Week of: 8/14-20

“There is no virtue like necessity”

John of Gaunt in Shakespeare’s Richard II (I.iii.278)

Always did like the skinny I got from some of Shakespeare’s names.

Aries : In as much as this is supposed to be another one of those weeks where everything stacks up in a good way for you, it doesn’t quite work like that. Good, sure. Great? There’s even that possibility. But you’ve got to guard against one Aries trait which shows up pretty commonly on days like this week has: too much enthusiasm. I don’t want to to put damper on your boundless intemperance, but you’ve getting a little too excited about some of the stuff that is going on, and you’ll find that you’re excitement makes other people wonder. In fact, they wonder a lot. You can imagine what they are saying, “Why’s he/she so happy right now?” and “why’s she/he so excited about this product?” You can always claim that you fell for the marketing hype, but I still believe that the other, non-Aries personalities are going to be a little guarded about your overall attitude. So try, if you can, and tone it down some. It’s good, you’re good, it’s just the rest of us aren’t always swept away in the same flood of feelings that you get. Be gentle with us, for our sake.

Taurus : Some ways of approaching an astrology forecast like this week would spell out doom and gloom. Others will offer nothing but hope, light and merriment. I would like to take the politically correct middle ground, and point to a bell curve. Let’s examine the most common stuff going on. Saturn leaves your sign, good. Jupiter is in your second house, also good. Bunch of stuff in Leo Squares you: bad. Venus is in Virgo: good. Pay attention to the gradually shrinking moon and be aware that she’s going to make a lot of people a little tense right now. Not a big tense — just a little tense. And be aware that there’s this stuff in Leo agitating you, too. Not aggravating, just agitating. Get all this stuff figured out, and apply a balm from Venus to help ease the inflamed planetary rash caused by this set up. Got all that? Don’t let minor disturbances ruin an otherwise good week. There’s a lot of everything going on, and it depends on what you do with the pieces you’re going to receive right now. I always try to let the good triumph over what ever else is going on, and I’ll hope you try the same this week.

Gemini : Saturn is oft times considered a bummer of a planetary influence. There is no polite way to address what he can do to a sign. But he is not without some degree of reward, too. In strictest terms, Saturn is just now entering the Tropical Zodiac Sign of Gemini. You’ve got a feeling of impending doom about this one, right? You should. In some astrology circles, Saturn is considered a bad, bad planet, and the Ringed Wonder brings nothing but turmoil, oppression, and general malaise. Oh well. Oh woe is Gemini. In ongoing research though, Saturn isn’t all that bad. He does however, impart a degree of discipline. Not every Gemini mind set is really fond of the discipline thing, so I’m not sure you’re going to like it. But a little hard work, straightening up column of figures, a little book keeping, as it were, will help with Mr. Saturn’s ill-timed arrival.

Cancer : Ever get the feeling that you’re just about the only smart person that you know? Ever get the feeling that life would be a lot smoother if other people would only really listen to you? Ever get the sense that you have a much greater understanding of the inner workings of the world, and if you put in charge, then events would just flow much easier? Ever get tired of asking yourself inane question? It’s a simple problem this week, brought about by a unique little arrangement in the heavens, most notably Venus in her shining glory at sunset, and what this does is make you right, ever so correct. That’s the good news. As soon as I suggest there is good news, then I will also suggest that there is something else about to happen, right? Right. Back to the question and answer period, at the beginning of the scope… folks apparently aren’t listening to your sage advice. Keep counsel to yourself. That sounds almost Victorian in tone, but perhaps your stentorian tone doesn’t seem to work, either. You may be absolutely correct, but you’re going to find that it falls on ears that ain’t willing to listen this week. Keep it to yourself, and be prepared to pop up later with those words we all hate so much (especially when you are so right): “I told you so.”

Leo : In the old St. Paul’s Cathedral, in London (England, long live the Queen and so forth) there was a panel which depicted the “Dance of St. Paul” which was a way of warding off certain, inevitable things in life. It was particularly popular during the plague years and similar times. “Hey, what’s up with the macabre talk?” the most excellent Leo asks. Simple: it’s a time (thanks to Mars) of high activity. Doing a little St. Paul routine might help a lot. Mars means you’ve got to get out and do something strenuous. So trying something like St. Paul’s little dance number might actually be really useful in warding off calamitous events this week. It’s going to be a good birthday time, but you’ve still got to do something useful with your energy. You’re wound up and you really need to vent some of this energy. Failure to do so results in another saint’s dance, St. Vitus. Figure out one routine or the other, and enjoy it. It will help you keep upbeat this week. And here’s a happy birthday to that one dancing Leo….

Virgo : Before you rise up in a single, coherent Virgo like arm and threaten to chop my head off, or worse yet, threaten to start on certain extremities and then move up to a decapitating stance towards your astrology fishing buddy, consider what I’m working with this week. I’ve got some skinny guy (John the Gaunt) telling us that there ain’t no time like the present, and I’m looking at the weekly series of charts to help plot the location of several planets, and I’m going back through my copious notes to see where I have erred in the past with Virgo prognostications. Ya’ll don’t like Venus that much, or, you don’t like the things that I say about Venus and the way the books tell me it will affect your sign. Venus is visible shortly after sundown, in an increasingly harder to find location. This foretells, allegedly, that you’ve got romance on the Virgo event horizon. Practical application of facts (and a ton email) suggests that it ain’t yet. So get something or someone lined up in your sights, but don’t pull the trigger and spring the trap just yet. “Timing is everything,” or so the old expression says.

