Crummy weather always reminds me of Houston. Moist, humid, damp, dripping, wet, warm, hot, is humid in there, too? We got off to a late start, which meant I had more time to answer mail and turn in a last minute rewrite. Shows what was on my mind, I was humming “Volcano,” and somehow, that showed up in the rewrite. Got to Houston. Had dinner at Don [apostrophe] Key in Pasadena, just down the street from where the old Gilley’s used to be. I was wondering why there wasn’t a state historical marker for that one. I noticed one other thing, too, it costs a lot of money to ride around in Houston. There are toll roads everywhere, or so it seems, 50 cents to exit. It wound up costing us over 8 bucks in tolls alone. We rolled into the arena, staggered to our premium seats, relaxed, and enjoyed the show. To start out the second set, Jimmy Buffet replayed the tape of him getting expelled from a basketball game, and quoted some national morning news commentator, “She said, ‘Singer/songwriter Jimmy Buffet didn’t change his attitude so the referee changed Jimmy’s latitude.'” Then, in reference to the recent passing of Dale Evans, Jimmy did one of Lyle Lovett’s song’s. At least twice, after the intermission, Jimmy entertained with nothing more than his songs and a guitar. That, in and of itself, was pretty amazing considering it was sold out arena. The weather turned bad for the ride home, and I was driving in pouring rain, navigating the little truck down dark highways. For amusement, I counted crossing the Colorado River five times, after turning off the interstate. And cold, the cold weather was back in Austin by the time we rolled in.
Crummy weather always reminds me of Houston
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