Feast Day of Christina the Astonishing

[Today is the Feast Day of Christina the Astonishing. She woke up in her coffin, stirred awake by the garlic smell of the mourners.] Big fish. Best thing about that fish? He’s back in the lake right now. Catch and release, baby. “Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but holes in the lips.” Or, as quoted from a great movie, “The Dude abides.” I wonder how much bandwidth I’ll burn up with my pictures of me fishing? I took off in one direction, but my feet wound up at the swimming hole. I paid my two bucks, emptied my pockets, and dove in. The cold water felt cooler than usual. Cold. Almost freezing. Sure helped put a nice spin on a rotten afternoon as I came home to another contract phone call. “C’est la vie.” I wandered downtown to the Alamo to see the Monday night dollar deal, O Brother where art thou? Pretty faces and an engaging movie didn’t really do a lot to catch my attention. The pizza, though, helped. I liked the movie but some of the subtle stuff, the humor and whatever, was lost on me. The waiter, on the flip side of it all, was good. He delivered a cappuccino, like I ordered, right when the movie started. That’s good service, anyway you slice it up.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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