being an astrologer

The nicest thing about being an astrologer — not that I always believe this stuff — is the chance to continually check my theories. The best time to mail in that tax return? Sunday night — last night — between 6 & 7 PM [my local time]. “Oh yes, you get that ability to tell stories from your father’s side — no one on my side of the family can tell stories like that,” the gospel according to Ma Wetzel. No one on her side, except her younger brother, older brother, my granddaddy, her momma, no one else could tell stories…. I figure it’s in my blood, either way. With my family, “truth” is a subjective reality. Always has been. Just some miscellaneous meanderings after spending a day with the folks. Worked on Pa Wetzel’s Handspring. We figured out how to send text messages to each other. Spent two hours surfing the web with Ma Wetzel. We were, in fact, trying to find a series of lectures about the upcoming Ring Cycle. Got to the airport, and figured out that the 9:35 flight was getting to Austin faster than the 8:40 flight, so I switched my ticket around. I can’t ever seem to take off from Dallas — especially at night — without hearing the strains of a Jimme Dale Gilmore song about Dallas, running through my head. “Dallas is like rich man with a death wish in his eye…. did you ever see Dallas from DC-9 at night?”

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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