Ma Wetzel called me up yesterday morning to chat, and since I was on line at the time, I suggested she hit my web cam. Far be it for me to expect something nice like, “Oh, you look good.” Oh no, “You still need a haircut, and don’t you think you should pick up that stuff on your couch? Straighten your place up a little.” From one extreme to another. From classic opera, a little dash of West Texas Punk [El Paso’s At The Drive In], some Western Swing, and now this: Parrot Music. Parrot HEAD Music. Next week, looks like I get to go to Houston to see Jimmy Buffet. Mentioning that Capricorn and his music evokes one of two responses. Either folks love it, or they harbor a certain disdain for it. Not much in between. Me? Love it. Beach music. Light lyrics. Hawaiian shirts, a general party atmosphere. Gulf Coast Music. It’s been less than a year since I last saw him perform, and I’m going to see him again. “All those times I offered to take you to Houston, and you’d never go with me,” said one Cap. “I’m telling you, it was that Virgo. I like Houston, now.” Besides, it only makes sense to go with a Capricorn to see a Capricorn, a Gulf coast girl to see Gulf Coast beach music. Figure this: at $3.99 per minute, that works out to $239.40 per hour. Makes me look positively cheap. “To determine your Barfly name, pick the last snack you ate and combine it with your favorite drink: Twinkie Martini, & etc.” My Barfly name: Granola Coffee?
From one extreme to another
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