
For the week of: 2/19-25/2001

Give me mine angle; we’ll to the river: there
My music playing far off, I will betray
Tawny-finn’d fishes; my bended hook shall pierce
Their slimy jaws; and, as I draw them up,
I’ll think them every one an Antony,
And say ‘Ah, ha! you’re caught.’

Cleopatra in Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra [II.v.12-7]

I need the actual source (and the quote itself) found in the Cancer scope. Send it all to us via e-mail, and we’ll see about getting you in the running for an abbreviated {el-cheapo} FGS Planet Profile, straight from the Center for Astrological Research and Literature Archive, deep in the heart of East Austin. Not affiliated with the University of Texas, but thanks for asking. Going to the coast, this coming weekend. Last week, one lucky reader finally sent in the correct answer to the question:

>I like these comments from Mr. Clemens, regarding silence and the writings
>of Mr.[James Fenimore] Cooper. “Every time a Cooper person is in peril, and absolute
>silence is worth four dollars a minute, he is sure to step on a dry twig.
>There may be a hundred handier things to step on, but that wouldn’t
>satisfy Cooper. Cooper requires him to turn out and find a dry twig; and
>if he can’t do it, go and borrow one.”

>and you might find this one funny! someone fixed my spark plug wire on my
>old vw with a piece of metal off of a fishing lure!

Aries [3. 21 – 4. 19]: Venus should give you an added dose of charm this week. Venus charm is nice, but there’s still a little problem associated with her good news. There’s still a little problem associated with the other objects in the sky. So even though you’re feeling good, you might not spread this around too much. Other signs are having a hard time of it, and none of us are out of the shadow of Mercury’s Retrograde pattern yet. So even though you find yourself in a good place, try to look wise and concerned with our plight. In some places, Venus charm is also associated with diplomacy. And that should include a small amount of tact, as well. Embrace the tact idea. Use it if you can. A little tactful diplomacy instead of straight ahead Venus charm is much better. Temper some of the good feelings. You can share, just don’t rub our noses in it.

Taurus [4. 19 – 5.20]: Nothing is worse than having one of your mistakes trotted out for all your friends to see. It’s like one fisherman I know, he came in one bragging about his big catch. “It was this big!” Imagine him there with arms spread apart. Now, imagine one of our buddies, going around to the boat, and opening up the bait well, and pulling up a tiny fish, not more than three inches long, on the end of the stringer. “Right. This one?” It is possible to avoid this sort of embarrassment in the coming week, if you are willing to reel in the big fish stories. Reign in on that tall tale telling tendency. Go easy on the prevarications and stretchers. It might even be better just to let your facts speak for themselves. Don’t make claims that you can’t back up with hard evidence.

Gemini [5.21- 6. 21]: There’s normal time, where one minute is sixty seconds, and then there’s Gemini time, where one minute can take FOREVER. Know the feeling? I’m sure your Gemini self knows this sentiment, precisely. “One minute can take two lifetimes, what are talking about?” And that’s precisely the problem this week. Mercury gets right with the world, you’re back on track and marching ahead with good speed — Gemini speed — and the rest of the world is lagging behind. Still. In fact, it might feel like they are all standing still. As much as I would like to pass this off as Mercury thing, it’s really another planet causing your consternation: Mars. Now, you know that you’re on track. You’re ready. It’s everyone else who is not moving swift enough for your tastes right now, and you’re going to have to learn patience this week. Sorry about that.

Cancer [6. 22 – 7. 22]: “A little learning is a dangerous thing.” That’s the quote for the question, and that’s also the way your week lights up. There’s such a thing as going off on tear, in some direction, perhaps a new and wonderful direction, but going off without assimilating all the facts. Not this this has ever bothered me — if the facts don’t add up, then obviously the facts need to be changed. But that doesn’t work for everyone, and you’re going to be sorely tempted to “wing it” at some point in the coming week, perhaps wing it without getting all the information correct. There’s still a copy of tape floating around, a recording of me with two pertinent scientific facts backwards. Doesn’t bother me, and most folks who listen to astrology tapes don’t care about the astronomy. But that’s just the sort of problem you might very well encounter — and this is a strange warning from the likes of me — but be careful, and make sure you get all the incoming information sorted before you start drawing conclusions.

Leo [7. 23 – 8. 23]: Before this week is up, you’re going to find yourself letting loose with one of those giant, Leo – like, sighs of relief. There’s an indication from a certain planet that things are good again. There’s an indication from Mercury, that life is going to finally start going in the correct direction: your direction. But until you are face to face with the moment when you can sigh that big sigh of relief, be careful. There’s something up that I don’t trust, and I’m pretty sure your Leo, Cat – like intuition has picked up the same thing. That’s what neither one of us should trust right now. Your sense, feeling, intuitive ability is correct — that you can trust — it’s the idea that there is something you can’t trust that I’m good with. So are you. Until all the parts of this week’s conundrum fall into place, until all the bits and pieces all begin to make sense, until all the disparate things all begin to make sense, I’m going with the idea that you shouldn’t trust anyone. Remember: sigh of relief before the week is done with.

Virgo [8. 24 – 9. 22]: Whilst Mr. Sol is yonder in Pisces, he is in a position that is referred to, astrologically, as being opposed to you. This, in and of itself, isn’t really too bad. And given where the rest of the planets are, it’s definitely not bad at all. But there is a sense that you are facing a momentous decision this week, and there’s a suggestion that the big “Yes,” or “no,” might have some long term effects, and I’m not sure you’ve figured them all out yet. Or, what it looks like to me, is that you have figured them out, but I don’t think you’ve been dealt all the cards that you need to render an effective decision right now. If I were you, and as much as I know you want a definite answer here, but if I were you, I’d put this off for another week. We’re still waiting on the usual Mercury fallout stuff to get itself over with. And until Mr. Mercury gets himself straightened out, you’re going to find that you share his difficulty with your navigational skills, hence the reason I’m suggesting you put off the big decision until a little later. I just don’t figure you’ve got all the facts yet.

