Changing Hands Books

Yes, yesterday was long day for riding in airplanes, riding around in cars, and spending a few remaining moments with friends in AZ. It is a strange time we live in. I had a few people worried that I was watching Good Morning America on TV, but the only reason I was doing that was because 1] my host had a huge screen TV in the living room 2] I wasn’t fully awake 3] the show was taped in Austin.

My old professor was more gracious than ever, but he was complaining about certain body parts that don’t function as well as other pieces. And he was using a cane to help navigate his way around, although, to some extent, I think the cane is more a prop than anything else. And he is still loading me up with homework, so to speak. I had been traveling relatively light, and the manuscript he loaded me up with doubled the weight of my baggage. “Here, you need some light reading, I helped them on this one, it’s just perfect airport reading for you, just action – adventure stuff….”

I did some shopping in what used to be a great bookstore in Tempe, a nifty place called “Changing Hands Books.” I tried the new location, and I’m afraid the old cooperative, mostly used books — sort of feeling is gone. I mean, it’s a nice place and all, with an adjacent lunch place and coffee shop. I did manage to find a few copies of a Zen text I’ve been looking for, and I considered that a great find. The more things change, the more they remain the same.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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