“The web is a place of infinite beauty.” [unknown] Anymore, it’s place filled with nuggets of useful information that must be mined in order to take advantage of said information. Don’t know where I was going with that one. Where I did go was on over to Baby A’s for some lunch. Middle of the afternoon, caught a ride with the Neighbor. We started with a heart attack bowl of “queso flamedo” with a heaping portion of chorizo, just for good measure. Two tables away, I heard one of the most unique orders I’ve ever heard, “Get me one of those purple Margaritas, will you?” Purple Tequila. It fairly boggles the mind. Ended up being a chatty and amicable Leo girl. The musical selection for the day varied, but I wound up settling on the Prairie Cosmonauts, and their Bob Wills tribute album, a recent Xmas gift. Kind of nice, and the introduction by Jimmy Dale Gilmore was touching [from the liner notes]. Maybe I couldn’t quite recall where I was going when I first started this entry, but I did get side tracked, and that got me thinking — the way I used to feel when I got on a plane to go to [West Texas, like Midland, Lubbock, Amarillo & etc.] is the same sense I have these days when I board a train, usually for Ft. Worth. Adventure, the lure of the road, travel…. that same feeling of getting out a travel compatible writing instrument, and scribbling notes from the road.
The web is a place of infinite beauty
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