
Week of: 1/3-9/2000

“Love is a smoke made
with the fume of sighs.”
Romeo in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet [I.i.190]

Trivia is buried in Sagittarius this week…

And I’ll be in El Paso, all weekend long. If you want to know what the new
year is supposed to look like through my astrological viewfinder, stop by,
and we’ll see what we can do for you. The event is listed in the calendar.
Here’s a money saving hint: tell the guy at the door that you’re "with
Kramer’s band, man," and see if he won’t waive the entrance fee. Usually
works for me.

Wondering about the Friday FGS update in the newspaper and on the web? Drop them a line at technopolis@statesman.com.

Aries : I realize it’s the
new year, and I realize that you are ready to tackle it with a great deal
of new energy. There’s a seriously little problem coming along this week, though, and it ain’t going to be
making your life any too easy, not just yet. Submarines, of the old variety
come to mind. And these old submarines are none too useful for fishing. But
that’s how we all developed the new fishing technology, things like a decent
sonar transponder on the hull of your own boat. This week, Mars moves into
your 12th house. So, it’s time for you to look below the surface. With Jupiter
starting to move at a late degree of Aries, you can be hooking some great
fish this week. But you need to pay close attention to what that old radar
ping shows about stuff under the surface, just like the old submarines. Tread
a little more careful this week — pay attention to what is underneath
your normal scope of vision.

Taurus : It could be worse,
you know. I don’t believe that’s the best way to start out the new year, but
while everyone else is sorting through the year end problems, and getting
the good stuff going again, we’re still relying on a gasoline generator here
at World HQ in order to get the electrical service going. Then work continues.
You’re going to feel like that, too. So the rest of this week you’re going
to hear the dull thud of the generator running the camp’s power supply while
you work. Every one else isn’t experiencing a similar trouble, but you feel
like they should. And even though you hate it, you’re going to have to get
up a couple of times in the middle of the night in order to make sure that
the generator in your life has enough fuel to keep going. That motor’s noise
might keep you awake at times, especially this week, but I promise that you’re
going to be making progress while everyone else is just getting by. Thank
Saturn and the New Moon.

Gemini : I refuse to make any romance
predictions for you for this week. Love is much bantered about, and with Venus
over there, in Sagittarius, opposite you, you’re going to be a little weird
about this whole romance thing. Besides, on some level, and every Gemini is
on one more than one level at any moment, you’re going to find that you want
to stop and assess this whole “love” thang you started a while back. Either
it works or it doesn’t. Besides, with this whole “new millennium stuff” happening
this week, I know that you have other fish to fry. I just hope that it isn’t
a real Pisces, just a metaphorical fish this week. And if it’s not a relationship
problem this week, consider yourself one of the lucky few — certainly
beats being one of the lucky feud, now doesn’t it?

Cancer : This whole “Why Two Kay” thing has your normal set of Cancer
priorities set a little on edge.
Maybe a lot on edge. And perhaps there’s some soothing words I should be telling
you right now. But I doubt it. It’s the same thing, just about every year
at this time, the sun is over yonder in Mr. Capricorn’s Sign, and that’s opposite
you. It’s the darkest part of the year, as far as all of ya’ll Cancer
types are concerned. Doesn’t make it easy for a useful prognostication. It’s
the beginning of the new year, and it’s time to make a rational assessment
about some goals for the coming year. Fishing tournament game plans should
be in place by now. Y2K compliant bait should already be in your hands. Y2K
compliant fishing buddies ought to be ready to roll, too. In fact, you should
be checking your private stash of supplies to make sure you’re really ready
for the coming year. It’s going to be a good one, if you let it happen.

Leo : This year is going to start out rather well because there isn’t
anything leaning
too heavy
on your sun, not right now. It looks like you’ve got a clear
runway for take off, and that’s something we could all use, but you get it
this week. The clouds which have been hovering over your head, the problems
which you have been experiencing, and most of the trouble from the last year
is all gone now. Mostly. For the large part. Not completely, but the effervescent
party attitude is going to stay around for a while. Unlike most champagne
which goes flat in a hurry, this bubbling attitude is going to last all week.
There are some vague rumblings from a special corner of the sky, and these
sound like a passing freight train, in the middle of the night. These vague
rumbling are alluding to Venus and what she might be bringing you in the new
year, but that will take some time to see if anything develops. After all,
it takes a while to unload that freight train.

Virgo : Back when I first started riding and racing motorcycles, there
was a beast called a “kick start.” On certain Italian motorcycles, this little
beastie would bite back, and he was known to break a few ankles, or severely
damage shins — I speak from a perspective of having limped around and cussed
the thing a time or two. This week is like that kick start lever. Approach
it with a degree of caution, maybe a little fear, and blame Mars. Maybe the
Moon, as well, because the Moon is suggesting that you get a good start, but
by the end of the week, Mars is lumbering into Pisces, and that’s going to
give a little bite to things in your world. So it’s going to be just like
that kick start lever — you need it to get going, but you need to time how
you hit it just right. There’s no need to go limping
the rest of the week.

