I wrapped up the day by taking in Don Walser at Threadgill’s again this evening. He did his cattle call yodel number, early in the first set. I think that has to be my favorite bit he does. One of the band members was joking between songs, suggesting that Don was “The Buddha of West Texas,” which, of course alludes to Don’s girth. But that doesn’t stop his eyes from dancing while he sings.
The Buddha of West Texas
No day in Texas is complete without a certain amount of BBQ. One of my Gemini friends turned to me, and said, “I’ve eaten everything on the menu at Magnolia, what about that place where you try to get all the farm animals on the plate?” And, in an effort to be complete, it was a place where the customers were all carrying guns. Of course, they also had badges… and you know the mythology that goes with that.
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