Week of: 3/13-19

“No more, no more! Worse than the sun in March,
This praise doth nourish agues.”
Shakespeare’s King Henry IV, part uno, Act IV, scene 1.

Quiz time: Buddy Holly [Virgo] is from Lubbock, Texas. But who said, “At least the first forty songs we wrote were Buddy Holly-influenced.” To make this even better, not only do I need to purported author of the quote, but I need a location — the source of the quote.

Send along your correct guess, and get in the running for an abbreviated “Planet profile,” straight from the Fishing Guide to the Stars World Headquarters and Texas Music Archive, in fashionable East Austin, Texas.

Aries : There is strange, and then there is bizarre. And then there’s the tales from parts of East Texas which are too strange and too bizarre to be believed. However, after years of research and a number of on-site visits, I’ve determined that these tales are sometimes more reality than myth. This is a week when you get one of those tales. Although I’m referring to a place in Texas, I’m not suggesting that it is a tall tale. But the week begins with the oddest little influence, and the week finishes up with Mars in the final stages of making an exit from your sign. Between that and Mercury, and Venus, you feel like you are living in one of these tall tales which is more true than you really care to believe. The good news is that you are not imagining what you see right now. The bad news is that no one will believe you when you try to recount your tale. Of course, this a is a frequent occurrence in Texas. Keep it to yourself a little longer. You ain’t ready to go public just yet.

Taurus : Odd influences are over. And there’s just the barest hint that you might still be dealing with Saturn stuff. Not long ago, I had a brilliant insight when I was responding to a reader’s note. “Saturn = work.” It’s a simple equation. It does more with two words and one simple symbol than I can do with a whole volume of words. It’s a simple idea, too. Naturally, the word “work” offends my delicate nature, but that shouldn’t stop you from exploring these possibilities. Mercury is getting itself righted this week, so you’ve got some room to move. If you quit singing the Saturn blues this week, and get after the “work” thing, I’ll promise that there are some rewards this week. You might find yourself muttering about the lack of verifiable results, but as the week closes, you’ll look back and notice that there has been an incremental improvement.

Gemini : I would just get ready for a wild ride this week. And it’s going to take some of its usual twists, turns, leaps, and, the more I think about it, the more I realize that this week isn’t going to be its usual, predictable self. If you follow a rodeo circuit, you learn that each critter has its own peculiar traits. Some are spinners, constantly spinning to the left. Some try to buck all the time. Others try to slide out from underneath you. Doesn’t matter what the rumors and reputations are right now, however, because the week is going to make a serious attempt to get you off its back, and the week is going to try some new moves. All that research which you have done for the time being isn’t going to yield useful information about your adversary. You can plan on the week having some unexpected twists. News like, “that one always pulls to the left,” is going to prove false right now. So be prepared for the unexpected.

Cancer : There’s an old Garth Brooks’ song which I’ve taken a real shine to, and it fits with your week, “Blame it all on my roots, I showed up in boots (and ruined you black tie affair)…” The problem with this song is that boots are considered formal wear in Texas. In some parts of Texas, even wearing shoes is considered a formal touch. But I think you get the idea. You have an opportunity to shock the system this week. The planets have been playing fast and loose with your gastrointestinal tract, and you’ve got a chance to do something besides sit there and take it. You get a chance to fight back, you get a chance to make a statement. I’m not sure that boots are the exact answer to the question, but something a little different, something a little out of the ordinary, something that is not expected of you, is a good idea this week. Bold statements and bold actions are called for in order to drive home a point.

Leo : There’s a minor sigh of relief which you can begin to feel this week. It’s nothing major, and it’s not that big of a deal, but you do get a chance to finally relax some. Some one has been causing ripples in your fishing pond of life, and these ripples have upset your Leo Leisure Craft. And, to make this a worst case scenario, it’s been hard to fish, as well. But when you least expect it, when there’s no relief in sight, just when it seems like it is darkest before the storm, just when it feel like everything is heading downstream, there’s a subtle shift. A good shift. A positive shift. A change for the better. Things are looking up. The closer the weekend gets, the better it feels.

Virgo : I sat down and looked the computer monitor, just last week, I decided that I needed to change my way of looking at Virgo land, and I reached up and slid on my “mid-life crisis” sunglasses. Mirrored aviator shades. Of course, being a Virgo, you know that I feel rather silly sitting in front of a computer monitor, deep in a Texas trailer park, wearing sunglasses like this. I mean, I don’t feel silly wearing the aviator shades, but mirrored shades in front of a computer? I’m glad no one I know can see me right now. My closest neighbor is at the junkyard looking for truck parts today. But like my shades, you’ve got a new way of looking at things this week. What has been nothing but irritation after irritable situation is suddenly and simply changing. And the change can be as simple as putting on a pair of sunglasses. Even when you’re sitting at the computer.

