
Week of: 7/19-25
“I have lost my hopes.”
MacDuff in Shakespeare’s MacBeth [IV.iii.37]

Don’t forget that MacDuff shows up as a winner in the end. And the winning prize is in Virgo this week.

Aries : The only constant this week is change. And while it’s upsetting for some of the other signs, most notably the fixed signs, it’s not really that bad over here in Aries Land. Why? There’s a degree of fire in this week’s chart, and that’s going to give you some passion to deal with matters at hand. While the depth of the feelings are good, the direction you pick might be a little misguided. Be prepared to shift gears, change directions, or, as the case may be, stop and ask for directions, more than once. Trying to locate a special fishing hole once, I was given fourteen different sets of directions, and they all involved local landmarks, directions like, “Remember where that farm used to be? The building’s gone, but you can still see the barn. Anyway, that’s where you turn….” You’ll get some confusing directives this week, too, but there’s a place at the end where any bait you’ve got will work.

Taurus : Some mighty upsetting changes are in order this week. It’s one of those weeks that’s really tough for strong, fixed signs like yourself. In fact, you’re legendary stubbornness really has a chance to shine this week, and that might not be a good thing. If I could get you to be willing to gracefully accept a few changes in your life, this would be the week to do so. Relax, though, because as permanent as some of these changes seem to be, they are really not. It’s not what it appears to be right now. The Mercury Retrograde Affect is bringing past events up, like scum which will rise to the top of the pond. The algae and moss is going to get in a the way of good weekend of fishing, if you let it. Nothing I hate worse than casting a good lure out, and bringing it back in with a trailer of moss attached to it. Be a little more careful about where you are casting this week.

Gemini : There’s a big, male chameleon lizard who lives on my patio. When he’s on the foliage, he blends in just fine with his green skin. Unfortunately, when he gets on the siding or the screen, his dusty brown skin doesn’t really conceal him that well. You’re going to be like this lizard this week. As long as you are on safe territory and don’t call too much attention to yourself, you’ll be okay. But with the planets the way they are, especially Mercury, you’re going to find that the dusty coloring you try to adopt doesn’t really work when you’re on a bright background. In fact, this poor lizard attracts the attention of the cat, and she thinks he’ll make a mighty fine meal. Be extra careful about where you wander this week, and try to stick to a good cover story. No reason to be some one else’s meal this week.

Cancer : A lot of astrologers just assume that Cancer’s are home bound individuals, characters who like to never leave the house. While that’s a fine generalization, all generalities are false. And this week, for poor Cancer, the home is not where you want to be. Nor, for that matter, do you want to be out acquiring things for your home. While I know, and you know, that you do usually have a most excellent sense of taste and style, this isn’t a week to be exercising that sense of taste and style. Ya’ll find that fashion decisions and decorating ideas which seem to be wonderful this week, might not have a degree of continuity with the rest of the your overall design approach. of course, this problem won’t show up until you’ve committed yourself to purchase which might be too outlandish. I am reminded of a particular Cancer’s vehicle, a van, and you might want to make sure that the color of carpet installed matches the rest of the motif. Of course, like any good Cancer, this van was an extension of home, and we are back to the Cancer stereotypes. But whatever the decision, if I can implore, please put it off for a little while.

Leo : Nothing is worse than getting about half way through a decent dessert, something really tasty and cool on a hot summer’s day, and discovering the partial remains of a member of the insect class. While these guys make excellent bait, your Ice Cream Sunday is not where you want to find this bait. And that’s what this week might be like. Be prepared for some unexpected unpleasantness, one way or another. It’s not you, got that? It’s just the way the planets are turning right now, and they are conspiring to make your life a little more uncomfortable than usual. Now, what are you going to do with that bug in you dish? Freak out and scream? Don’t take it out on your poor food server. Just dig the vermin out of your bowl, set the little critter aside, and keep eating. A cool response right now will get you much further than a heated debate.

Virgo : Mercury is just making a right good nuisance of himself this week. It’s not that it’s bad, I mean, not really, but one event after another just seems to go in the lake right now. Which, given, your current situations, I would suggest that the lake is the best place to be. Far away from the maddening crowds. In fact, a long vacation in secluded spot is the best way to deal with this week. You can bet, though, that your travel plans will be interrupted by any number of problems. And the make the long respite from work worse, you’ll find yourself out on the lake, sorting through your tackle when you should be fishing. I realize that this isn’t the best use of your time, but it is a job that needs to be done, and where else can you find some solitude than in the middle of the lake? The only other problem you might have is with your boat’s motor. But I don’t want to compound your difficulties right now. I’ve already left you in the middle of the lake. Just make sure you’ve got a paddle, although, it just looks like a clogged fuel line to me. Know the best way to fix that? Drop me an E-mail, when you get back, and let me know. If it’s a good tale, you can qualify to win a free (short form) “FGS Planet Profile” delivered via that same E-mail.

