
Week of: 6/14-20

Father’s Day on Sunday

Apollo, Pallas, Jove, or Mercury,
Inspire me, that I may this treason find!

Marcus in Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus [IV.i.96-7]

Weekly trivia hunt is in the most majestic sign this week. It’s a Mane Attraction.

Aries : We have a Father’s Day, holiday thing coming up soon, and I always feel justified in reminding everyone about this. Especially the fine Aries folks who seem to have such a short memory for this sort of thing. However, I’m not too worried about getting any surprise holiday gifts myself. The reason gift buying is on the mind, besides the obvious tie-in to the holiday, is that the Aries folks I know are in what I call, “a major acquisition mode” and nothing is safe. The real trick this week is to grapple with the shopping demon and tone him down some. Unless, of course, you’re shopping for something from the FGS store, and then, by all means, let’s give that plastic a work out. But otherwise, I’d curtail some of the retail frenzy you’re feeling.

Taurus : I am not so much concerned about you dealing with Mr. Saturn, the Ringed Wonder, who is in your sign this week, but I am worried about how you’re going to deal with some weird energy that comes from having Venus in Leo, making a tough angle to Saturn. In proper English, this week can be really a good one for few, and for a lot of others, it can really stink. This is not an easy angle, between these two planets, but it’s one that you can do something about. Or rather, do nothing about. If you do your very best to avoid a nasty confrontation, I believe you can save yourself some heartache, not to mention a headache or two, as well. As long as these two planets are bumping heads like this, one being really nice and one being ill-tempered, you’re going to find that it sets a weird tone for your week. Go for the nice one.

Gemini : Let me tell you a thing or two about what I’ve observed with a Gemini or two, under a lunar influence like this: total weirdness. I know it’s an old joke, about not getting that memo, but the lunar cycle is such that, just about every Gemini is going to feel like ya’ll are on a different page of the handbook, a different text from the rest of us. Or, you may be in the same set of instruction, but being a Good Gemini, you have skipped ahead and forgotten one, very important step. It’s as if your lightening-quick-like mental ability is a little out of step with the rest of the world. And, like usual, ya’ll are stuck scratching your head, trying to figure out what went wrong. Slow down, take nap, sleep on it, rest up and get ready to look at this from a different perspective. And while your at it, it wouldn’t hurt to shuffle through the pages, and see if you can find the steps you missed.

Cancer : It’s a long haul this week because the Sun is still kicking around in Gemini, and you’re left with a little bit of extra nervous energy. The sign of Gemini is ruled by Mercury and Mercury is in your sign this week. This means you’re apt to be a lot more talkative than usual. And you’re apt to engage your mouth long before your brain has gotten itself out of bed, much less before that same brain has had any coffee or similar caffeine-enhanced product. So until the brain gets moving, you need to watch the mouth. That would be what comes out of your mouth that you need to watch. Of course, since these are light planets, this is a fleeting influence, and it’s not one that you have to be worried about all week. But when my Cancer mouthpiece starts moving ahead of its Cancer brain, I usually spend part of the week going over previously covered ground and trying to make up for the outrageous claims I made earlier. Of course, this isn’t too difficult for someone who fishes. We can always cover up our fishing stories, but can you cover your tracks this week?

Leo : One of the greatest tragedies by Shakespeare is Richard the Third. In fact, there’s even an organization which is devoted to undoing the harm inflicted by Shakespeare’s fiction about the monarch, always trying to prove that he wasn’t such a bad guy. Of course, the play has been around for several centuries, and this group is rather recent. To be truthful, the play is more fiction than fact, and Richard probably wasn’t nearly as bad as the play depicts him to be. However, with Saturn and Venus doing a bit of a dance in the heavens this week, you’re going to feel like Richard III, Shakespeare’s R3. To be as honest as possible, the odds are against you this week, but that doesn’t mean that there is no hope. I seriously doubt that you’d swap a kingdom for a horse. Or even a decent pickup truck. I have more faith in the Leo mind than that. Besides, this tough stellar stuff is over with at the end of the week, and that’s good news. Got any good, juicy details from the Richard the Third Society? Drop me an E-mail and see if your details qualify for a free “el-cheapo” planet interpretation.

Virgo : There’s a strange alignment in the heavens which has nothing to do with you. At least not directly. Since this has no direct bearing on your Virgo sign this week, it’s not going to have an adverse effect. But it is going to have an adverse effect on people around you, and that’s where the problem begins. This problem with “other people” this week is not a lost cause, and even if it was a lost cause, you’d find some way to salvage it. So I’m going to trust that your good Virgo brain will figure this one out. However, it’s going to be like a bad bearing in the rear wheel of a pickup truck: it will rattle, make noise, and you’ll lose efficiency. And there’s nothing more irritating to any Virgo than a loss of efficiency. But you also know that the bearing can be replaced, and that will make everything better. Consider a trip to the auto parts house later this week.

