Week of: 10/2-8

“For some must watch, while some must sleep;
So runs the world away.”
in Shakespeare’s Hamlet (Act 3, scene ii)

Aries : “Boom boom boom,” is the way the old blues number starts. Familiar with the tune? Doesn’t matter much, whether the musical allusion gets you or not, the opening refrain, the three “boom” sounds is good for this week. There are three different planet groups which are struggling to overcome obstacles this week. And even though it’s a not collision in the strictest sense of the word, it sure feel like one from an Aries point of view, hence the blues allusion. So here’s Aries, not actually caught in the cross fire, but close enough to hear the loud reports from the struggle, and what Aries can gracefully refuse a good fight? Especially when the cause is just? But with some of the stuff floating around this week, I wonder if you shouldn’t be concentrating your boundless, limitless Aries energy on a more useful project. Is there a better direction this week — especially considering the influence of the planets, and their irascible drive? I would figure that you’re not putting the right amount of focus on the correct project this week, and you might want to consider how you’re expending your resources before you tackle something. Otherwise, the blues allusion might mean something else, like the song you could wind up singing this week. And no one sings the blues without living them first.

Taurus : Put the credit cards away right now. This is not a week to spending money on that one “thing” that you’ve had your finely tuned Taurus sense of taste focused on. “Easiest way to double your money is to fold it over and stick it back in your pocket,” as the expression goes. It pains me to realize you won’t be spending that cash on an astrologer this week, but between the two of us, that might be a good idea to skip the investment potential that your astrologer offers right now. Same for anyone else who is even less ethical than a decent Texas astrologer. Just fold that money over, place it back in a safe place, and hold tight. I understand that there are some purchases which are required by your lifestyle, but I still have to wonder about that right now. Best thing to do, given that there’s this rather onerous stuff floating around right now, best idea, is just to put it all on hold for a spell. I’m not saying for a long time, but let’s both wait a week before you decide to order up something really expensive because this is a week that your best laid plans could turn into nothing more than an expensive mistake.

Gemini : You might want to take a look at what song is alluded to in the Aries scope before we get much further. That’s got a bit of musical information which could apply to you this week. Then we have to have our little Jupiter talk. Jupiter is a good planet, but he likes Sagittarius more than he likes Gemini, and he’s opposed to Sagittarius right now because he is in Gemini. And there’s a couple of other planets which make this an even worse stew. You’ve got the drive, you’ve certainly got the ability, but you lack a certain amount of cooperation from other people, and that’s why the musical allusion in Aries is so important. After banging your head into an obstacle about three times this week, I would figure that you would figure that there’s got to be a better way, a softer way, an easier, gentler way. Outright battle is like trying to assault a castle’s rampart. A good Gemini does many things very well, but you’re just not built for a long siege, and that’s what this week can become, if you don’t drop what doesn’t work, adjust yourself, and move on the next task.

Cancer : I’ve used this image before, but I was really referring to another sign; however, this week, the image works for you. It’s as if, Mr. Saturn, that grand old taskmaster, is sitting in the doorway. He’s actually sitting in a Gemini threshold, but just work with us on this one…. he’s standing there, making a lot of suggestions, but you feel like you can’t really take any action with him poised right there, blocking your way. With all the weird stuff floating through the heavens right now, just about anything would help. Just about anything would be useful, and just about anything is the last thing you can expect. You’re going to feel like someone [something, I guess, depending on your point of view] is blocking access. It’s like trying to log on to check your e-mail, and discovering that you forgot your password. It’s not a good thing. It’s a frustrating experience. What’s worse, through some foul up at the office, the credit card company ain’t got a check yet, and that lack of payment is the real source of the problem, and even though there was a Virgo in charge, some how it all missed your attention, and we’re right back at the beginning. Turns out you didn’t forget your password, but it feels like you did. This all circumnavigates around the central problem, which is back to Saturn blocking your access. Work with this fellow, but remember, this is a week when Saturn is going to expect you to work.