Libra : Too often, in astrology, we find fault with the planets in order to excuse our own mistakes. While that’s a convent way to get out of a messy situation, that is, to blame someone else, or even better, blame it on the planets, it doesn’t really work. I mean, when you reduce this situation, especially this week, to what is really going on, there’s a lot of stuff happening with the planets which could affect you. In order not to get caught in the trap of blaming the planets, I really recommend that you consider that Mercury is, indeed, retrograde. And this will have some undesirable effect on your ability to communicate a particular idea — this one looks important — to your immediate supervisor. Boss, client, customer, fishing buddies, call them what you want, but one or more of these people who routinely understand you are not going to be so understanding this week. Temper tantrums are not your fine, Libra style, and these outbursts are not consistent with normal behavior. Of course, Mercury isn’t retrograde that often, either. A little consistency will go long way in making this week better for Libra. In other words, stick to the bait you know that works.

Scorpio : Real fishermen are willing to do just about anything in order to catch the big ones. The bigger the fish, the bigger the bait, the better the stories. This week, the stories have a tendency to take on mythic proportions, as do the subjects of the stories. “That fish was this long…” and you can just imagine how the rest of the tale goes. An ardent reader once sent me a T-shirt with the appropriate line for this week, “I fish therefore I lie.” You can imagine what the image on the shirt is, a big fisherman and a small fish. While fiction is often very amusing, and we should never let the truth get in the way of a good story, this week, with the planets where they are, you need to be careful to add a disclaimer to the beginning or ending of your stories. You want to make sure that someone doesn’t take your fish stories a little too literal. Those tales have a way of coming back on you, at a later time, and not always in a good way.

Sagittarius : I know you want to party some. I know that the Moon is going to excite you. I can feel that special tingle crawling up and down your spine right now, that feeling that there is something special about to happen. The trick is to make sure that you get out. Doesn’t much matter where you go, as long as you drag your fine Sagittarius self out someplace. You cannot catch fish sitting at home. Unless, of course, you’re like me and you live on the lake. But with the influences in your life right now, any kind of movement, forward, sideways, backwards, anything… anything is good move. Don’t plan on it being permanent. Yes, there’s still that little Mercury retrograde thing happening, but I’m not going to worry about the insignificant little planet right now. There’s just too much other stuff from the big guys going on, and you need to do something. Right now.

Capricorn : It’s really a good week over here in Capricorn land. Being a good Capricorn is easy this week. Being a bad Capricorn, this week, is even more fun. The Moon is getting up towards a “full” position in your chart, and as the weekend gets closer, the Moon fills out, that sort of lunar cycle promotes some wild behavior. Going back to the Sun & Moon tables posted in the back of my old copy of the “The Texas Angler” I’ve found, and I can corroborate this information, that this means you’ve got an excellent week for fishing coming up. It’s just approaching. It’s not here until the weekend. A little bit of careful planning right now, you know, getting the right bait and tackle together, will help because a wild weekend, with a full catch is what you’ve got ahead. Use it or lose it, as they say.

Aquarius : When I was trying to determine what should be my own domain name on the net, I discovered that most of the good names were already taken. Various combinations of my name and its related appendages were already gone. In fact, you have a week which can be full of similar frustrating events. The more you search, the harder you try, the more difficult it all gets, especially this week. Saturn and your ruling planet are having a bit of a battle right now. This does not help. And Jupiter, a planet who is usually friendly to you, is also stuck in monster tractor pull with Neptune. What are you going to do? The easiest way to get around this sort of difficult energy is to keep popping ideas off. After all, to be completely fair, it was an Aquarius who came up the winning suggestion for Astrofish.net. And I’m sure that you can come up with some winning propositions for this week, if you just hang in there long enough.

Pisces : There seems to be this furious pace which has caught the other signs. And this incredibly outrageous forward march has even gotten your Pisces tail into a dither. Therein is both good news and bad because this is the actions of other people in your life, and their activities can be both good and bad. At the risk of making a non-committal statement, it all depends this week. I have a certain degree of faith in Pisces, however, and I’m sure that you are going to pull this one off. It’s matter of not being too influenced by the other characters in your life right now. To be sure, you do feel like you should just drift along with the current, but if you were to actually take up the oars and make some effort at direction this week, I suggest that you find a special “sweet spot,” one of those shaded nooks in the river where the fish are really biting. What it means, a little individual effort this week is well-rewarded.

© Kramer Wetzel, 1998, 1999

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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