For the Week of 2/28-3/6/2002

“It is not enough to speak, but to speak true.”
Shakespeare’s “Midsummer Night’s Dream” [V.i.121]

Aries: There’s a wildly rambunctious, infectious energy that starts out the weekend. You know, like you’re ready to get out and play. You want to go dancing, drinking, dining, tear the dance floor up, and you’ve got all this energy, and suddenly, you go face first into the table top. This has happened to me on more than one occasion, like, the time in El Paso, [wasn’t that earlier this year?] After working all day for two days straight, the big meal with friends afterwards? Too tired. I think I was napping with my face in a plate full of Mexican food. Same thing happens to you, all full of energy, all the plans in place and suddenly you run into a wall of sorts. See: Mars moves out of your sign, and that’s both good and bad. His get up and go, gets up and goes — right on over to another sign. And that leaves you, like me, face first, quietly snoring, in the plate of food. It’s not like this is without hope, though, as your companions stir you awake, all you have to do is open your mouth, then close it, and you’ve got fuel going into your fuel intake area (mouth), and then, all you have to do is chew and swallow. Either that, or schedule a slightly less hectic weekend for yourself. Times like this, I try to block out about three hours for an afternoon siesta.

Taurus: Getting through the weekend might be a bit of a chore, but after you get through the upcoming weekend, then there’s this remarkable thing which happens: you get energized. My best advice, at a time like this, is to try and get as much restless rest as you can. It’s more like you get a chance to sleep in, and the best thing you can do is take advantage of sleeping in. Won’t be for long. Monday morning, and so forth, sets you off with one too many things to do, and sometimes, it will feel like, there’s not enough time. More coffee is usually my answer to a situation like this. And when the super triple roast Italian coffee beans start to sour my stomach, after about the third or fourth quart of coffee, then consider switching to tea. Green tea is supposed to be good for you, and it’s loaded with caffeine. Why get you all supercharged like this? With Mars, once he makes it into your sign, you’re going to need as much help as you can get. Even if it looks like you’re not going to have a lot to do, it looks like either your social life, the fishing life, or the business life is about to get real busy. Or, better yet, all three get real busy at the same time.

Gemini: A friend of mine (Gemini, well duh) was looking at some new places for sale, just on the other side of the river from me. Nice location, close in to town, spacious apartments with a set up that’s just perfect for the way things are going for you right now. There were bedrooms and bathroom aplenty, and then there was a nod towards the way you should be working right now: each unit for sale had like an extra bedroom, except that it didn’t have a full bathroom, just one of those half bath jobbies, toilet and sink. And this special bedroom was also wired for high speed net access. In real estate parlance, it was called a bedroom, but the ever active Gemini mind will notice that this is more like a home office. Some late talk show host made the idea of the home office a truly comic piece, but that’s not the kind of home office I’m talking about here. I’m suggesting that your work space in your home is of importance right now. Not so much for what you have to do for the Gemini career, but more for what you have to do for yourself. Or maybe it’s both. Or, you could be really lucky, like me, and have a home office in a trailer, at the edge of a river, in South Austin. But whatever it is that you do, it’s all tied to that home work space now.

Cancer: I’m continuously amazed at many of the misconceptions about Texas, myths, outright lies, and various other sundry fables that float around about us. Some these things are just not true. We don’t sleep in cowboy boots. We don’t all own horses. We do have some mighty fine vegetarian food. We don’t all have goats in our front yard. Not everyone lives in a trailer. Of course, the pickup truck is valued more highly as a form of transportation, but you have to have a few fables to make it all work right. One of the little tales you hear about Texans is how we like to hoot and holler. Now, that one’s true. We are a noisy bunch. Get a couple of Texans together, and sooner — rather than later — you’ll hear us hootin’ and hollerin’ like a couple of cowboys out on the range. We’re used to wide open spaces, and we make our own noise to fill up those spaces. Even if you’re not Texan, or even if you’re just an honorary Texan for a little while, consider the way we “Yee-haw.” Matter of fact, try one of our yodels, or some similar vocal action. It’s a little scratchy at first, but Mr. Jupiter is turning around, and as he starts to make forward progress in your sign, make a little racket. You’ve been stale, waiting on something to happen, and it’s happening now. Give a holler, yell a little bit. You’ll feel better, and you’ll understand why we like making noises.

