The newspaper hit the stands

The newspaper hit the stands before I had a chance to read the article, and there were already a half dozen notes in my mailbox before I saw it myself. My favorite comment was “Now that you’re famous, fix the Leo horoscopes so we can have a better month.” I can fix the horoscopes, but to be fair, I try to report on what the planets are doing to a particular sign, not the other way around. I watched a fuzzy caterpillar try to inch his way across the hot sidewalk on a portion of the hike and bike trail this afternoon. He was in a great hurry. After seeing the article, and the quotes pulled from my journal, I felt a lot like that bug — just hoping I don’t get squished. Or used for bait. I did a figure 8 loop on the trail, and I stopped through downtown long enough to score some coffee beans at Ruta Maya, and while I was there, I ran into a friend who was out riding his scooter today. Days like today with a crisp yet warm feeling in the air make me want to rush out and acquire another motorcycle. It’s not a good idea, and some one please tell my Ma Wetzel that I won’t be buying another bike anytime too soon. Then there was the guy at the humidor at Ruta Maya, “Hey, I know you, I saw you in the paper today.You’re diarist.” Another 15 seconds of fame.

There were two rather remarkable events yesterday, perhaps perfect for the New Moon. Or maybe completely unrelated. One was a road trip to Lockhart for BBQ at Kruez (pronounced “Krites”). It was a big deal to go spinning down there with a Virgo in her big red wagon — quite the BBQ place. See, there’s a long time rivalry between two places, Kruez and Black’s. My personal preference is still with Black’s, but I’ll wager I get a lot heat from some corners in favor of the other. It reminds me of a sign I once saw in a BBQ place, “Three things are debated in Texas: Politics, sex and BBQ. Of the three, BBQ is the most hotly debated.” True words. I did pass out after arriving home. Almost, but not quite, too much meat. My neighbor later informed me that he laid in a stash of the pork chops, and I must admit those were some mighty fine pig parts, done up right. I think further research is needed. The marquis at Threadgill’s advertised Marcia Ball singing with Floyd Domino playing piano. I just had to go, and another Pisces neighbor grabbed me and we headed up there, after my nap. It was an amazing experience. After the show, while my companion was talking to Marcia Ball, I got a word in edgewise and asked her birthday. Pisces. There’s a new annotation in the Pisces Sun Sign stuff now, and it’s one reason I like the immediacy of the web and electronic distribution because I update this material as I get a chance.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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