
for the week of: 2/26-3/4/2001

“That’s somewhat madly spoken”
Shakespeare’s “Measure for Measure” [V.i.92]

The web guy has been playing around with the advertsing stuff at the top of the page — as much as we would all like this information on this particular site to be free forever and always, the server payment is coming up. Mercury may not be retrograde, but none of us are out of the woods yet, so to speak. Game show question is in Sag right now…. Last week’s question and definitve answer?

>Still, it allows me to put that MA in English to
>good use for my scope this week.
>”A little learning is a dang’rous thing;
>Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian Spring:
>There shallow Draughts intoxicate the Brain,
>And drinking largely sobers us again.”
>Alexander Pope, “An Essay on Criticism,” lines 215-218.

[The Pierian Springs are home to the Muses, or so I’ve been informed. Wonder if them Muses got any kinfolks down here?]

And a late runner up:
>Now, a quote for you:
> “The pope!”
> “Not THE pope, ALEXANDER Pope.”
> “Oh…. The proper study of mankind is man. Course, that means women too!”

Aries: Up in the Rocky Mountains, there’s some great fly fishing. Trout, caught fresh, and dropped into a frying pan in the evening is one of the world’s greatest culinary experiences. Standing by the edge of the stream in anticipation is great, the fly gently arcing out over the stream, the trout rising to the bait, the creel full of dinner. But as you’re standing there on the edge of the stream, watching the water cascading down the mountainside, consider that the stream is still moving forward, or downward, or whatever ward, and you’re still stuck in one place. Now, you can take this two ways, either I’m referring to dinner and sport, or I’m suggesting that you’re not moving while everything else is flowing ahead. Given the planets, especially Venus, I’d suggest that either one applies. You might just be standing there, and the water might be rushing by, but in the same vein, you are gathering up something you can dine on in a little while. Which way are you going to look at the week?

Taurus: It’s not like you haven’t been face to face with certain adversity before. And it’s not like this is really any big deal, not this week. In fact, out of this week’s usual ups and downs, out of the apparent confusion which still seems to reign day to day, out of this mess of a time to be on planet Earth, you’re going to find a way to carve out a special niche for yourself. A Taurus niche. A hiding hole. A place to retreat. A special spot, starting this week, dig out a spot where you can escape from it all. Don’t forget to send me the new address so I can stay in touch. This could happen at work, or it could happen at home, but my money is on this being a work, or work related niche that you’re carving. Like any other task associated with sharp knives, though, be a little extra careful with the carving task. You don’t want to dig too deep, or cut too close to the bone right now. Just safe place, not a mine or a tunnel to China.

Gemini: Lady Luck is, theoretically, with you right now. But in my experiences with Lady Luck, she is, at best a fickle mistress. And rather than start making sexist suggestions about the fairer sex, and in an effort to be politically correct, maybe we should consider luck to be a fickle master. In either case, the luck you are supposed to be having right now just isn’t materializing the way you would like it. That’s the problem. It just doesn’t go according to your schedule. If you had a little Sagittarius in you, or if you pretended to have a little Sagittarius in you, then the you could step back, look at the overall scene, and you would be forced to see that Mr. or Mrs. (or Ms. or Miss) Luck will be attending you shortly. In fact, the stuff is already lining up, but in your Gemini haste, you’ve been betting on this one a little too soon. Chill out. Relax, take it easy. Look at the big screen before you write this week of as a lost cause because nothing is going the way you think it should.

Cancer: I realize that you might not sympathize with my single status, but you might be able to understand the analogy. I’ll have weeks [months, years, lifetimes] when there is no work, and no one to hang out with, and no hope for any one to hang around, either. All the possible dates have dried up and gone away. “You? Kramer? I don’t think so,” is the way it usually goes. Then, all of sudden, there’s a heavenly shift, and I’ve got more attention than I know what to do with. And work, too. The work life and the social life seem to be on the same timetable, although, this isn’t always the most convenient. You’re going to find that this is a week just like the ones I dream about. Lots of business, lots of social attention, and the two are getting to a point where you you can’t be in two places at once. As inconvenient as that is, though, you should make every effort to meet with all your day to day concerns, both work and play, as this sort of popularity usually doesn’t last last long. Motto for the Cancer week: “As long as the fish are biting, keep fishing!”

Leo: If you would stop and think about it, instead of spending too much time reading horoscopes, there isn’t so much bad stuff happening that you can realize some gain out this mess. I’d even go so far as to suggest that you’ve got a nice way of looking at the way things are turning right now, and you might be able to pull something off. I get this sense, that it’s like fish, looking at one of my hooks baited with a bright plastic lime green worm: “Oh look, here’s something which looks really inviting, and not a natural color, either!” In a scene like this, you can be the fisherman, the fish, or even the worm. I understand that your delicate Leo mane has felt like the tides of time have been a little rough as of late, but you always have choices. So when you’re confronted with this scene, a little later in the week, decide which role you like to play before engaging your mouth. Fish? Fisherman? Worm? You make the call.

