Week of: 9/11-17

“Nature teaches beasts to know their friends.”
Sicinius in Shakespeare’s Coriolanus [II.i.6]

Even the less than average critters of the field are pretty savvy about who is their friends, and what other folks might eat them. And that’s the way this week works. Of course, no FGS reader is ever “less than average.” Polls indicate that the average FGS reader (hey, I’ve got astrology charts to prove this) are better looking and, more important, better informed. Why be so exact? Mars is in the final stages of making a transition from Leo into Virgo.

Aries : When there’s a small change in the planet’s placements, sometimes this is a felt as a big deal down here on planet Earth. Sometimes, it is a big deal. Other times, it’s not nearly as important. This is one of those weeks when you can feel the tickle, the tug and the pull of various planets and you know that they are getting ready to do something. You get this feeling that I get when I ask Bubba, “What were you doing just then?” He gets this look, some would suggest that there’s a slight tinge of guilt that passes over his face, and he quickly diverts my attention elsewhere. “Oh nothing.” This is a week when you get that suspicious feeling that some one, I’m not naming names but some one named Bubba is a likely candidate, is up to something. For good or for ill? I just hope that you can get more information out of the person you might want to confront, catch red handed or even glance at this week, than I’ve been able to uncover.

Taurus : Take it a little bit easy this week. No two ways about it. You’ve got stuff that is just bubbling along in the pipeline of life, and there’s nothing that you can do once the wheels are in motion. Once you’ve thrown the switch, once you’ve pressed the button, once you’ve done the deed, there’s not a lot left over for you to manage. I’ve got more than one Taurus friend who will be “micro managing” this week, and the problem is, my Taurus friend who is trying to micro manage the situation, it’s one of those deals that once you’ve started to the ball rolling, there’s no turning back. In fact, once you set the pieces into play, you can’t really change the outcome of the events. Divine intervention takes on a new meaning, now. Rather than pray that everything turns out, though, before you press the button, set the wheels in motion or send that stuff shooting down the pipeline, why not check once to be sure it’s what you want to do. Ask yourself, “Self, (good Taurus way to address one’s self), Self, have I planned for all contingencies this week?”

Gemini : There are good thing, just up ahead. There’s also a minor source of trouble, right here and now. You can see how the progression goes, it’s like working out a math problem, only, in this case, this week, you need to make sure that you show all of your steps. There’s a Gemini tendency to jump to hasty conclusions, and you’re going to be motivated to make such a leap this week. It’s not a good time for that — not at all. This is one of the weeks when thoughtful (of course, every Gemini I know is always thoughtful) action is better than jumping right to the end. In other words, work through the problem, and try to be a little more pedantic, pedestrian, perhaps even plebeian, but work through the whole process. Don’t skip to the right answer because this week comes to you packaged up with a little surprise at the end. That’s why you don’t want to jump to the answer without having done the work yourself.

Cancer : The idea of friends keeps popping up this week. Just who are your friends? And the ones who you call friends, are they really friends or enemies? Doesn’t much matter, either way, not this week, because you are likely to get to the two easily confused. Instead of being upset by this, consider it an act of atonement on some level. It’s like reverse retribution, and its effect is rather good. Makes them wonder just what you’re up to. Which, I might add, is an old Scorpio trick (learned that from my Ma). so don’t try to sort out who is the friend and who is the enemy this week, just figure that you’re going to treat them all like old buddies, and then let them sort it out amongst themselves. It’s like a rival fisherman, and instead of competing with him, what you do is offer him a morning’s worth of fishing — with you. Show him a few good spots. Don’t show him everything, but a friendly attitude is easy to affect this week, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised by what turns out as you smooth over old troubles.

Leo : Rejoice, be glad, and go forth and do whatever Leo – like things you were planning to do with this week. It’s a good time to be a Leo. It might not be the greatest time on the planet, but for a change, it’s a good to be king (or queen, or whatever politically correct royalty you choose.) There are hints just all over the Leo astrology chart that this week has some rewards in it. There are hints that this week is full of promise. There are hints that you could even get lucky this week, and any Leo can take that to mean any number of different things. You can win the lottery, or maybe this involves another person, of your own selection, or maybe this merely means that you treated with a degree of respect which should always be accorded to the mightiest of the Fixed Fire Signs. Sure. Makes the week sound absolutely wonderful. It’s Mars, and he’s cleaning up as he makes his way on to bother other signs. And Saturn, which is going to have a bit of a “set to” with Mars, will do so in another sign, not one that affects Leo. With all this happy news for Leo, you should be warned — some of the other signs you encounter this week might be less than overjoyed. You might try to tone it down, act like you really do feel our pain this week. It’s one thing to share your joy this week, it’s a completely different thing to shove your joy down our collective throats — this usually results in a gagging sensation, and no Leo deserves that, especially not during a good week.

Virgo : Birthdays and the associated party atmosphere is good this week. Celebrations are good, too. You might try and develop a theme for the week, but that has to be one of your own choosing — if it were left up to me, I would pick something soundly astrological and it would involve getting a birthday reading from me for a large amount of cash. And while there are a number of good planets lined up in a good way, there’s one little problem area that will crop up, more towards the end of the week, but this is going to have slight effect on your attitude. And sense the marketing department keeps reminding me that “attitude is everything,” you’re going to want to address this attitude thing. That’s why I suggested that you pick a theme for the week, and make it a happy, upbeat theme. Look on the bright side. Keep the chips up. Realize that there is a cloud or two on the Virgo horizon this week, but these clouds are more like shadows, little flickers, almost a trick of the afternoon sun rather than a serious and ominous problem. And like I’ve suggested, a really cool theme for the week would help. some television shows from the the last thirty years come to mind. Which one? I’ll let you pick.

