
For the week of: 5/28-6/3/2001
“Faster than springtime showers comes thought on thought”
Henry IV, part duo, [III.i.376]

Much thought went into this week’s scope, but we’re not happy, here at headquarters — Mars is not making nice for us. But that shouldn’t get you down. El Paso, coming up this weekend, stop by if you want a real look at your chart. Better yet, beat the cover charge and tell the guy at the door, you’re on the Kramer Guest List. Usually works for me. If ya’ll ain’t going to be in El Paso, and you’d still like to support this web site, then there are variety of options. Order up a report. Buy a T-shirt. Or hit the PayPal donate button.

Aries: There’s this spot I know, a little bend in the river, a place where the trees form a natural canopy for shade, the ground cover vegetation is such that it looks like a manicured lawn, and it’s a pretty popular spot for guys with fishing poles and coolers, like myself, to come and hang out. I’m also fairly sure that, as a fishing spot, it’s been all fished out. But it’s such scenic spot, redolent in natural splendor, it’s hard to refuse going there just because the fish might not be biting. Mars is moving backwards, and Venus is moving forwards, and the two have an impact on your sign, right about now. Backwards Mars and forward Venus are a lot like that idyllic spot for fishing — you know that the fishing really isn’t so good, but there is so much else to enjoy, just because you don’t achieve your main objective, it doesn’t mean that you’re not having some fun.

Taurus: I got roped into helping with a home repair project once. Swore I would never, ever do that again. It started out as an innocuous deal, too, just a little trimming of various pieces of plastic tile to place on the floor of a rent house. The problem was, the ceiling needed to painted before the new floor was installed. Then the walls. Of course, all the furniture had to be dragged out of the room, and since there was no room any place else, that meant it all had to be moved to the front lawn, and by then, this easy, do–it–yourself, just need a little hand, won’t take long, this simple project became an ongoing joke about home repairs and brought tears to my eyes because of my aching body. What was supposed to be so simple turned into a massive, week long task. The worst part? I was doing this for free, because it all had such a simple premise. Be careful, my fine Taurus friend, what looks like a simple task might not be so simple, and if you’re not careful, you’ll be feeling my pain as you discover each little chore has another one attached to it. There may be no honor in saying, “No,” but it sure saves on bodily wear and tear.

Gemini: There’s this one musical refrain which echoes through my empty skull at times like this. And since it’s a disreputable song, I can’t quote it here. But the idea, the concept, is that there’s a problem, and the way of dealing with this problem is rather unconventional. Show no fear in the face of adversity. When your antagonist comes at you, fully expecting you to quake in your boots, fully expecting you to show some sign of fear, be happy. It cause no end of consternation in the opposing camp. Yes, we’ve all heard it before, the only thing we need to fear is fear itself. Who said that, anyway? And does it really matter? No, not really. It doesn’t matter. But the idea, and what you’ve got going on this week, is to take the time not to be afraid. To borrow from another tired cliché, “Boldly go where no man has gone before.” You get the idea? Instead of worrying about something you have no control over, show no fear.

Cancer: “Looks like it’ll be a hot summer, that’s for sure.” It’s a familiar comment, especially in most parts of Texas. And it’s also reasonably accurate, too. In fact, it’s probably a safe bet, especially in my neighborhood. Doesn’t much matter, though, the weather is about the same all the time. And even if you’re not in my neighborhood, the long, hot dry days of summer are here. Pity poor Cancer, a gentle water sign, caught in the problems of this hot summer days. Nothing would be better than to hide in a darkened trailer’s living room, sipping a cool beverage, and watching some hideous daytime TV. In fact, maybe that’s a really good idea. Unfortunately, the requirements of the real world are such that you’re going to be forced off the couch, and out into the searing daylight. Some sun block, maybe a good wide brimmed straw hat, some form of attire which is cool yet lets the air circulate, all of this would be good. The stars are determined to heat you up, and whether you lose your cool or not, that’s up to you. But being prepared for the heat, real or imagined, is important.

Leo: I’ve used this tired expression before, and it does, on occasion, offend some folks delicate sensibilities, but the idea, the feeling which goes with the expression is important. “When life gives you lemons, find some tequila to go with it.” Personally, I cannot advocate the use of mind-altering substances like tequila, but the concept is a pretty clear one: you can cry in your beer, or you can make the most of the situation, and have a party. Maybe there’s not much to party about, or maybe there’s not enough willing participants for your little Leo soiree, but that shouldn’t stop you. “Up and out,” as the expression goes, yes, that would be the idea, keep putting on foot in front of the other, and be happy about it. There are few little bumps in the road just up ahead, and Mr. Mars is doing his level best to make for some uncomfortable relationship stuff going on, but that shouldn’t stop you. Like my overused lemon expression, make the most out of what is coming along.

Virgo: Work needs your attention right now. In as much as I would like to play with you, work really needs your attention. A little more effort at the job, and little less time thinking about vacations would be a good idea. I’m not making points with the Virgo constituency with this comment, but I am trying to fulfill my obligations by making just such a statement. It could be any one of a number of influences, it was around four, when I last checked, but there’s the emphasis for the time being. Here’s a hint: the harder you work right now, the better off you’re going to be in a few short weeks. Matter of fact, that vacation which I’m suggesting you stop dreaming about right now? That vacation shows up in short notice, and you’ll be in a positions to have some serious Virgo fun. But as of right now, remember that Mr. Mars is making some folks go back and review previously covered material, and that means you need to double check what other folks are double checking, just to make sure. See what I mean? Works needs your attention.

