what we have to look forward to

There were series of events that were too funny to pass up on Sunday. One was my Sunday morning baptism by another reader. On the way to the show, we all stopped off for coffee and breakfast at a restaurant. “Grace told me to look for a water sign and you said Pisces was good for me,” said a Scorpio ex as she calmly misplaced her glass and proceeded to dump cold water in my lap. All down the front of my lap, looked mighty suspicious. No hard feelings about that one. Then when I was sorting through the e-mail from Pa Wetzel, I found a note about him buying some new computers, and what it’s going to be like when their place gets wired up:

>Need I remind you of the days when she resisted the answering machine and
>later the fax? Several thousand very well chosen words whenever we
>suggested them. Now she runs all her business (and me) with them. Just
>think what it will be like when instantly she can organize us all by
>e-mail. It will be fun. Now that you and Liebe are both on e-mail I
>predict there will be a blizzard of messages.

So that’s what we have to look forward to. I suppose that it’s a statement about the times when my folks don’t just buy a new computer, but they get a whole mini–network for the house, cable modem and all, the old family homestead is going to be wired. I’m just worried about what sort of web page they might attempt to put up. Some folks shouldn’t be allowed near a computer — immediate members of my family come to mind.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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