you have is familiar to anyone who has hired a fishing
guide: “You should have been here last week; they were really striking
then….” Sad, but true. The grass is greener over there. If your
timing was only better. In other words, this a great week for missed
cues, missed deadlines, and bad timing. Being the hopeful sort, I have
informed you of a let down and once again, being the hopeful sort, you
won’t take this to heart. So if you miss a few Golden Opportunities,
realize it’s just a timing thing and right now, the timing ain’t right.
Get a good shade-tree mechanic to check the timing…

There’s good news this week, and there’s good news. It’s all good, one
week only. After what you’ve been through, even a little relief is
welcome. Take a day off. Go to the park, or the functional equivalent
thereof, like a shopping mall. Do what a Taurus does best: fondle the
silks in the clothing department. This is not an idea fraught with
sexual overtones, it’s merely a suggestion that it’s a good week to look
for little things in life that make everything OK.

Plans come together in a big way. If you have paid attention,
and paid your astrologer, then you already know that the stars are
lining up nicely for you. In fact, it’s a banner week. The only problem
is that your somewhat less-than-directed sense of direction might feel
scattered, like there are too many things to do and not enough time.
Rather than worry,
concentrate on as many “big picture” items as possible. Eschew minor
irregularities and let an enterprising Virgo look after those. We all
need a little Virgo in our life.

I was going to meditate on the implications of this week’s Cancer chart,
but I thought better of it: I need to mediate the Cancer chart for this
week. See, you’re having a few problems with a recalcitrant lover who
refuses to obey your commands. Or wishes. Or idle suggestions. Nothing I
can do about that; it’s certainly not an experience I’ve ever had. But I
can offer a chance to mediate. Or seek some help with this problem
because it’s only a communication issue, like a the plot for a daytime TV
drama. All you need is outside help.

The last time I quoted “Monty Python,” I was accused of showing my age.
One quote fits you. Or how you’re feeling. Or the situation you’re
facing. Be prepared for something completely different. Change isn’t
always bad. If you can adopt a more fluid way of looking at things, then
change is good. But it’ll
be different. In less than conventional astrology, like we practice here
at FGS World Headquarters, I can promise that this is a good week for you
and games of chance.

Whisper whisper whisper. Folks talking behind your back? Guess what,
they’re not. Feel like some great secret is beyond your grasp? Guess
what? You ain’t missing a thing. It’s a wonderful week to be a Virgo. And
you’ll find that other Air Signs, notably Gemini, could really use your
assistance. Lend a hand to those who are “organizationally challenged” or
downright messy. As much as some people might resent this intrusion from
a fussy Virgo — and you’re really not fussy — it’s a good time to be a
Helpful Bubba.

There’s a bittersweet taste to this week. I don’t know any other way to
describe it unless I compare this week to a good Mexican Mole sauce, a
combination of rich sweet chocolate and hot chili peppers. Consider
combining different aspects of your life; something hot and something
sweet. Things are supposed to be good this week, and I’d tell you more,
but now I’m hungry for Tex-Mex. Just thinking about Mole reminded me that
it’s the special today. You’ll going to feel like the special, too.

It’s the middle of a cold winter in most parts and yet, as February gets
older, thoughts in Texas turn to an annual right: Spring Break. Being a
good Scorpio (is there any other kind?) you need to make plans for a
spring break of your own. If you don’t already live by water, I suggest a
seaside trip because you need to feel the calming influence of the vast
expanse of water on your soul. It’s just one of those things. Nothing
else will work. Since this isn’t a good time for vacation, make plans for
something later this month or next month. There isn’t too much of this
month left.

We have new word for the Sagittarius vocabulary. The word is “no.”
Practice this at homein front of the bathroom mirror, a place where you
can’t be seen. You’ll want to use this word this week, and you’ll want
to use your new word as delicately as possible. Don’t be a crude and
insensitive Sagittarius, use some of your other, lesser qualities. This
word can be remarkably empowering, but I highly recommend several
practice sessions before trying it out.

A certain cappy in the universe insists that I never, ever make any good
predictions for y’all. Well, um, I really enjoy how you, ah, style your
hair. So fresh and ’70s. Happy? Now, here’s this week’s scoop: Stand by
for a hectic, full-frontal-assault week. The better news is that this
week gets better and better. You are thrust into the limelight,
introducing you to a number of strange people. As you know, anyone who
helps you is a little strange.

By now, you know it’s time to roll your sleeves up and get back to work.
The party’s over. If you’ve considered buying a home, it’s a good time to
consider removing the wheels from your trailer and put it up on blocks.
Roots. Real Estate. Beverly Hills. And while you’re at it, consider real
and gainful employment. I realize that may be cause for heart attack, but
rest up: This won’t last long, and you can make some serious inroads in
the corporate world.

It’s your birthday week, or the beginning of your birthday month, and I’d
wager that you’re ready to party. Anything is a welcome relief after what
you’ve been through. What’s that? The last few weeks not too bad? Now
that the sun is shining in your quadrant of the sky, you’ll feel like you
deserve a truly decent celebration. Better plan on it. No one can plan a
better party for yourself than you.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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