Libra : Once again, my popularity in the Libra camp is going to plummet. And the cause of consternation is not me, but it is some one who is close to you. Depends on how friendly you are with your astrology fishing buddy, I guess. Of course, you’ve heard all the stuff about Mercury Retrograde, and this has caused an unusual “furrowed brow” syndrome in Libra Land this past few weeks. But the worst of it is over, and there is some final drawing together that’s going to happen. Due to a small quirk in nature, and the relative position of some heavenly objects, though, this final summing up of a situation doesn’t get full resolution just yet. Close, but not quite. You can see the end, but you can’t get there from here. Takes a little longer than you anticipate. Add a few extra minutes, hours, maybe even days to the amount of time allocated to finish up this week.

Scorpio : Like any good Scorpio, and if you read this on a regular basis, you must be a good Scorpio, then you know that Mercury has been playing naughty little games that might be fun (or might not be). And Mars has been kicking up Aries dust. Now that the Mars thing is almost over, it’s going to move into a position that is opposite you. For good or for ill? Mars isn’t there yet, but before you incur any debt owed to Mars, you might use a little lift from a Mercury Turn Around (MTA) in order to get ready for the Mars thing. As this week begins to draw to a close, do a little planning, a little research, and figure out how to apply the MTA energy in a useful manner. Get ready to wrap it all up, and get ready to make a presentation which will loudly state what is important (to you). I figure, if it’s important to you, then it must be important to the rest of us, as well. Right? Right.

Sagittarius : If you go back and look at Virgo, you realize that I’m probably sitting at a computer right now, wearing a pair of sunglasses. That, in and of itself, might sound a little foolish. And sometimes, as a Sagittarius, you do things which might sound a little foolish. Or look like a clown. But this week, you get a chance to be a clown — a clown prince, that is. Humor has been in a short supply, so you might try taking a lesson from both Capricorn (dry delivery) and Scorpio (don’t say a thing). Try sitting there, with your sunglasses on, working away. Wait until someone else notices that you’re doing something strange like that. If they ask, there are a couple of replies which might be in order. There’s the standard, “I’m so bright, I need these shades, look at this,” or there might some kind of a “going blind looking at this screen” line. I’m confidant you can come up a with a good retort. Besides, the mirror shades hide what is really going on this week, and I suggest you try to be a little more reserved about making comments.

Capricorn : Have you noticed that there has been a dramatic shortfall in the number of bibles placed in motel rooms lately? That one group which promised a bible in every motel seems to have fallen down on the job. I was reflecting about this because I needed a good biblical quote to get this week’s Capricorn energy going, something which would reflect a positive, uplifting message with a sense of tradition behind it, something that was spiritually fit, and something that wouldn’t offend the non-Christians, too. But this motel doesn’t have a bible, so I can’t seem to find where to look for a decent quote. I try to keep a King James Bible handy as a reference work, but I’m coming up pitifully short this week. Your week is like my search for that elusive quote. Solid, up beat, morally sound, something that fits well with your own philosophical and religious background, something that doesn’t offend anyone yet carries a message strong and clear. It’s in there, some place, but I can’t find it this week. I know your Capricorn persistence is liable to dig it up and send it to me, but when I get home, I already have a copy. The week has a strong and morally sound message to you.

Aquarius : There’s a strange little Venus and Mercury rendezvous early in the week. Two little planets that make you want to reach and touch someone. Being an Aquarius, this touch might not be exactly what it is that you’re looking for, except, perhaps, on a metaphorical level. Pick up the phone, grab the keyboard, do what it is that you do best, and make an effort to wrap up the final bits and pieces of the Mercury going backwards thing. Get it out of the way. There is a prurient interest that you have, and I know that’s not a typical Aquarius reaction, but this little love interest of yours is kicking your mind into a frenzy. Do something to satisfy that tickle in the back of your mind. And what satisfies best? In some cases, just a little giggle is all it takes.

Pisces : Two things are worthy of note this week. Maybe even three events are worthwhile. One would be Mercury finally turning himself around. The second would be Venus. And finally, to make this all a happy picture, there’s a full moon coming up. I don’t know how happy the full moon will actually be, but I’d wager it’s going to be a fun time for you. There are some unusually good energies floating through your sphere of influence right now. These good energies are like the wildflowers in Texas, though, there is no predictable pattern to the time, growth and abundance of the flowers. Some years are really, really wonderful. Other years, only a few of the plants take seed and grow. However, after giving your chart a good second look, I figure the end of the week is going to feel like one of those special spring times in Texas when the colors are radiant and really, really beautiful.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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