Wrestling, fishing TV shows and politics

Wrestling, fishing TV shows and politics

I’d started an entry, based on national political intrigue and what I was watching on TV in the hotel, Saturday night. That entry got bumped, then I read fredlet’s journal entry about the very same topic, and I thought I could try and work through this stuff again.

Midland Holiday Inn, Saturday night. Worn out from trying to look alive and talking all day, I collapsed in the hotel room, a copy of \\Cross Dressing\\ by Bill Fitzhugh on the bedside table. I flipped through a couple of channels, trying to find something to occupy my time. I chanced upon “WW [something> Wrestling Mania” something or other. Perfect, a little controlled violence, and you know, it just sort of fit with some of the outside perceptions of the area.

It was either wrestling wherein a huge males were posturing and threatening each other in rather childish ways, or news feed about the way the current administration knew about 9/11 before it happened; how the current office holders pointedly ignored warnings about impending doom.

Last week, the week before, sometime, one radio station called and asked me for information about UFOs, aliens and abductions, that sort of thing. There’s a great “Calvin and Hobbs” strip that succinctly gathers up how I feel about that, with Hobbs suggesting that proof of intelligent life in the universe lies in the fact they’ve never tried to contact us. To take this cartoon comment one step further, I don’t really think the government is smart enough to hide too much from us.

So, TV wrestling, with gaudy, mawkish personalities posturing about who’s going to take whom down? Click the remote and listen to some talking head go on and on about how the “administration” \\ignored\\ dire warnings? Sure. For me, I just couldn’t tell the difference between the two, although, let’s be honest, the wrestling guys were far more entertaining. But that fine line between their collective behaviors? Those accusatory news types were almost as bad – maybe worse. At least with the wrestling show, I knew what I was getting. With the news, all I can say I was sorely disappointed.

Somebody needs to grab one of those talking heads and smack them over the head with a folding metal chair. Worse yet: as a rule, I tend to be very circumspect of Right Wing Republicans. But I think we need a “cage match” to settle our questions. Has American politics come to this?

Now, Sunday morning, after watching the posing on the wrestling shows, I happened across an article, more a blurb, in the newspaper, about how fishing TV shows were staged. Fake, as it were. I couldn’t believe that, either. Wrestling? Don’t start me. But fishing shows?

I’m not going to waste too much bandwidth on the question of whether or not our beloved, esteemed president knew about the attack in advance.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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