Every day has a flavor to it

Every day has a flavor to it. Monday was a “disgruntled Cancer” day. The Sag folks I know were having a good day. Of course, one those Sag fellows was myself — I was headed out of the parking lot at Shady Acres and along comes a little red rabbit with a Sag driver, and we were off. We stopped by the bank, and Jo’s Coffee on S. Congress, and then my Sag buddy was delivering two tickets to the Spurs game to my neighbor. We knocked on the trailer door, hollered in the window, figured he wasn’t there, and started to do something else. The Cancer guy wrenched the door open, gave us an angry glare…. the tickets to the play–offs softened his tender Cancer feelings about being awakened at such an unreasonable hour — 11 AM. The afternoon changed from “disgruntled Cancers” to Capricorn in nature as one friend bicycled by, and then I had dinner with another. So there was a definite change in flavors for the afternoon. “Where’s the Moon?” — in Cancer.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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