Leo: Passive aggressive behavior does not suit the fine, Leo personality. This, “I don’t know, you decide,” attitude as of late isn’t going to work for you. I realize you’re handling a lot of responsibility, and I understand that the pressure is on for you to perform. But waiting on someone else to decide things for you isn’t the way it works. In times of great upheaval, like right about now, you need to render a decision. Good, bad or indifferent, it doesn’t much matter. Of course, it does matter, but the outcome is not what we’re worried about here. It doesn’t matter too much what decision you make, as long as you make a decision. Now, the worst way you can worry about this is trying to second guess yourself. Don’t. Once you make that decision, once you pull the lever, once you cast your ballot, once you render that mighty Leo opinion, it’s a done deal. Right or wrong, you’ve said your piece. You’ve now had your five minutes. Stand by what you decide. here’s the hint: in the lng run, in the big picture, and in the yes of others, you are admired for both what you decided, and the way you assiduously stick to the high moral ground you’ve got. So you’re a winner, two times over.

Virgo: I got a nice greeting card for one of my Virgo friends. It was a cute picture of several dogs, one stacked on top of the other. Inside, it suggested, “You’re the top dog.” Cute, not too sentimental, just a friendly little card to let her know I was thinking about her, right? Guess again, “dog breath,” which immediately became my new moniker. “Top dog? You think I’m a dog?” And it doesn’t require much of imagination to see where the rest of this is going. So when you get a greeting card, or similar act of affection, and when you want to interpret this in any way but the spirit it is intended, that’s fine. That’s your right, your choice, and that might be the way the Virgo section of your brain works. But before you jump to any hasty conclusion, and before that practical, analytical side of your brain kicks in, consider the spirit with the act. Was it really intended to suggest you were a dog? No, it wasn’t. Virgo’s may be detail oriented, but they are certainly not dogs, not any of the ones I know. Before you call us “dog breath,” and before you put us in the dog house, consider the intent of the action. If you’re willing to dig just a little deeper, underneath the surface, there’s a really fine sentiment attached to this week. But you can also bet I won’t ever send out another dog card.

Libra: Ain’t nothing but good news for you — happening all over the place. There is a caution, a subtle hint, or maybe it’s not so subtle, maybe some of the intended humor is less humorous, and liable to get me in trouble, but I’ll give it a try, anyway. Push back from the table a little early. Consider it appropriate to skip that second or third pass at the the “all you can eat” buffet of life right now. Or, if it’s like this one place close to me, with a special “all you can eat fried catfish filets,” might I suggest breaking their bank is not such a hot idea at this point. I’ve tried, and lost, and the results are not pretty. So when life serves up an excess of good things right now, be it fried catfish, or similar delicacies, I would just caution you to go a little easy on the amount of stuff you intake. There’s a hopeful, buoyant attitude you’ve got, and while the attitude is great, there’s a small problem with being a little too hopeful. You know things are great, I know things are great, you know that you’ve waited patiently for things to be good, and you know you deserve some just desserts. The problem being, the sweet stuff, the all you can eat fried catfish, the good things in life need a little modulation. Try and take it easy.

Scorpio: I’ve built my fair share of hotrod vehicles in my time. I had this one race bike, too, and I liked it but it had problems with its carburattion. The thing that mixed fuel and air, then shot it into the piston? Yeah, that thing. Go juice and oxygen, in correct proportion,s, modulated for the speed of the motor, you get the picture? This one motor was worse than most girlfriends I’ve ever had: the motor had two setting, one was wide, full open. Lots of horsepower. The other setting was off. No go. Stopped. Dead in the e water, so to speak. Made for an interesting ride, at best. It was either full throttle, or no throttle. Now, stop light to stoplight was interesting, to say the least. And I did, on one occasion, garner the attention of a policeman, but after he looked at the machine, and then me, he just told me to keep it slow for the rest of his shift. I can’t promise that you’ll have an equally satisfactory exchange with a similar authority figure. I can’t promise that you will be the fastest from block to block. But I can promise that you have the on/off setting tweaked the same way I had it. You’re either absolutely right on, going really fast, or you’re stopped, cold in your tracks. Ain’t no middle ground, not right now. Best thing to do is be prepared for wild ride. It promises to be fun, when it works right.

