Various thoughts moral and diverting:
I’m not sure whether I should be insulted or proud. One of the most disconcerting comments made at yesterday’s journal writers’ gathering was the suggestion that Bubba Sean’s web log cum journal [> was actually being done by me.
Look it up in Domain Name search “whois” and it’ll show that I registered the domain name, Yes, that’s mine. I’ve got links all over the place to it. I played with it, and then I abandoned it. Something wasn’t clicking for me. I toyed with some new online journal software, then plugged it in over there, and handed the whole thing over to Bubba as a form of self-expression.
Cheap server, no frills, paid for a year. Domain name, paid for a year. Cost me less than $100 to get it all rolling. I did the web work on it, then let him run with it.
When that year’s up, either Bubba will take over the payments, or he’ll do something else. A year is a long time to a Gemini. As it stands, it’s gotten him a loyal following. And that $100? A lot cheaper than several years of intense therapy. No, it’s not me. It is Bubba Sean, the Gemini, noted for saying, and I quote, “You can’t say ‘Bubba Sean’ without saying ‘BS’.”
He had four planets in Gemini, excellent taste in tequila & whiskey, good taste in vehicles & music, fair taste in cigars [a few are questionable, but I’d implicitly trust his recommendations>, and sometimes, poor judgment when it comes to females. Like I have any room to compare myself on that last account.
“But he sounds just like you!” No, he doesn’t; although, he does borrow a certain amount of literary style from me. He actually has a much better command of the language than I do, especially when it comes to certain explicit words. Nope, not me.
I do have “webmaster rights” but the text? That’s one of my Bubba’s [or several – he’s a Gemini> through and through. Not me at all.