“Look, it’s bad time for a tattoo, but it’s okay to get a body piercing,” I said. I came up with that one during a reading, stopped, wrote it down on the back of an envelope, and then continued on. The deal is: it’s a good time for something than can be removed and not leave a scar, but it’s a bad time for something that is more permanent. Old Mr. Mars. It was also a series of Gemini birthdays I conveniently forgot. But I did have breakfast tacos at Maria’s Taco Express, and they have some new art work up on the patio: “Santa Tacqueria del Austin Sur.” I made silent homage to the saint, in hopes that the tacos would be good. They were, but one can guess that it’s almost a forgone conclusion. I had another one of those amusing realizations this morning, alongside the taco place, as I was glancing at my wrist watch, worried that I was late. Every time I jump back and forth to a time zone, I usually bump my watch a minute or two, just to make sure I’m setting it for the right time. Early May was NM, then AZ, then AZ again last weekend, and by now, I’m running fifteen minutes ahead of schedule. Naturally, living someplace like Austin, it’s okay to be fifteen minutes off, I rarely do anything on schedule around here, except for following that drum beat in my own head.
okay to get a body piercing
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