Sagittarius: Mars shifts gears, and turns your attention towards that wonderful thing called “work,” one of those theoretical areas of endeavors around here at the office. And Jupiter shifts gears as well, and again, his emphasis is that theoretical world of “work.” I’ve often wondered why no one seems to notice that “work” is a four letter word. I’ve always felt like this word deserves the same treatment other, similar four letter words get. It should be excised from the quotidian vocabulary, regulated to certain films that only adults are supposed to see. Now, with those two planets, you’re going to find yourself shifting gears a lot. The recent slowing in our own sign is changing as things pick up speed. Put aside the toys and playthings for just a moment, and consider the real world. I understand your pain as I make this recommendation. In my crest, I have a pair of crossed fishing poles as a symbol of my tools of the trade. And while I enjoy fishing, in order to make money as a fishing guide, I have to interact with customers. Likewise for you, the planets are bring in the customers in by the boatload. I don’t know if this is good, but the way things have been, we sure could use the money. Looks like it’s a busy week for work.

Capricorn: The weekend, which is coming up, will be fun. There’s a lot of activity, and most of all, you ‘re in a mood to socialize. Something good will come out of the weekend’s activity. Now, I wouldn’t start by telling you how wonderful everything is going to be without a little warning in here, as well. Next week, long about Monday or Tuesday, you’re mouth wants to get into gear, but I’m suggesting you shut up. This reminds me of listening to Bubba holler and swear some about a relationship issue he was faced with. Such a torrent a of words, it would’ve made a trucker blush. The only one around here who was much nonplussed with the outburst was the cat. She just figures he’s like that all the time. [He’s not, but that’s another story.] But from your socializing on the upcoming weekend, there will be a little bit of let down on Monday or Tuesday or next week. I’m just trying to warn you about that. It’s like listening to Bubba’s diatribe, and then calmly commenting, “No, how do you really feel about that?” After the good times are over, take it easy for a spell. No need to get carried away, like Bubba does.

Aquarius: As much as I would love to see you settle down for a spell, as much as I would love to see you derive a bit of comfort from the times and relative placement of the planets, regrettably, I can’t suggest that this is going to happen. You’re going to be busy, busy, busy, with much coming and going, and little more emphasis should be placed on the going, rather than its opposite. You’re going to find that you spend a lot of time in the next few days going places, getting things done, having to be center of attention, being the central focus of lots of folks, and the whole time, what you’d really like to do is spend a night or two in the Aquarius trailer with the TV on. Maybe not even on, just you parked in front of the TV set. Let’s face it, sometimes the stuff running on the screen in your own head is lot more interesting than any of that stuff on the tube. If I can just get you to realize that your attention is needed by all these other folks, and that you do need to be paying attention to them, then we’ll both be better off. Maybe not in the short run, but in the long run, over time, you’ll be able to look back to this week and stand amazed at all the work you got done. Yes, you really are amazing at times.

Pisces: There are certain times when a party is just about the best solution to any problem. I understand that you’re criteria for this might not be the same as mine, but I’m serious here. Party. Have a good time. Don’t let any of the sad news items get you down. Don’t let anything in particular get you down. If it’s situation that’s a bummer, then avoid it. If it’s a person, then avoid them. I have a problem with that last statement because I am the boss around here, and it’s pretty hard to avoid myself, but I think I’ll find me that nice Pisces, and I’ll enjoy the good times associated with her. Just about all the lakes I fish on are really reservoirs. That means there’s a dam at one end of the lake. Close to the dam, there’re these little buoys. Danger markers to keep boats from getting to close to the edge of the spillway, or, in some cases, next to the flood gates. Now, if you really want to fish that close to the edge, then do like I do, and park the boat, get out, and walk to the top of the dam. You will note, in keeping with this week’s suggestion of avoiding certain problems, there is always an acceptable solution for getting around the problem areas, and not breaking the rules is important right now.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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