
runtime: Jan 15-21, 2001

“I can hardly forbear hurling things at him.”
from Shakespeare’s 12th Night [III.ii.78]

Interested in a real astrologer’s take on your chart? Want to have you cards read by an expert? I’ll be in Austin, at the event listed on the travel schedule, this coming weekend. Tell the folks you’re on “Kramer’s guest list,” too, and see if that will help you get in with no cover charge. It usually works for me.

Aries [3. 21 – 4. 19]: Everything works right now, and it works pretty good, well, almost everything is working. There’s one little part of the Aries puzzle that turns up missing. It’s like this jigsaw puzzle we did one year as a family, there was always a piece missing. And you’ve got one little piece which seems to be missing this week, one aspect of your normally good Aries complement of skills which seems to be lacking. Just one. It’s not like there are a whole lot of problems, but you used to be able to charm your way into our hearts and minds, and right now, there’s that one piece which is missing. It’s the usual, effervescent, bubbling Aries smile. Maybe it’s not always a smile, but your charm is taking a little vacation. It will be back, and if you want to work on it, it will return momentarily. But for right now, where you used to get by on charm alone, I’m not sure that it’ll work.

Taurus [4. 19 – 5.20]: There’s a funny thing about the planets, what works for one sign, doesn’t seem to work for the sign next to it. While the guys who come before you, the Aries, are lacking a certain charm this week, you feel just the opposite. Smile a sweet Taurus smile, give them a grin and a giggle, and don’t worry about it. “It?” Sure, whatever the antecedent to “it” is. There are fewer problems this week than last, and the existing problems are easily dealt with, whether you agree with me or not. It’s not like there isn’t a little trouble, but there is also a certain degree of Taurus charm which works well with the masses, and that ability is going to help work for you this week. Be nice. Enjoy what happens.

Gemini [5.21- 6. 21]: Get organized, and get organized this week. You’ve got some extraneous details which you’ve been overlooking, and there is no time like the present to set about getting everything in order. It could be something as simple as getting all the right topwater lures in their proper places, in your tacklebox. Or, you could do favor for a friend, and organize his or her stuff. But as long as the week is going along this organizational line, you will find that you are more clear about what steps need to be taken when, in order to get from point A (where you are right now) to point B (where you want to be). Shuffle some paper, put a few things away, and watch what clarity follows.

Cancer [6. 22 – 7. 22]: There will be a general benediction, amend as necessary for your spiritual and/or religious belief system, coming along by the end of the week. It’s going to be a good time for giving thanks because, and this is a promise, life is getting little easier, and little better. It’s due to a subtle shift in the energy of the Sun and the Moon, more precisely, the Sun moves into Aquarius, and right about the time Aquarius starts, you feel better. I see it as a confrontation, one you wanted to avoid, and I would figure that you get to avoid it, by the end of the week.

Leo [7. 23 – 8. 23]: It’s not the big planets which we need to pay attention to right now. Nope, it’s the little ones. Just two, in fact. One would Mercury, making his way through Aquarius. The other would be Mars, making his warlike way through Scorpio. Think to yourself, “Leo is the best sign in the Zodiac.” With those two planets in their relative positions, not everyone is inclined to agree with you right now. Sorry about that. It doesn’t mean that you’re not right, it just means other people, other — lesser — signs might fail to see situations in the same light that you do. You can struggle with their misguided perceptions, or you can avoid the conflict. Personally, from what I know about Leo’s, I’d stick to avoiding the confrontation right now. Rest assured that I know you’re right.

Virgo [8. 24 – 9. 22]: Gentle, sweet, ever perspicacious (and, according to the e-mail, ever suffering) Virgo: Good times are on your horizon. Not later, not some next week, not next year. Right about now. Your special secret this week is that you can’t keep a secret. Your mouth is going, the fingers are flying on the keyboard, you’re excited, there is much which is going on that is good…. you get the general drift of all this stuff. Your vocal chords do seem to be getting a workout this week, but that’s not all bad as it looks like there are more people willing to listen to you as you “hold forth.” “Holding forth” is a great Texas tradition, and it’s swinging into your sign. Facts would be nice right about now, but once again, they are not actually required.