Libra [9. 23 – 10. 22]: I’ve used this analogy before, but because I had on boots yesterday, I still figure it’s a good way to explain what you’re feeling right now. It’s as if there is a pebble, the smallest of irritants, caught in your boot. You yank your shoe off, turn it upside down, and shake. Nothing falls out. Put the shoe (boot in my case) back on, and then you notice that the small irritation is still there. Sit down, take your boot off again, peel the sock off as well, clean it all out, give it a good shake, and then get dressed again. It’s still there. With your delicate Libra sensibilities, you might be tempted to turn this into a giant problem. It’s really not, and the mystery irritation will go away after you’ve repeated the process a few times. You might never really find the source of the trouble, but as long as don’t let this turn into a “Big Deal,” then you’re in good shape. The heavens are conspiring to let you think that little problems are big deals, and all that is required is some patience in dealing with this irritation. The problems will also go away pretty soon.

Scorpio [10. 23 – 11. 22]: What is up with all the Scorpio flame mail? What did I ever do to irritate you guys so much? It wasn’t me, it was the planets, I promise. Maybe write a note to Mr. Mars — sure, that’ll work just fine. Don’t take it out on me. The planets do suggest that it’s really not a bad week at all. That’s why I am at a loss to explain why I’m getting so much truly heinous mail from the Scorpio Camp. There’s an edge to times like this, that sort of edge like a knife’s blade, it’s got a sharp point, too, and that’s what seems to be sticking in your mind. That usual, wonderfully acerbic wit has gotten derailed. No one quite catches your jokes. You get those quizzical looks because your irony, metaphor, even your timing is little off. While you thought you were making a good point, it just comes across as comment that doesn’t quite add up. Maybe that’s the reason for the searing notes. Be a little more patient, you will be appreciated, properly cared for, by the end of this week.

Sagittarius [11. 22 – 12. 22]: My Sagittarius chart doesn’t have a lot of hope right now. Yours, on the other hand, does. There’s a degree of uncomfortable energy fleshing out the early degree of Sag right now. Folks born in late November are feeling it. The December babies? You guys have it easy. And if you don’t have a good week, then don’t complain to me — it’s not my fault. And I’ll wager that you have something at that early degree of Sagittarius because you’re supposed to have a good week. To be sure, there will the usual ups and downs, but that’s what keeps us all on our toes. Mars is making merry in our sign, and his rowdy energy isn’t always appreciated. But he’s here for a spell, so we all best get used to the idea that he’s going to stir things up. Besides, any Sagittarius should be up for a little conflagration right about now. It keeps the days (and nights) interesting. None of this permanent, either, so there’s that to consider. And as long as Mercury is still causing little ripples in our lake of life, just slow down and ride out the storm.

Capricorn [12. 23 – 1. 18]: Words are important. There’s power in a simple statement. In some old forms of literature, it is suggested that there’s a place where all the words you’ve ever said, some would suggest this is a house full of a lot of hot air, there’s this place where all your words go. I’d caution you to examine carefully your choice of words this week. Don’t do like I do, when one word will replace three, I still go for the three. You can eschew such verbosity. Cut to the quick. Avoid cliché expressions. Get the right word in the right ear at the right time. Then hush up. This is so much like the fishing metaphor, it should be obvious: sling that little piece of bait out there. Then let it sit. You don’t have to jiggle it, you don’t have to drag it through the water, you don’t have to do a single thing. No action is required. Plant that word, that bait, in the right place. Then wait. Toying with it doesn’t do any good.

Aquarius [1. 19 – 2. 18]: You might want to learn to listen better than you have been, as of late, because your listening ability, and your talking ability are getting confused. It’s as if they are lining up backwards. Mercury Retrograde, Mercury Stationary, and finally Mercury Forward Motion all help, but you’re not out of the communications woods yet. I’ve urged you to take notes, write down those great ideas, and maybe think about posting them in public forum someplace. But you know what? This still isn’t the best time for everything to go public, not quite yet. If you’re like me, you’re about to explode with all the stuff that you’ve kept bottled up inside, especially for the last couple of weeks. But if you’ll take my advice, and continue to sit on it, just a for a little longer, you’ll be ever so much happier. Your information is like really good catfish bait. It needs a chance to “ripen.” Keep your cool just a little longer, let all the pieces of the puzzle sift through your mind, and then get ready. Close, but not quite yet. Let that stuff ferment and mature. Like good stink bait.

Pisces [2. 19 – 3. 20]: I like the Cleopatra quote for this week because it is so evocative of what is happening in your portion of the sky. The most important portion of the sky, at that. It’s the Pisces slice, and there is some suggestions from the historical branch of astrology research that would suggest that the Queen was a Pisces. So here’s a happy birthday to the early Pisces because the sun is, indeed, in your sign. Firmly, stalwartly. But therein is the problem, too. Mars, the Sun, even the inconstant Moon, they all get in on a little problem right now. It’s not exactly what you wanted to hear for a birthday week, but I would be remiss in my duties if I didn’t make some effort to warn you. All this stuff flying around in the heavens, though, it does pass. After a spell. So when you’re face to face with certain, incontrovertible problems right now, just relax about it. It’s not worth ruining a good week by fretting over silly characters over which you feel like you have no control.

(c) Kramer Wetzel, 2000, 2001

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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