Libra : Mars is moving ahead, and gather steam and momentum. I rather doubt that Mars is actually gathering steam, but it’s such a pleasant metaphor, I think I’ll leave it in there. And like the train pulling out of the station, especially one of those long cargo trains, you’re going to begin this week feeling like you’re pulling an extra heavy load. That’s the way the week starts. But like Mars picking up speed, you’re going to emulate the little red planet, and you, too, will gather momentum and starts chugging ahead at a much better pace. Of course, this whole scenario might remind you of the childhood story about the “Little Engine That Could,” but I would never to stoop so low as to compare your week to childhood literature. But I know you can, and if you just keep repeating, “I think I can, I think I can,” you’ll discover that the momentum pays off because you can.

Scorpio : There are certain nuances I have to pay attention to when I aim for accurate forecasting. And while there are no big deals for Scorpio this week, there are a lot of these nuances which need to be teased a bit in order for them to make sense. And you’re going to have one of those weeks when you find yourself trying to make sense out of disparate events that don’t seem to make sense. There’s the relationship hint that comes along in the middle of the week. There’s the relationship tug that happens at the end of the week. There’s a suggestion that a romantic involvement might not be as good as you think, but further evidence is required before you can make a proper assessment. See what I mean about a lot of little hints, but nothing that just jumps right up at you? Of course, being the Good Scorpio that you are, you can make some sense of these hints. I hope you’ll let me know so I can add your data to the Fishing Guide to the Stars astrology database and bait guide.

Sagitarius : There’s a good thing that happens at the end of last week, or at the beginning of this week. Being Sagitarius, timing is not one of your best skills. As hard as you might try to be punctual, sometime, you know, sometimes, you just get there a little late. And this is one of those weeks when you keep feeling like you’ve missed: (pick one) the boat, the plane, the train, the car pool, the ride, the bus, or [other]. In fact, there is a grand scheme of things, a special, underlying thread that hold everything together. As far as I can tell, this thread is manufactured by a fishing line company with the headquarters in New Jersey. “New Jersey!” You screech in dismay. I just report the facts. But this thread is consistent, if nothing else, and just because you missed one opportunity, doesn’t mean that there’s not something ever so much better, waiting right around the corner. I just hope it doesn’t mean that I have go to New Jersey this week. But if you find yourself stranded someplace, try to pick up on the thread, and you’ll find some marvelous continuity there yet.

Capricorn : I know that your tired of me talking about Mars and Jupiter, two planets doing a face-off in other sections of the sky. But as long as these two are causing trouble, you’re going to feel it. At least some of the Good Capricorn’s out there are going to feel it. There will be relief soon, and you will hear a bugle from over the next hill, and the guys wearing the blue uniforms will come rushing in with guns blazing, just in the nick of time to save your day. Lest you feel like your life is like an old (circa 1950’s) Cowboy and Indian Film Epic, let me remind you that your life will have a certain celluloid quality to it this week. In this day and age, though, film is being replaced by video tape, but I think you’ve got just enough Capricorn in you so that you appreciate the high drama of the classics, which is a good quality to have this week. And you do get saved by the cavalry.

Aquarius : I like not what is in your chart for this week. It’s not really bad, but there’s not a lot of good there. Most Aquarius types have “problematic” relationships. Not completely, and all generalizations about one sign are false. But even if you don’t usually have tedious little problems with your significant other, you are going to have some problems this week. Now, these can be small problems, but small problems are nothing more than big problems, struggling to get out of the small containers. If you are extra careful with the unusual techniques your employ this week to deal with the small problems, you will find that the big problems don’t escape. But if you not careful enough with the stopper on that problem container, you might find that you’ve unleashed some sort of major disaster which is going to require a lot of your attention in order to clean it up.

Pisces : Harmony is a lovely term. It implies that there is an order, a distinct but discernible method to the chaos in which we all seem to thrive. Being a good Pisces, you realize what is going on, and you can always see the underlying structure. However, if you look close this week, you’ll see that there are some cracks in the foundation of this order. Or that there are some tell-tale fractures and fissures in the bedrock stability of your world. Now, back the idea of harmony, and let me suggest that you turn down your own, personal music because your tune is loud enough to cause these fractures. Ever have a “metal head” live next door to you? A neighbor who insists on playing music with an ear drum rupturing bass line? This week, a lot of your neighbors are going to assume that you’re the one with loud music. So if you can tone it down this week, you might discover a little bit more harmony in your world.

© Kramer Wetzel, 1998, 1999

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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