Feast Day of Saint Pantaleon

[Feast Day of Saint Pantaleon] Shady Acres is right around the corner from Threadgill’s [Barton Springs and Riverside location.] Thursday nights, Don Walser and his Pure Texas Band is the usual musical guest. I took my tourist up there for music. Virgo guest, Virgo musician, all fits. It’s a rare, pure form of Texas Country music. Don’s the last of the great cowboy yodelers. So I’m there for about fifteen minutes, and a familiar face goes walking by. Now, I’ve experienced the strangest coincidences with music, and places I’ve lived before. This face, in the crowded bar, I stop the guy, “I know you?” “You’ve never seen me before,” he answered. Twist back the hands of time, and I’m pretty good at this, he was a “main person in charge” in a select group of people I spent some time with, a long time ago. We cut to the chase pretty quick, and started swapping tales of Texas music, country and western, and assorted other stories. My long-lost friend shares an interest in at least one genre of music I like. No way, it was just too weird — oh but the night took a turn for the strange after that. I hope to hear from his Aries self before too long. Now, on the way out of the restaurant, I spot a girl with flaming red hair — the red headed Cap and her niece. Me and the Virgo join them for a few minutes of animated conversation, and I sneak in a suggestion to go to Amy’s for ice cream. Quick jaunt over there, and the guy behind the counter, one’s a Taurus, and one almost shares the red head’s birthday. But that Taurus guy, he went to the same place that the “main guy in charge” and me were at. That one Amy’s has the best music, too. Zydeco. Echoes of the past, “Goin’ hard, goin’ fast, goin’ wild/Rollin’ hard, rollin’ fast, rollin’ by.” [REK]

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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