
Week of: 11/2-8

Aries : For some reason, the sign of the Ram is associated with being headstrong. I hardly find that to be the case; although, you do have a certain resolute tendency to get the job done. The problem with this week is that Mr. Saturn (remember him?) and Neptune are doing a bit of a planetary dance. And it’s not the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies, either. Nope, this looks a lot more like a late 1970s punk show, perhaps that famous Sid Vicious at the Longhorn Ballroom in Dallas. You get the idea. Be a little extra careful this week with your own dance partners; you don’t want to slam them into the wall; they might wind up mad.

Taurus : There’s a funny little bit from Chaucer’s Nun’s Priest’s Tale in the Canterbury Tales. And this little line has to do with Fortune and how she turns suddenly. What’s missing from the text is that the Medieval concept of the Wheel of Fortune can turn suddenly up as well as down. You’re on that spinning wheel right now, and as much as it feels like a ride at the State Fair of Texas, it’s really not. Your life will come to a halt before to long, and you will be allowed to gather up the remains of your gastrointestinal tract, regain your equilibrium, and move on to the next ride. Yes, your personal wheel of fortune, like that old idea, is going to turn suddenly up this week.

Gemini : One astrologer proclaimed this a bad time for Gemini. I hardly think that’s the case. It’s a good time, you just have to be willing to accept the consequences of your actions. Now, I would never suggest that a Gemini would avoid responsibility, but you are on the way to ducking out of something this week, and that is not the recommended action right now. So pony yourself up to the bargaining table and accept the consequences of some of your actions. Of course, and I wouldn’t tell just anyone this, you might find a little reward is in order for you doing what you did. And if this reward is monetary, how about cutting your astrologer fishing buddy in on a little piece of the action?

Cancer : Instead of making an allusion to some arcane bit of Elizabethan Literature, I was humming a song from a movie that will not die, and the way you’re feeling right now, you could be any one of a number of characters in this movie. Here’s the first hint: “Madness takes its toil….” In fact, the campy movie might actually fit your tastes right now, and it did seem to to have as bit of a revival not long ago. I’m sure it’s showing at a theater near you this coming weekend. The problem with this week is you can’t figure out if you’re one of the audience members, or one of the characters on the screen. Either way, by Saturday, you’re going to want to be at the Movie Theater to see the midnight show. Here’s a bonus trivia question, what’s the name of the town? And where is that town in real life?

Leo : Strange things are afoot in Leo Land this week. You have an ethereal, unnatural glow burning within you. It’s you chance to start something big, that the upside here, but the downside is that you faced with opposition from a group of knuckle heads. Lest you think that it was an allusion to a particular brand of motorcycle engine, let me assure you, the knuckle heads in this case are various associates and cohorts at work who are determined to make you brilliant idea fail. Or so it would seem. Now, you and I know that you have this great thing going, and if you’re willing to persevere, you’ll do okay.

Virgo : Before going into battle, many of the great military leaders of antiquity would invoke the help of Mars, oftentimes referred to as the god of War. And, I suppose, in some of the old mythology stuff, he really is a the god of war. But there’s always another side to this thing, and in this case, it’s healing side. After all, you are Virgo, and not too many great military leaders were Virgo’s, but I do know a lot of great healers who are Virgo. Get the hint? With Mars in your sign, you can do something nice for someone. And that person you might do something nice for this week, well, it might just be yourself.

Libra : There’s a fine line between madness and brilliance, and I like what the great poet said, “Great wits are sure to madness alli’d,/And thin partions do their bounds divide;” (John Dryden Absalom and Achitophe, lines 163-4). Why should I worry you about madness? Because some of your associates are going to take one look at some of your ideas this week, and just naturally assume that you have gone over the proverbial edge. Have you flipped? Not a chance. Like I suggested, and as Johnny boy reiterated, there’s that fine division between the two, and I’m pretty sure your friends will understand what you’re doing, in a week or three. In the meantime, develop a maniac’s laugh to answer questions.

Scorpio : I don’t care what other astrologers say, it’s another fine week in a place called “Scorpio Paradise.” In the unlikely event that you haven’t figured out what this paradise is, allow me to explain: there are a number of planets, big and small, in the Scorpio sky. At sunset, you can even see Venus, and you’ve got to know that she brings a lot of romance into your life right now. And by the way, happy birthday to that one special Scorpio, you know who you are. Like I said, romance is a big thing right, so you better enjoy it.

Sagittarius : The problem being that you’ve got a birthday around the corner. Now, any Sagittarius worth his or her weight in horse parts knows that it’s time to get ready. The challenge to this idea of getting ready is that there is a lot of activity in other signs which bode nothing good for you for this week. I’m not saying it’s a bad week, just a week that you need to check your activity more than once before you engage yourself in a questionable event. Make sure that you’ve got all the ammunition that you’re going to need before loading up the truck and going hunting. Nothing is worse than spending all day in Deer Blind, getting ready to shoot Bambi’s Daddy when your deer rifle goes “click.” In other words, don’t forget the bullets.

Capricorn : This is a good week to play some. Of course, there is one or two serious minded Capricorn’s out there who resolutely insist that playing isn’t a natural thing. They are too busy worry about work, and how things look. But even if you are serious minded individual, this is good time to break from the usual routine and get in a little bit of pre-Chrsitmas shopping. Try to beat the crowds. It’s a wonderful time for you to exit from the normal routine and get on with some pleasure oriented activities. Sounds like plan, now doesn’t it?

Aquarius : Ain’t nothing in the world better than a finely tuned Aquarius, running along on Aquarius time. The only problem with your timing, though, this week, is that your time seems to jump around a little bit. You can’t seem to decide whether you’re on “Fast Forward” or stuck in “Rewind”. One great American novelist called this effect “unstuck in time” and if you’re familiar with his works, you’ll probably agree that it’s exactly how you feel. No matter, it’s still going to be a good week, even if the rest of the signs out there can’t figure out your timing.

Pisces : What an interesting week you’ve got going! I was perusing the Astrology Fish Chart for this week, and I kept noticing annoying highlights for Pisces. Little things are going to irritate you this week. The other side of this collection of minor irritants is that big things are going to begin to run smoothly. It’s like an old truck, the motor is making noise, but that can be solved by adding oil. And who needs AC in the winter time? So some of these minor irritations can just be put off for a while. As long as you remember to make sure there is an adequate supply of oil in the motor, there shouldn’t e any big problems this week.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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