Elvis Horoscope

Elvis in 1999….

Birth Data: Jan. 8 1935, 4:35 AM, Tupelo, MS (USA)
(data courtesy of TCR Software)

Elvis is a Capricorn with Sagittarius Ascendant, and a gentle Pisces Moon.

January: The first part of the month sees the Sun return to its natal position. When this happens, the Solar Return, it gives an indication of the flavor that the year is going to have. While “deep fried” might be a better term for a year like what’s up ahead, it looks the King will have a Virgo Moon, loosely conjunct his midheaven for the year. This is going to impart a purposeful sense to this year. It’s a time when he will apply a little bit of that Virgo sensibility, rather than risibility, to looking for a job change. Mars is also going to lend some energy to this idea of a change of employment. It’s time for the King to put some energy into career matters, and this is a theme for the rest of the year, as indicated by his Solar Return. It’s also a big time for concerns for his appearance as Pluto makes the first of several approaches to his Ascendant.

February: Pluto makes its closest approach on this round to the King’s Ascendant. Going to make for some drastic changes — I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to find out that he’s changed his wardrobe from Hawaiian shirts to a more somber black T-shirt and sports jacket. This is further emphasized by the fact that there the eclipse of this month hits his 3/10 axis. That eclipse happens at a very late degree of Aquarius, and it’s guaranteed to set up some unstable energies with the car department in his life. Time to consider a new car. Or, seeing as how he’s a Cap, a new, old car. Perhaps one of those V-8 Fords that he always sings about. It’s not until the end of this month that Pluto slows down in order to change his direction. And Pluto is still in Sagittarius, still going kind of slow. Time to look at the old closet and consider getting something new. And don’t let that Old Kentucky Blue Moon get you down with this eclipse.

March: “I heard the news, there’s a good rocking tonight!” That’s a simple message for this month because the Sun passes over the lowest point in his chart at this time. The only drawback might be the little Mercury thing coming up, but even that won’t upset the King too much. It just heightens his chance of exposure because carefully constructed plans seem to fall apart at this time. This is exacerbated in his chart by the fact that Mars will begin its retrograde path in his 11th House, Mars does a backward spin about once every two years, and it’s normal set of brakes on the wheel of life. While this might slow a lot of us down some, it doesn’t look like it has an adverse affect on the King. It’s just matter of dealing with friends in a different way. A seance to resurrect the spirit of the Colonel might be in order this month. It could be a big media event.

April: It’s a funny month because it begins with more than the usual Fool for April First. There’s a nice Sun and Jupiter conjunction. In the King’s chart, it occurs in his 4th House. Now, Jupiter is the lucky star. And it always takes a little bit of a helping hand from Lady Luck to get through the month of April. The outpour of mirth and merriment quickly goes away for his Capricorn Sun is just as quickly squared by the Sun as it moves along its prescribed path. This is a time when all Caps want to stop and figure a few things out. Things like which way is really up, and what do I really want to be doing? The fun of April First grinds to halt pretty fast. There’s an added consideration in the King’s chart, towards the end of the month, as Venus makes a fast pass into his 7th House. New romance? Old spark? Old flame come back to visit? With Mars doing a rear guard motion, it’s likely to be the old flame variety.

May: This year’s Mar’s Retrograde is about to come to a halt, and it slows down, just about to turn around but doesn’t quite make it. Almost but not quite. In the later part of the month, Mars slides back into Libra and this will affect the King because his Saturn is at a late degree of Aquarius. It’s easy to see a little comic relief here, you know, when a material arts person attempts to break the stack of boards? And fails miserably? That’s what happens under this stellar influence. I’m not predicting a broken wrist, but he might not be able to do some of the activities he used to pursue. In fact, anyone with a little Aquarius in them needs to be careful right now. And that lovely Venus in the 7th House thing draws to a close this month, too. Time to move on.

June: I don’t want to put ideas in your head, or worry you about certain activities of this old guy, but the King has a hot June coming right up. It doesn’t happen right away, but it does get going, a little later in the month. There’s a New Moon at a late degree of Gemini, and then the Moon, as soon as it gets done with the Sun conjunction, it makes a respectable angle to Mars which is no longer retrograde at all. And all this stuff is going to start something up, or make something happen, or give the King impetus to forge ahead with a new relationship or partnership because this is all happening in his 7th House. Bet it’s a new release of old material, given his Capricorn sensibilities.