Libra : Libra’s are known for their ability to turn a single task into a shared group activity. I would suggest that it’s a cue you’re supposed to follow this week, to a certain extent. To what extent exactly? That’s subject to your own, personal interpretation. There is conflicting resources at your hands this week, those delicate Libra hands which work so well to bring everyone together, usually. In fact, I would suggest that this is a good week to fish alone. I realize you think it’s more community oriented sport making it a more Libra-like endeavor, but this week is an unusual one. Working alone lends itself to some bragging rights. It’s okay to talk about the big fish that got away, but this week, you can land a trophy worth bragging about — only — you have to work by yourself in order to be the center of your friends’ attention.

Scorpio : There are questions in the Scorpio life, and these are questions which are likely to faced this week, questions that can have a simple and direct answer, an answer like “yes” or “no.” It’s more like a binary situation, in computer terms. Delving into a little bit of history is a good thing, Scorpio’s like to delve, and I’m going to shy way from Texas history and look at a binary decision from American History. There was a time when a certain signal was sent it. A basic, binary proposition. Some computer guys think it was the first binary operation in American history. This week starts out like that for Scorpio, too, a basic situation (might be more than one) which can be dealt with as an on/off question. “One if by land and two if by sea,” is the answer. You get to pick one or the other, but you can’t have a land and a sea assault both. You might, however, be careful that you don’t start any revolutions. The impact of your decision could be that far ranging.

Sagittarius : I was once accused of always writing hopelessly happy news for Sagittarius. While I would patently deny that, in reviewing some of the work, it does look like I’ve been a bit optimistic about the Sagittarius slice of sky. But this week, it’s going to be another one of those happily good weeks, and I’m not being overly optimistic, either. In some signs, subtly is an important concept. With Sagittarius, though, we usually need to be hit over the head in order to gain our attention. It’s not a bad thing, it’s just the way Sagittarius is wired. And this week, that hit over the head is coming along. This is a time with just such an astrological bonk on the head. I really hope that it’s a figurative point when someone bounces something off the Sagittarius head rather than literal. Perhaps an astrological helmet — to protect the Sagittarius cranium would be best this week. However, protective headgear or not, this is a good week. There’s just one too many good things lined up for our benefit this week, so enjoy the parties.

Capricorn : In the trailer park where I live, there’s this absolutely gorgeous female, and me being male, I would be misrepresenting the facts if I didn’t just come out and admit that I was attracted to this distant neighbor. Because her trailer is on the far side of the compound, it’s a little awkward to say, “I was just passing by,” or “I couldn’t help but noticing,” or any other similar line that is commonly used as an icebreaker. There’s another problem, too, and that the idea that one should never, ever date within one’s own trailer park. There’s a place just up the road, that’s okay. There’s an apartment complex, across the street, that’s okay, too. But not in the same grouping of buildings. Don’t date your neighbors. It’s bound to be in the rules someplace. This is a week in the Capricorn Trailer Park when you might be tempted by such a scenario. It’s okay to look, but do us both a favor and don’t touch.

Aquarius : This is supposed to be a good week, but there are some problems with it. You’re not sleeping well. You’re a little edgy, and you can’t put your finger on what it is that’s bothering you. It’s like drinking one cup too many of a certain restaurant’s coffee. The coffee is a vile brew of restaurant grade beans, more suited for paint remover than anything else. It’s the stuff that gives coffee the unique sobriquet “jitter juice” because that’s the way ya’ll are left feeling. Nothing seems to work quite right. Try to stay away from endeavors that require a steady hand. Your normally steely nerves are a little jangled right now. This is a good week for activities which require lots of energy but not much eye/hand coordination. Emotional balance is a little off, as well. There is a good outlet for this type of energy, but be aware that’ there’s a vague, disgruntled feeling that’s going to haunt you. Look on the bright side, football season has started, and that’s another good outlet for this energy.

Pisces : Romance is a great thing, it’s that feeling of true love, that feeling of abandonment of the finer faculties of your brain, that feeling that everything has a rosy glow around it. In fact, that glow might be more like the purported effect of radiation, and it might look like some hideous glow of a dark glob instead of pink and healthy critter. In fact, what is happening, is that you’re involved with a relationship, and you’re getting to see the real side of them (or it, as the individual case may be). There’s a human side to every relationship, even if it’s merely a relationship with an inanimate object, for example, a computer. Or perhaps it’s a little more animated, like a dog or a cat. But the nature of this relationship [and I’m not pointing any fingers, but it looks like it is romance] is coming under a close scrutiny right now. The problem is your Pisces brain has developed an unholy attention to detail, and the object of your scrutiny might not like the close examination. Or you might not like the results of that examination. It’s like finding the long dead critter the cat brought in as an offering — it was intended as a good thing, but the offering isn’t always so well received.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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