Libra [9. 23 – 10. 22]: Imagine what you could do if you were allowed to decorate your work space just exactly the way you wanted to. Imagine what sort of nice stuff you could add to everything, what you could do to make it a more pleasant surrounding for your Libra self. After looking at your chart this week, that’s the best idea I could come up with. Grab a couple of magazines about architecture, maybe something with a heavy design emphasis, and sketch out a few ideas. No promises on getting the work done, but your ideas are a fertile place right now, and all I’m trying to do is get you in the right frame of mind so some of these fertile ideas can actually take root.

Scorpio [10. 23 – 11. 22]: Mars, yeah, we’re back to Mars again. The little one. The little RED one. He’s still in the midst of your sign, and he’s more of an overriding factor than anything else. He’s got a firm grip on all of Scorpio right now, and this begs for a rodeo metaphor. Unfortunately, this doesn’t ask a for lightweight analogy like the finer dance between man and beast. Nope, this isn’t like the gentle ballet between a cowboy and horse. This looks like the bucking bronco of legendary names. Now, with a set up like that, you’re sure — in your Scorpio mind — that I’m fixin’ to tell you that you’re about to be bucked off. Hardly. With Mars, you’ve got the energy to tame to the critter, and even though you may take a few hits this week, you still manage to win. I have faith, so should you.

Sagittarius [11. 22 – 12. 22]: It’s not exactly bad, but it’s not exactly good, not during the week. When the weekend gets here, though, there’s a change in the atmosphere, and then, it gets better in a hurry. It’s getting to the weekend that takes so long. I suppose that begs a musical allusion about “working for the weekend,” but I’m too frustrated to look it up myself. However, if you are so inclined, send me the complete reference to that tune, and I’ll see about getting you an abbreviated planet profile back via e-mail. That sort of reading material might keep you occupied until the weekend gets here, and the good times start.

Capricorn [12. 23 – 1. 18]: “If music is the food of love, play on…” was the original Shakespeare reference for this week, just for you. However, I wonder if we could amend that statement a little, “If music is the food of love, can we get a little jingle for the time being, maybe not a whole song?” The deal is you are less inclined to be interested in one of those 4 hour opera things, one of those musical events that stretched for hours with large chested women singing about the end of the world, and you’re more interested in a catchy little number which properly evokes the sentiments for the time being. So concentrate on a short run idea, perhaps something a little upbeat, maybe stay away from Country and Western lyrics about loss [& etc.] Perhaps a jaunty little tune will put some extra spring in your Capricorn step. Pick that music with care.

Aquarius [1. 19 – 2. 18]: Good luck comes in strange ways, and this is a time for some good luck to land on your head, in a strange way. You feel like you’re way overdue for something like this, and it’s going to happen. Now, the important point here, what you need to pay attention to, the luck, it doesn’t pop up where you expect it to. That’s why it’s always good to consult with your astrologer to help navigate this murky pond — especially right about now. This isn’t like winning the lottery. This isn’t like miracle bait which attracts more than its fair share of fish, especially in a tournament situation. This is more like having your truck stall in a busy intersection, just as you’re about to make a left turn. Then, as fate would have it, while you’re cussing up a storm, a bad driver blows through the red light. If you hadn’t stalled, you’d be wondering about insurance forms for the other driver. Strange luck, but good, nonetheless.

Pisces [2. 19 – 3. 20]: One of the nice aspects of life in Texas is that it offers such a vast array of countryside. From the pine woods in my old home of East Texas, to the dripping Bayou country, to the high and stark desert of the Staked Plains, to the mountains, and even the Gulf Coast. Recent astrological events have kicked up a long tail of dust, and this is an event which resembles an earthbound contrail, the plume arising from a pickup as it makes its way across a desolate and dusty portion of West Texas. So you’ve got this long feather of fine, particulate matter following you right now, and you’re not sure what to do with it. Perhaps nothing is a good idea. Rather than try to make something out of the dust you’ve kicked up, why not just let this land where it will? As soon as it all settles, you’ll have a much clearer vision of what to do next. Let that dust settle, first.

(c) Kramer Wetzel, 2000, 2001

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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