I hate taking my own advice

Did I ever mention I don’t like it when Mercury is backwards? Worse yet, I hate taking my own advice: one red headed Capricorn was quick to point out, “Didn’t you say the next four months are going to suck for Sagittarius romance?”

Yeah, thanks honey, love you, too.

I don’t see any reason why I have to live out the scopes that I write.

Different topic altogether: Women’s bathing suits are now sold in halves. In normal situation, I suppose, that’s like a bikini, a top and a bottom half. From what I’ve been able to determine from various shopping expeditions, women’s underwear is sold the same way. I was just wondering if there shouldn’t be a left half and right half, instead. Something to change it up.

Different topic again: Perfect weather (okay, a tad on the chilly side for my tastes), a hike around the lake, thinking about Crawfish at the Boiling Pot (Cajun style restaurant, and hey, it’s craw dad season in Louisiana), and after six quick miles, the darn restaurant is closed until late in the afternoon. But across the street, there’s the new location for the Empanada Parlour, and away we go.

Then, because there was no way out of it, I had to go bra shopping with a friend. There’s a specialty shop, and she needed a certain size to fit her, and it was the afternoon, and there was a promise of some Amy’s for dessert, therefore, I acquiesced. Funniest thing I overheard while I was patiently waiting on my friend was, “We can get them up higher.”

I don’t want to know. Then Amy’s. Funny guy behind the counter, he would only throw the sample ice cream at us, wouldn’t hand it to us. As we meandered southwards and homewards, my friend driving with a small dish of ice cream in her hand, looking at the sights along the Drag, a miraculous parking space appeared, right in front of a store she’d never been in before, and it was one last stop at a place on the Drag.

Hey, it’s hard work to do nothing all day. I think the day might have been better spent brutally abusing the help around here. It’s that layout question again. Sort of an interesting note in yesterday’s British tabloids. Even more tabloid news — affects me.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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