Libra: There’s certainly a Libra or two who will doubt my veracity, and wonder whether or not this stuff about Mr. Mars and his retrograde pattern is really true. Then again, there’s always one disbeliever in the crowd. One person who has the temerity to suggest that I’ve got this all wrong. But the other than the lone, dissenting voice, a note from the wilderness, as it were, other than that one, there’s bunch of the Libra folks who are feeling this backwards motion of the prime little red one. Mars, he’s making for some rather unstable stuff happening. As much as I sound like a parable about the sky falling, I’m just reporting what I’ve observed, and Mars is doing his worst at this time. Doesn’t mean it really is the end of the world, but there is a situation you ignored a while back, not that I’m familiar with this behavior myself, but there’s this situation, sort of like a leaky radiator in your truck. You can stop and effect some hasty roadside repairs right now, but let’s be honest, you should’ve done some serious work a while back, and ultimately, you’re going to be forced to yank that radiator out, and replace it. In the meantime, do like I do, I always carry an extra gallon of water, just in case.

Scorpio: I got stuck on using my old truck as a metaphor, but I just couldn’t help it — it’s too perfect during a time when Mars is backwards. This only happened to me once, and ever since then, I’ve always been prepared. It’s that sinking feeling, I hopped out of the cab of the truck, slammed the lock down, and looked back long enough to see my keys, still dangling in the ignition. It’s not a pretty sight. It’s a hopeless feeling, filled with frustration and tears. Now, with an old truck like mine, a coat hanger, or just some bailing wire, and I can break back into the truck’s cab in no time. Of course, there’s a problem when this happens in a certain part of town, and the time not spent breaking and entering the truck, is spent explaining to a uniformed official just exactly why I was trying to perpetrate a crime on my own vehicle. So even though it didn’t take long to correct the first mistake, it took a little while to explain myself. With Mars and trucks, and law officers (or similar authority figures in your life), give yourself a little extra time to cover the explanations of the mistakes. And always check to see if the passenger door is still unlocked, too.

Sagittarius: I was traveling out in West Texas, pretty much a desolate section of a two lane highway, south of the Permian Basin area [the road to Balmorhea & the springs there], and there’s this lone cotton gin, a singular structure with a couple of barns for storing the raw cotton. And on this one particular afternoon, the gin itself was in full production mood. That meant there was a fine flurry of stray cotton, scattered by the wind, dotting the landscape. Looked like snow. In the middle of the Texas summer, in the middle of the desert, in the middle of nowhere, there was an illusion of snow on the ground. The remnants of the cotton ginning process tufted and wafted along with the weaving breeze. To be honest, it was fairly breezy, with a stout wind kicking up dust devils, and then, this white stuff blowing all over the road and the countryside. I stopped, opened the truck door, felt the blast of summer heat, and promptly got back into the air conditioned comfort. Although it looked like a winter wonderland, it was still Texas, and it was still hot. Don’t be fooled by appearances. Mars makes things seem like something that they ain’t. Like snow in Texas. In the summertime.

Capricorn: There comes a time in every correct Capricorn’s life when an old nemesis resurfaces, bent on retribution for a previous, and in your case, forgotten harm. Whew. Heavy duty line. Might not really be that bad, but I would keep looking over my Capricorn shoulder, and checking, just to make sure that someone out there, some particular person, some old rival, some former love, some kind of past acquaintance, isn’t out there, quietly plotting revenge. What makes this worse, especially for you, is that it’s a forgotten and forgiven pain. You’re over it. You’re so over it, it really doesn’t matter. But there’s always one person, jealous of your success, jealous of what you’ve obtained, and out to wreak a little havoc in your life. My suggestion to be a little more careful, a little more precise, and make sure you don’t accidentally tread on anyone’s toes right now. Especially now. No need to bring this up. And it wouldn’t hurt to check and make sure no one is following you around, either. Being a little cautious never hurt, especially now that Mars is doing his backward swing thing.

Aquarius: It sure feels like there’s some tension building in your chart, some sort of uncanny sense that something bad is about to happen. Maybe it’s already happened, but I doubt that. In fact, this sense of dread? I think it’s your fine Aquarius mind, taking one look at a situation, and fearing that the worst is what will come. I’d like to allay your fears, but I’m not sure that’s the best way to deal with this. I’d like to suggest it’s all in your head, but I’m not sure that’s the easiest or most expedient route. I’d like to pat you on your head, give you a reassuring hug, and tell you it’s all going to work out. Pleasantries aside, I’m not so sure that’s the best idea. What scares me the most, is knowing that you can refer back to this week’s document, point to it, and say, “See? I told you something bad was going to happen.” There is hope, and I’ll suggest that none of this will turn out as awful as your mind thinks it will. But it doesn’t hurt to be a little prepared.

Pisces: Between all the odd bits of gravel in the night sky, and even a lot of the stuff which we can’t see during daylight hours, there’s some tension in the Pisces chart. No two ways about that. While a little tension is useful in certain situation, it doesn’t always bode well. The problem being, well really, there are two problems, and one is at home, and one is at work. Those of us who have a home office find this sort of problematic time even more complicated. And while your still trying to sort out the personal difficulty (I sure I hope I’m reading this right, and it’s not “difficulties”), the one at the office is just getting worse as it really needs your attention, too. As a guide, I would suggest you turn your attention to the problem at work — you stand a much better chance of resolving that issue at this point. The personal problems, you should leave them alone. No amount of fiddling, talking, cajoling or sweet entreaties seem to work right now. Don’t waste the effort. Save the flowers for later. Chocolate, however, is always recommended.

(c) Kramer Wetzel, 2000, 2001

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About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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