July: It really depends on your location on the planet, but in most cases, actual Full Moon is over before this month really starts. However, there will be some lingering affect of the Full Moon to help kick off the month with a party like atmosphere. Hey, the King didn’t get the handle, “The Memphis Flash” for no reason. And that’s what this month starts out like, with a lot events occurring rather rapidly. The heat of summer gets a brief respite with the New Moon, shortly before the Ides of July. This is a time for someone to come through with some extra front money for the King because this New Moon, while almost opposite his Capricorn Sun, is in his 8th House. That sets a good tone for the rest of the month.

August: This is a month that will be called by many different names, but I don’t think most of the names should be printed in a family magazine, and I seriously doubt that the King would allow this sort of language. There’s Venus retrograde in his 9th House, there’s a minor Mercury Retrograde, and there’s an eclipse which does the worst damage, and at the same time, allows for the most forward motion. Romance for the King will be rocky at this time because because the both the eclipse and the Venus Retrograde are opposite his Saturn. Means there’s an issue there which has been left to fester for a long time, and this one looks like it involves strong women in his life. Could be a problem, but you know, it’s one of those little things that should have been taken care of years ago. That’s the delicate nature of the Venus Retrograde.

September: The New Moon in early September corrects all of August’s assorted astrological afflictions. While this a chance for a some healing and restorative medications and ministrations to take place, with Mars kicking up his heels in the King’s 12th House, I’m not so sure that he’s going to be as restive as he should be. This Mars situation is further enhanced, or made more irritable, by rolling past Pluto which might bring a certain situation to a roiling boil. Then again, this might all just pass as quickly because just as soon as Mars gets past Pluto, Mars passes the King’s ascendant, and that’s when things get good. Some travel will be featured, later in the month, brought about by Mars. Looks like a trip to the Father Land, back to Tupelo.

October: Early in October, Jupiter and Neptune square each other pretty good. This is pretty important to anyone with planets at early fixed degrees, and the King has a little node right there. What could be worse than having a gas giant sit on your node? How about two gas giants? That’s what it looks like for him. However, this is a quick connection this time, and those two drift into separate places pretty quick. And the end of the month is a favorite time for people in hiding because they can dress as themselves. That’s why the Mercury retrograde might not be such a bad time for him to play like himself. And the King never really left, he’s been with us all along.

November: This month holds an time of regeneration as Mercury spends most of the month retrograde in Scorpio. This path starts out in Sagittarius, but it quickly slides back into the Scorpion’s sign. And that means the retrograde pattern for the King deals with matters of his 12th House, matters of the subconscious. Time to rethink, retrench, and rework some old material. There will be some new material from the King this year, some forgotten recodings at Sun Studios, something deep and dark bubbling up from a backwater that no one expects. It’s like the old “Hayride” recodings, no available on CD. Of course, like a Mercury Retrograde, these “Hayride” songs don’t offer good sound quality. This isn’t the beginning of the King’s digital age, even though the Jupiter and Uranus Square this month might have more symbolism for the rest of us.

December: There is a strange little dichotomy that sets itself up every years in the King’s chart, around this time of the year. The sun goes blazing its way across his ascendant, and this is a like birthday to many. In fact, the good things which are supposed to happen on a birthday usually really occur at this time. Then there’s also a little problem wit the 12th House at this time, because the trailing edge of the planets are still over yonder in his 12th House. On the one side of the coin, let’s call it “heads,” he’s a happy person right now, with a full year behind him. On the other side of that coin, though,m it’s “tails,” and he’s still has some lingering insecurities nibbling away at his soul’s dark side. It always works out by the time holidays get into full swing, it’s just the getting there that can be a little tough. He finds himself wondering about mistakes, perhaps dwelling on them too much at this time. As the days get shorter, though, he really begins to shine. y Xmas time, he has a whole new attitude, one that is bright enough to carry him into the next millennium.

(c) Kramer Wetzel, 1998, 1999. Elvis is a trademark of Elvis Presley, etc.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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