Which is Star Wars? Pop culture? \\Mythology\\ for a new generation? It has elements that might be traced back to age-old myths. But then, it’s possible to analyze and deconstruct any tale like that, isn’t it? [Imagine the occasional analysis I get of my scopes, along similar veins.>
My version of pop culture – talk on the phone with friends and family, stroll down to the creek for a swim, stroll back, stop off at Threadgill’s to do a quick reading, meander up to Jo’s for a cup of coffee, and back home. Saturday afternoons the way they should be.
Saturday nights, too: hang with the buddies at a party until the small hours of the night, and then, when most folks are good and liquored up, I ambled home. Safer that way, don’t have to spend the night, and don’t have to drive. Helps, I suppose, to be centrally located.
On the ay home, taking a shortcut through one of the park that line the river’s edge, I could just make out a couple, one them [drunkenly> strumming a guitar. Then, just minutes from my front door: rain. A light clap of thunder, a distant roll, the wind shifted, and I caught the beginning of a good gulley washer. Seems like I left at the right time.