Off to CC for the weekend, a little Gulf coast fishing? I’ve got my list of things to do when Mercury is no longer RX, like switch phone companies again, get that DSL hook up, and so forth. New bank, maybe, better credit card processing company. Maybe start taking American Express?
I never got worked into one of those ads, you know, “Get a reading from the Fishing Guide to the Stars, but don’t bring your American Express, he prefers cash….”
I’m supposed to wander off with my fine Capricorn friend for a haircut on Monday, as well, just as soon as I get back from CC. Bubba was my primary editor for a long time, and he had some pretty good advice about column length, something along the lines of “write to the topic, then adjust the page to fit what you have,” and this was an answer to why I was writing some scopes just to fit a particular length or so I could fit the whole thing into a certain size slot.
Other than my brief stint in the local tree killer (Austin American Spaceman,) I’ve been working on content rather than letting a specific word length limit me. I was trying to meet my deadline yesterday, and I found myself invoking the the most heinous of word processing routines: word count. I hate that. “Each sign needs to be at least 100 words.”
What do you say when there’s nothing to put in there?
Music selection — Orbital: the music of nowhere. Book selection — God Save the Sweet Potato Queens. Here’s the tip about that book: if you’re a female, the book is highly recommended, read The Sweet Potato Queens Book of Love first, then the sequel, which appears to be even better. If you’re a guy, read the books, in order, and see if it doesn’t help you understand them. Plus, both books are really amusing — made me laugh out loud. It’s all that relationship psycho babble put in terms that are easy to understand. And it’s funny, especially if you know anything about Southern Women. I may be an arrogant male pig, but that won’t stop me from really enjoying the books.
I stopped on the corner of Congress, to chat up a Gemini yesterday during rush hour, “Wow, I was meaning to e–mail you Kramer, and here you are….” I asked her how my visigoth look was going. “Pants, black, fine. Shirt, all black, that’s good, too. But the sport coat has way too many colors in it.” I guess I’ve got a long way to go — when it comes to fashion, I’m pretty sure I don’t have much of a clue.
Sunday 9:40 AM, CST, Mercury gets better. I can’t wait. Late night Leo conversation, pursuant to the Sweet Potato Queen book, “I like being from the South, not being in the South. That’s true, that’s one of the best things.” Of course it was the Virgo who said, “You have to love a guy who can read these books and laugh…..”