Party weekend

Party weekend

Unprotected sex is better for the woman?

Unrelated links, but of interest, especially in the current political climate, the top three items, particularly the Pearl Harbor tidbit.

Apples are going to go faster?

Also from the Register, ‘net ad revenue falling? [Like that’s some surprise?>

In our litigious society, seems like settling is more important than dragging ourselves up in front of the judge. [In case you’re wondering, this web journal is record for myself, more than anyone else, of the random thoughts, patterns, and whatever else flows through what is perceived as my mind.>

Bubba [that Bubba, not the other one, or that other one from the other night> was a bit under the Mercury weather, so we all had us a fine meal at Hoover’s. The special was “smoked Boudin” and if you don’t know what “Boudin” [pronounced boo-DAN> is, don’t worry. Louisiana sausage, thick, rich creamy, probably full of all sorts of nasty stuff, but mighty tasty even exceptional in the flavor department. To go with the Cajun sausage, I had a side of Mustard Greens and some of the very best Fried Green Tomatoes I’ve had in a long while.

Then it was off to the Carousel Lounge to hear some friends play. Once again, it was one of those magical shows. Under that “Drinking Moon,” they sang songs about the heartland [Texas>. I’m not sure, but I’m starting to think one of their best original songs has this great line, “For God and Texas, I hope Fannin’s on his way…”

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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