End of the world news

End of the world news

That’s actually the title of a book. But I need a distraction or three. With India and Pakistan on the verge of nuclear war, Pluto opposing Saturn, and Mercury in a backwards state, distractions are important.

Chocolate does **not** have caffeine?

I clicked through on a link back to my page, and the random text read, “Just get me some cookie dough ice cream and get out of my face.” Funny, that link’s author was the source for the quote in the first place.

Other coincidences for the day? One flavor, really, just Gemini. By the end of the day, the only sign I actually talked to, all day long, was Gemini’s. I think it totaled out at 4, plus or minus standard deviations for statistical control, doubling up for the twins.

My Gemini friend Bubba [not that Bubba, the other one> had a pair of tickets to a David Bowie Record Release party. Supposedly, it was some big deal. It wasn’t. The flip side, my married friends with young daughters, the parents don’t seem to be quite as much fun as they used to be. The night was young, bands in half dozen bars were just getting started up, one place had an eclectic group starting, and my buddy was too tired to stay out late.

Blame it on Mercury, that’s what I said.

That new David Bowie album? “Let’s dance.” Or, as one of the lyrics goes, “It’s always 1982….” [David Bowie, \\Heathen\\, in stores June 11>

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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