two versions of yesterday’s article

I had a chance to reflect on the two versions of yesterday’s article: the story on the web has the reporter’s experience writing under pseudonym as the main attraction, and a link to his story about the online diaries as a sidebar. However, in the paper, the online diaries were the focal point, and his pseudonym was underneath the story. I wonder which version gets more “air” time? I had dinner with friends last night, large steak, barely seared, and it was very good. I always wondered what former professor types wind up doing on Saturday nights, and now I know. We were reading poetry. The Capricorn drug out an old volume of e.e.cumming’s poetry, and she found a poem from 1925 (opening line was, I think, “she being brand” and it was a racy poem about a new car). And I also realized that I missed something yesterday, about the people I ran into while listening to music. There was a retired couple from California who came to Austin to hear music, and then, afterwards, there were these four guys, all from Sweden or Finland or some such place, all in town for the expressed purpose of listening to live music — live Country music. It was the first time I had ever seen Floyd (Mr. Piano) wearing a cowboy hat.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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