I so love about Las Vegas

One of the things I so love about Las Vegas is the raw, untamed energy that flows through everything. It’s the noise of the hundreds of slot machines, the cheers from a craps table, or a watching a group of folks win at Wheel of Fortune. There’s the downside, the three quarters [the last three quarters of gambling money] that turns into a hundred bucks. Then it all disappears. Weddings — I got the first picture up right here — was a joy–filled affair. I met the wedding couple in the tunnel to the parking garage. I was talking on the phone, and hushed couple walked past me, “Did you see that!” [obviously referring to tablecloth wrapped around my waist to look like a skirt] “It’s okay, honey, that’s normal around here.” Then it was the chapel, Elvis impersonator as the official, stay tuned for live video soon, and then it was off to the Star Trek Experience for the reception. Sounds a lot like last year. While most of the party went on the ride, I lingered over food and slot machines with the newly remarried fredlet, and watched as I did it twice, ran a couple of quarters up into some big bucks, only to lose it all again. The ride, whatever that was, must’ve been fun as the rest of the wedding party spent hours coming and going, telling us about all sorts of fun things that happened. Oh yes, I did try to scam a Klingon mistress. She wouldn’t break character, so I never found out what her real birthday was. Pretty ugly makeup. Would’ve been a new low for me. One of the Neighbor’s affectations for me is “Worf.” Says I look like the character he’s seen on TV. In light of that, I figured I was natural for the Klingon babe. Didn’t work. Might have been my dress I was wearing.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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