Libra : This is not a week that I want to instill a sense of dread, fear and trepidation in you, but there are some problems with this week which will have even the most dilettantish of conspiracy theorists foaming at the mouth. It’s a rabid conclusion to the way things are going right now. Brush up on what you know about Area 51, Skunk Works, secret underground caverns filled with machinery, the resurrection of Elvis, and tie this all to what ever else is going on in your life at the moment. You’re beginning to feel like some of the more arcane bits of fiction seem to have more truth than fiction in them. Black helicopters, the Star Chamber, all those UFO siting, everything. You might even notice dark, nondescript sedan parked down the street from your domicile this week. The old fashioned antenna gives them away — every time. That’s what this week feels like. There’s a lighter, much more benevolent way of approaching this week, though, and as long as you are surrounded by secret anxieties, the company of good friends will help you along., Besides, when you’re in a crowded, public place, it’s a lot harder for THEM to listen in to what you’re saying.

Scorpio : You are a sensitive soul, aren’t you? And this is one of those weeks that will pressure your sensitive nature, perhaps push you to an extreme, the proverbial boiling point, as the week goes by. It’s like there’s some pressure building up, and you’re not sure which direction you should take this sort of influence. I was going to try to stay away from the cliche expression about “pressure cooker,” but that just seems to fit this Scorpio feeling right now. It just gets more heated and intense. The good news, if you choose to accept it, is that food stuffs which are prepared in a pressure cooker are always nice and tender. So whatever seems to under the close of scrutiny right now will, ultimately, turn out for the best. It’s just a that you’ve got a week that feels like Houston in the middle of the summer. There is escape, and there is a way to let some of this steam off, but the best way to get through this hellish sauna like atmosphere is to sweat it out. Like Houston in the middle of torrid summer torpor, you’re going to feel like you’re seating bullets right now. It’s okay, too,m because I know that this is going to turn out rather well, when it’s all said and done.

Sagittarius : There’s some disturbing mythology which has landed itself in my astrology. And some confusion. Pluto is a big player this week, and his ferry man is called Charon. In astronomy (remember, astronomy and astrology were separated several hundred years ago), Charon is the little object next to the thing we call Pluto in the telescope. And this week, the mythological boatman is a little upset. It’s like a time when I was fishing with a friend, and I kept making one really bad pun after another. It wasn’t a good morning for my friend’s effort at fishing either, and he got rather upset at my scale of success. He jerked the rudder when I was standing in the middle of the boat, and I went in the lake. It was his answer to me not being “steered astray.” On week like this, as Jupiter and Pluto face off against each other, there’s a bit of a tug of war going on, and Sagittarius is likely to keep making jokes even when it’s time to shut up. Think about that, and think about my buddy the ferry man, and make sure you don’t wind up in the drink this week. And if you do? Just pretend that it was all good natured fun, perhaps PUNishment.

Capricorn : My favorite kind of camera is a disposable model, one that I can leave behind and not be worried about the investment. And when I get the pictures developed, all I do is toss the camera. These things are great. But the problem with a disposable camera is that it’s not up to the job of doing that sort of tricky focusing which you might need this week. The little camera is good for a single “group” shot, but that’s about it. It doesn’t get the nuance of expression, and it certainly can’t do those nice, clear and crisp pictures which show both the foreground and the background, not to mention the subject, with amazing clarity. If you are using an expensive camera this week, maybe one with a plethora of lens and attachments, a veritable grab bag of goodies, then you might be able to focus well this week. Other wise, you’re going to find that part of your picture for the week is out of range. Either it’s the details in the front, or the panoramic background gets a little muddled. With Mars and the Sun in Virgo by the end of the week, you’re going to want to focus on what is most important. It also looks like your viewfinder (this would be a Venus influence now) is looking towards the relationship scenes for this week’s picture.

Aquarius : I was thinking about a comic’s routine, a mime routine, if I recall, and it goes something like this…. There’s a spot light, a single white spot of light on a pretty dark stage, and the comic spends a lot of the stage time, chasing this spot light around. He keeps trying, and failing, to catch that little circle of light. It eludes his every grasp. The outcome is funny, and the antics are comical, but you can tell that the character is getting a little upset with the whole routine, and it would be nice if the nice guy running the spot light, if that person would just get a grip and settle down. This week is just like that routine, you keep chasing after that spot light, that single bit of illumination that should be centered on you, and no mater what sort of Aquarius antics you pull, all with a degree of comic relief, I hope, you just can’t seem to land yourself in the center of the light. It does happen, eventually, but you ain’t there yet. Most of this week, but I won’t let you know which part, is spent trying to catch that elusive “15 seconds of fame” in the center of the little circle of light. Ever notice how that little circle of spot light looks like the Moon?

Pisces : As Water Signs go, Pisces is the very best Mutable Water Sign there is. Trust me, I am a professional, and I do know my water signs. Aren’t you glad we got that out of the way? Why would I start out by telling you how wonderful you were unless there was catch to this? Is there? Sure. You saw it coming. As long as the Sun is over yonder in Virgo, you’re face to face with little series of set backs one right after another. And if it wasn’t for me, reassuring you that you are the best, then you’d start to doubt some of yourself. This period of time when you spend a little too much time to think about these minor details that seem to keep getting in your way, and this too much time that you spend thinking about it is like a big screen home video screen that throws up some rather unpleasant scenes on your internal screen. If it wasn’t for the surround sound thing, you wouldn’t don’t yourself so much. But with that big sub woofer pumping out the subliminal music, you’re beginning to wonder if “they” aren’t right, and you’re all wrong. I don’t think so, it’s just the planets, having a go at your mental imagery this week. It will be over soon enough, and you’ll emerge (this comes as a surprise, I’m sure) as a victor. I knew you were right all along.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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