Leo : Leo’s typically love victory in a big way. This is a week, though, when you have to learn to enjoy the tiniest victories, and pretend like they are major campaigns brought to victorious conclusion because there was a master Leo at the head of the operation. It’s a simple way to approach the week, but even the smallest of margins are what work this week. You will encounter a lot frustrating people this week, as if these folks all got together, had a convention, and all decided on what they could do to irritate you. Not in a big way, but certainly in a small way. So when you realize that they haven’t entirely succeeded, then you know that you’re getting ahead. But the problem with this week is to realize that yes, you are making some of headway against improbable odds, and that yes, there’s a whole legion of idiots out there who look like there are very determined to undermine any progress that you make. It’s almost enough to make you want to give it all up, go home, and not come out for while. But a good Leo won’t shy away from a week like this. Face it with a smile, and remember you are making more progress than that legion of detractors, even if it doesn’t feel like it.

Virgo : Here at the office, I sometimes bring in a candle of St. Michael, a little angel looking dude with an upraised sword as he is about to finish off some evil, or a dragon, or I don’t know what. And I’m not interested in a theological discussion about burning candles to Saints, just consider the image of St. Michael and that fiery sword of his. St. Mike and Mars share a very common group of imagery, and that’s important this week. I know that you would like to smite your foes with a mighty blow from your “Flaming Sword of Justice.” If you pause for moment, though, you’ll hear a tittering coming from the back of the gallery, “flaming sword — tee – hee, he said ‘flaming…'” In other words, while you’re just all riled up and full of righteous indignation, the people around you are wondering what you’re getting all worked up about. To them, it’s not that big of a deal. To you, it’s that image of the Saint, Mars with smoking sword swinging into action, and you’re Virgo self ready to loudly display how right you are. Before you start swinging your sword around, though, there’s a few little considerations to make. Like, is it really best to take a large broad sword into the work place and begin to demolish established practices? Is it really a good idea to lop off a few heads? Is there a better way to put this energy to work for you? And will there ever be an end to stupid questions from stupid astrologers since everything is just getting under your skin this week? Before you start swinging that sword around with your fury, see if you can’t find a better outlet for some of the rage you’ve got bottled up this week. A little more cunning, a little less broad sword, makes for a much more effective way to get you point across.

Libra : Words can be very powerful. Ask any one who has ever received one of the backhanded compliments that a Virgo occasionally doles out, the “yeah, it’s pretty good but you know, it could be better…” Or, another one of my favorites, the “you have such potential” which can be translated to you “you don’t amount to much right now….” Of course, the subtext to these messages usually involves doing something that some body else wants. It’s a tricky situation, at best. And why be worried about words or Virgo’s this week? Because, if the best of the Libra qualities that you so often demonstrate are not in command right now, you could come across as sounding like one of them. It’s not a happy picture. But with little foreshadowing from stars, and gentle reminder, you might be able to avoid making those mistakes this week. Choose your words with extra caution this week, or even better yet, don’t say anything. It was Mark Twain who once observed, “The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause.”

Scorpio : The relative influence of a couple of very Scorpio planets are at work this week, and the good news is that these two planets are working at cross purposes. Of course, cross purposes leaves the other signs feeling cross, but you’re in a position of relative ease and grace right now. This is stuff which flares up on either side, but you, your Scorpio self, gets through this unstable energy with nary a scratch on you. That’s happy news, indeed. Mercury is making a slow little pass at your sign right now, as is Venus, and for this week [“This week ONLY, act now!”] and nothing more comes to mind than one of those slow dances with the highly ornate steps, not a country line dance or a Cotton Eye Joe, but something older, like three or four hundred years old, something that reaches back in time to another place…. Sit back, enjoy the slow parade and ornate styles for the moment. Maybe take some notes on who is making eye contact with whom. As long as there’s a slow Mercury pass coming along, make some slow Mercury connections. Consider looking after some details, revel in the Venus pleasure effect, and skip it all. Enjoy a slow witted week, and learn to enjoy watching the other folks try to figure out the dance steps. I’m not worried about Scorpio this week, other folks are dealing with Scorpio – like problems, and as the professed master of ceremonies, my fine Scorpio friend, you skate right on by.