Virgo: The popularity of my horoscopes with the Virgo section of the Zodiac drops at times just like this. But rather than soft peddle this information, I prefer to be blunt and to the point. So do you, especially this week. Blunt. To the point. “What’s the bottom line here?” you ask, “good? Or are you going to spin it bad again? You know, we Virgo’s are not amused.” I know you’re not amused, but it’s an unfortunate time because there’s a point where this occurs, almost every year, right about now. This year, your half birthday time is accentuated by some unrelated material floating in disparate sections of the sky. You’re going to be short tempered, maybe just short in general, and some of your biting sarcasm might really offend other signs. You can always run it past me, I might even get a good laugh out of it, something we can both enjoy. But not everyone has the seem frame of reference that we share this week. So learn to check twice before sending off that letter to the editor, the subordinates, the customers, the whomever, because it might not be taken in the same way you intended it to be received — in the first place. Got all that? No? Try it this way: put away the flame-thrower.

Libra: You know, and I know, that you have a well-defined sense of taste. Exquisite taste. A wonderful sense of proportion. A good eye for design. And a rose tinted pair of glasses, with which you can often times view the world. While all of this is pleasant news, none of it is very earth shattering. In fact, it might not even be news to you. Why should I waste your time with news about your senses? Because those very senses might make an effort to lead you astray this week. I’ve got to remember to find myself a lovely Libra right now. So be extra careful about selection of artwork for your home. Or, in other words, as much as shopping is fun, right now might not be the best time to acquire new stuff. Or, in other words, go easy with Mr. Credit Card. I know that you need the stuff, but this isn’t a good time for actually buying it all. Make a list, check it over, look at some samples. Does the burnt orange shag carpet really fit with your decor? Think about it. If you ask me, though, I’ll tell you it looks great.

Scorpio: Life is easy and good. Well, life is supposed to be easy and good. So there are a few rough spots, but without a rough spot or two, it wouldn’t be very interesting, now would it? Ask any other Scorpio — they’ll agree with you. Of course, ask something other than a decent Scorpio, and you might encounter opposition. If you’re reading this, then by default, you are a decent Scorpio. So there’s a twist and turn in the coming week, and it’s not going exactly the way you want it to go. It’s not bad, actually, but it’s not as smooth as your Scorpio mind figures it should be. If only more people would listen to you, then it would be better. But not enough of the right people are listening to what the correct Scorpio answer is. Work with this knowledge. You can try to beat some sense into them, but long experience indicates that the old adage about “the beatings will continue until morale improves” might not work. Instead of using a stick this week, try using a carrot in your Scorpio trap. Or even some live bait.

Sagittarius: We have an unfortunate bend in the road, just up ahead. It reminds me of a particular turn in a racetrack, and from what I’ve gathered, the road racing track has been restructured so it’s not as ominous as it used to be. It was a “decreasing radius” turn — it went from a wide, sweeping entrance to getting narrower and narrower, tighter and tighter, until you came face to face with guard rail, stacks of tires, or, if you knew what you were doing, shooting off in the next direction with a dizzying head of steam. Know the track and the turn? Drop me a note, and we’ll see about lining you up with a “Planet Profile” delivered via e-mail, for your efforts. Like that particular turn, negotiating this week is tricky. You want to hit the week with enough speed so you don’t lose your position, but you also have to be careful and make sure that you don’t go too fast and wind up in the weeds. You can be successful, but you’re going to require a little more finesse than usual. Gauge your speed carefully as you enter this week. You need enough, but not too much momentum.

Capricorn: I have yet to encounter any relationship, especially of the romantic variety, which is without a few a ups and downs. Seems like they all have trouble, even in the most perfect of scenarios, seems like there is always trouble at some point. Seems like there’s always a miscommunication, a word or two that doesn’t quite get the message across, and there’s always a little bit of trouble. Even in the most perfect romance scenes, there’s always something. You’re looking at just such a hindrance. It can be a big problem, or it can be a little problem, which, if you don’t nip that sucker in the bud, turns into a big problem. Rather than let this stuff go, though, the best form of resolution is to deal with the problems head first. Don’t put off the minor annoyances until “later.” While that might be an effective form of problem resolution for me, I am a professional. Procrastination is not a good concept, not for you, and especially not right now.

Aquarius: It’s still a little early for a Big Bass Tournament, but the idea is there. Cold mornings, out on the lake, everyone getting ready to fire up the motors and make a break away run for the most exciting part of the day, the fishing part. It’s a lot like the beginning of any motor vehicle race, the thin film of oily smoke mixing with the late spring fog (it is late spring — in Texas), and the romantic blend of unburnt hydrocarbons gives a special sense. You’re ready to go this week, but there’s one little caution. You need to be careful about taking off too fast. While the idea is to get that “hole shot,” get to be the first one out of the starting gate, so to speak, you might want to make sure that some left over planetary confusion hasn’t infected your little boat in this race. You might double check before you crank the throttle to wide full open, you might just make sure that all your gear is properly secured. You have tendency to go off at full steam, with a line still tied to the dock. The result may be comical, but not everyone will remain amused as you tow the dock half way around the lake with you.

Pisces: Happy birthday. Let’s get down to business. The stars, well, actually, it’s just the Sun and Mars, and only the Sun is, technically speaking, a star, anyway, the stars have an uncomfortable little speed bump in your week, early on. I can hear it now, a collective Pisces groan, “It’s not Mercury again, is it?” Actually, no, it’s not the Winged Wonder who has caused so much misinformation. But there’s always the fallout from his mischievous wanderings, and this little speed bump in the early part of the week is going to allude back to that little one’s problems. Or, to be more clear, even though you are technically out the Mercury woods, there are still some problems. My honest recommendation is that you slow down this week. The week might not agree to being throttled back, but do your best with it.

(c) Kramer Wetzel, 2000, 2001

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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