The whore and the fish

The whore and the fish

“There is no terror in your threats;
For I am arm’d so strong in honesty
That they pass by me as the idle wind.”
Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar [IV.iii.66>

Sounds like a parable, or maybe a short story. What it really refers to is slang, new slang, modified, new slang from Bubba and Kramer. So last night, after a terribly weird Wednesday, between Virgo’s and Pisces, toss in an odd Aries, I took a call from Bubba, “Hey, you doing anything for dinner?”

I was thinking about going up to sit outside and listen to some guy play music, right around the corner at Threadgill’s. Last week was that wacky redneck Taurus, Kevin Fowler. [I was glad to see **THE T-shirt is available** through his website, although the offensive word is “fuzzed” out.>

It’s an uphill hike to get to anyplace from Shady Acres. Through the neighborhoods, then out onto South Congress, and up that hill to Guero’s, as the crowds at Threadgill’s would have prevented Bubba Sean from doing what he wanted to do. A little tequila goes a long way in soothing an aching mind. We did, indeed, solve a number of problems our friends share. We did not, however, implement any rash decisions, and I had to correct him on part of his astrological rant about some things. No, you can’t blame mercury being retrograde for everything.

Sitting in the evening’s glowing twilight, the day creatures scurrying for cover, the night animals just starting to stir, a greasy bowl of very delicious melted cheese with a some steak bits floating in it, we had a chance to reflect on the day’s events. Bubba Sean is new to the idea of written expression. He is not new to entertaining diatribes. He ambled along, after the requisite amount of libation and sustenance, and we wandered back towards the park.

I’ve also had the good fortune – or misfortune – of being published in a medium that had a huge readership, AOL. Deal is, I’ve been at this for while. It’s always nice to watch someone else learn to deal with the problems, the foibles, the glee from getting read, that self-publish phenomenon. He talked about what to put on “the whore,” and so we now have “the whore and the fish.”

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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