Sagittarius : In general, this is supposed to be one of those times when a good Sagittarius will be looking at relationships in general, and particular relationship specifically, and possibly making some judgments about both. However, if you read this on regular basis, you’re not inclined to be a “good” Sagittarius, but more than likely, you’re one of us “bad” Sag type. “You’re so bad,” as one observer used to suggest. I supposed that a semantic discussion would be appropriate right now, of the various merits and values assigned to the words, “good” and “bad,” but I wonder if this doesn’t just devolve into some sort fruitless discussion. You are going to find yourself attracted to the “bad” side of things this week. Now, this can take one of two directions…. “This is a bad wine,” she said, “where’s it from? A vineyard in Brazos County? Tastes like paint thinner!” Or, it could be a little different. “Here, try this bad boy,” the fishing guide suggested, “it works like a charm.” In fact, that one lure did bring in a stringer full of fish. So when considering how to approach this week, put some thought into the definition of “bad” versus “good.” That’s going to make the difference in week that has a couple of tough little angles in it but they can either be “bad” or “bad.” Ask your Sagittarius self which definition you want.

Capricorn : I am oft accused of doling out advice which seems to pander to certain stereotypes about each sign. Scorpio’s intense, Sagittarius is clumsy, and Capricorn loves money more than people. You and I both know better than that. Maybe the part about the Scorpio is correct, at least, they would like to think so, but the rest of it? Okay, so the Sagittarius bit is good, too, but Cap? Let’s move way beyond stereotypes purported to be true by other astrology writers because there’s obviously (to me) a greater depth of character in the standard issue Capricorn. And that greater depth of character is going to get a chance to shine this week. The problem being, though, that sometimes your deep and introverted intellectual side doesn’t get tapped often enough, and with some of the challenges coming up, that particular part of the Capricorn psyche that you’ve got carefully hidden away is going to be thrust into the white, hot, burning spot light — and right up in from of everyone. Work on some of your snappy, off the cuff, quick comebacks. Nothing is worse than be faced with a situation where a really good comeback can save your day, save your business, and even save a little face. Work out a few of these in advance. “If that jerk says that, then I’ll just tell him….” is how this routine works. And consider a few worst case scenarios for this week. Why? It’s a tough time for some people, and sooner or later, you’ll run into then this week — best be prepared with snappy retort, something to put them in their places.

Aquarius : There’s a simple problem for this week in normal, easy going, traditional astrology — romance in Aquarius land is upset. Regrettably, for normal astrologers, you’re not normal, and I wonder if there isn’t an upset in another area of your life. It’s as if you should be having problems with delicate, interpersonal relations, but, instead, of course, you know, my good Aquarius friends can’t ever seem to behave in a way that fits the normal patterns and cycles. The middle of the week is particularly highlighted as a time when there’s a fairly strong wind blowing. It’s as if you’ve been trying to pass a tractor trailer (18 wheeler truck) on the highway, and as your Aquarius self goes blowing past this other vehicle, you realize that the problem with the driver is not the road, but this steady breeze (in places other than Texas, it would be called a high wind) is pushing your little truck around. So as you emerge from the shelter of a larger vehicle this week, and you slide out of the slipstream and comparative comfort of that pocket of less turbulent air space, get ready to steer a firm a course. You’re going to want to have both hands on the wheel as you encounter forces which seem very determined to blow you off your chosen course. And even if this really isn’t a problem with a significant other, it will be a challenge to keep yourself between the white lines this week. Don’t let anything (anybody, lots of hot air) deter you from your path.

Pisces : There’s a tension filled moment or two this week, and I can already feel some of the mail piling up, calmly assuring me how wrong I am that’s it’s not a moment or two, but something that’s been happening all week, and the source of tension is invariably the fault of the astrologer for mentioning it. [Hey, they don’t call me “Fishing Guide to the Stars” for no reason.] But this is like a time when you get a real fighter, a fighting fish, that is, on your hands, or line, as the case is supposed to be. And you can put this tension to work for you rather than against you. This week, my most excellent Pisces friend, you have to decide which end of the fishing pole you want to be on. And I heartily suggest that you make that decision right away. The sooner you decide that you’re the guy operating the fishing the pole, the rod and reel, the sooner you get a chance to take control of a situation. Mars is on the far side of the wheel, opposite you, and he gets caught up in a nasty little confrontation with some other planets, and this isn’t going to make you happy. But you can choose which side of the battle you want to be on — are you pulling in the hook, or do you have that hook set firmly in your mouth — that question is yours to resolve, but from my humble point as a great fishing guide, I would urge you to be the boss of the situation.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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