Libra : Stop and hold your horses for just one cotton picking minute.
My fine Libra friend, just
chill out
for a second. Just take it easy for a minute. Relax. Stop. Think.
Are you so sure that this is the best course of action for yourself? There’s
a little tickle in your personal horoscope chart for this week, but it’s like
one of the scratches you just can’t quite itch. Sure enough, it’s the new
year, and sure enough, you still feel like there’s one of those infernal drum
machines going in your head, and sure enough, there’s a little trouble with
this week, but like that scratch you can’t itch, there’s something wrong.
New Moon in Capricorn (which, if you’re an alert reader, you will realize
is another Cardinal sign, but no where near as nice as Libra). So the Moon
will upset you some, and my suggestion is that you consider resting up some
this week. Whilst everyone else is predicting the end of humanity as we know
it, this isn’t the end for you. It’s more a like a rest area on the superhighway
of life. Take a break, stretch your legs, take a load off for a spell.

Scorpio: Welcome to the new
. Welcome and party down. Now that the turmoil is over, and it’s definitely
another year, just like any other year, you’re going to find that some of
the problems you’ve been having are suddenly, and I mean suddenly, becoming
less problematic and more joy-filled. There’s just one little hint, something
I should warn you about. No “cost to benefit” exercises this week. If you
look at the price you paid for your boat, the price you paid for your motor,
the fishing gear, the motel rooms, the gas, food, lodging, and so forth, you’re
going to be looking at a mighty expensive dollar per pound cost. Now, maybe
it isn’t fishing, but there might be another pursuit in your life like this.
The last time we figured this here at the office, it was costing roughly three
to four thousand dollars per pound of fish caught — good thing we’re professionals.
You might want to think about these numbers, as they apply to you right now.

Sagittarius : I don’t care what the pundits, naysayers, or, for that
matter, other soothsayers have to say this week. “Thangs is good,” as my dear
Bubba would say. It’s not a big deal this week, there is a little fall out
left over from the parties. There is a little sweeping up to do. In fact,
you might just want to park yourself in front of the television set and watch
reruns. Personally, I’ve found that I can always get this show which involves
a buxom
with a really big sword, and she’s always out kicking butt. For
a chance to win a Y2K compliant astrology report, tell me what the connection
is between that heroine’s story and Austin, Texas. There is a link here. But
personally, I figure that this is a good week to channel surf. Rest a little
bit for what you’ve got coming up.

Capricorn : Happy belated now Y2K compliant birthday, to that one special
Capricorn — you know who you are. This is going to a happy, emotion –
filled week. The one little biting problem has less to do with emotions and
more to do with where Venus is currently riding — she’s over in Sagittarius,
and that’s the sign before your sign. So, like the position suggests, there’s
one little biting problem right now. I realize that January isn’t the time
for biting bugs in Texas, but you might feel like there’s one out there, sort
of nibbling away at you right now. Some decent mosquito repellent might help
some, but as luck would have it, you wind up with that one kind of bug spray
that this little problem finds attractive. It’s going to be like that. But
don’t let bugs
ruin your good attitude this week.

Aquarius : Most folks are about done with the New Year, New Millennium,
New whatever festivities. You should be done with them, too. You should be
using your long–range–view–finder
right now. You should be looking on down that long and winding road, and thinking
to yourself, “Self, while everyone else is still groggy, I can get a jump
start on this new year business thing.” That’s exactly what you should be
doing. Long range sights are the best right now. You need to make sure you
can look at the big picture. And that will include romance. Love. Whatever.
You’re going to find that the relationship scenario you’ve been waiting might
actually begin to work out. I know at least one Aquarius got married on New
Year’s Eve. Good luck, you might wonder about it, a little later in the year,
but for now, you’re on a good course.

Pisces : Late this week, call it next week, but late this week, Mars
creeps into the sign of the fish. Good news, indeed. Mars brings some much
needed activity to your sign. Ya’ll have been a little too lazy as of late. This whole holiday thing, this whole millennium thing,
this whole party on the patio thing… it’s gotten in the way of getting anything
serious done. Now, if you want to get serious, this is the week to start doing
it. Too bad that Capricorn Moon thing is going to upset the equilibrium
this week, for you. You are supposed to do two things this week, two major
items on your agenda. One involves a team project where you are no more than
a team player (even though you and I know you should be the captain). The
other item is a lone wolf project, something secret and on the sly. Tend to
both of them week with the extra energy.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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