Star War & physics

Star War & physics

Okay, so I got really bogged down with plot. Hated that part. Liked that the actors tried to act for change. Then I came across this site. What I did like, towards the end of the film, there was a space ship that actually made sense. Of course, it would be a “slower than light” craft, but I liked seeing solar sails unfurl. Watching light sabers flicker in the battle, though, made me remember something else, about how stage swordplay and real sword fencing are two entirely different types of action.

various Friday topics
More on design.

At his behest, I added a “site meter” to theGemini bubba blog page, and after the first 24 hours of reporting, I found that the average reader spends an hour and nine minutes on his page whereas the average reader on spends a mere 43 minutes. Which begs the question, who is average anyway? I mean reading this stuff.

Currently reading: \\Lone Star: A history of Texas and the Texans\\. Written by T.R. Fehrenbach. Only finished a chapter or two, but the stuff about the earliest of Texans [37,000 years ago> was good, as was the information about the indigenous population, and especially, the history of the horse [and the subsequent impact on \\several\\ cultures>.

Wednesday nights usually mean Bubba Sean, as we’ll usually do something on those evenings. But after I took off the same shirt I’d been carrying with me for days, wearing for maybe an hour at the most, I was able to say I went 48 hours without having to wear a shirt. Reading, writing, walking – none of which requires anything more than shorts. Yes, if I thought I could get away with it, I’d wear a loincloth, but I am slave to fashion. Problem being, I can’t go one Friday night without \\someone\\ calling me up to have party, or go out, or do something. So no, it wasn’t 72 hours \\sans\\ shirt. But it was a close one. I think I’ll shoot for that as a goal, next week.

The frightening fact is – live phone readings don’t require much attire. As a personal point with me, I have to be clean before I can do a phone reading, but attired? That’s not required. Watch the webcam some time, phone bud in my ear, talking, laughing, getting serious, but looking at the computer screen, the charts in question, the whole time.

I was listening to Robin, at the last show in El Paso, pontificate at length about this, “You know, I can be at home, in my underwear, scratching myself, talking on the phone for good money, so why do I do this?”

I laughed and agreed. But like I’ve observed before, even for a phone consultation, I have to be showered and shaved. I guess it’s a personal thing.

At the command of the Virgo neighbor, I got up and out. Off to Maudies Too for dinner, joined by our sweet Pisces friend who is all excited about a working trip to Colorado. Sounded a lot more like a vacation to me, but who am I judge? We dined then caught the late show of Star Wars #5. I’m going in numerical sequence. Sure, the action was good. But I came out that movie raising quite the stink about plot. Way too much plot. What I want from an action movie is action. I want to see space ships crashing, stuff blowing up, deaths, dismemberment, carnage, blood in the teeth, gore, come on, what’s up with this plot crap? I’ve got to see “Trainspotting” again. Now that showcases the lead’s \\acting\\ ability.

The opening monologue [voiceover> is one of the finest in literature. Choose life.

I did a load of laundry last night, and while I was paused in front of the newspaper machine, I noticed a headline on the paper, something to the effective of “Priest Propose Zero Tolerance Policy.” I’m not one to get up and rant about this stuff, especially the sad state of supposedly spiritual elders, but they didn’t have a zero-tolerance policy before? Apparently not, and that’s sad.

I’ll stick to what I know, I’m reading books for fun, and charts for hire.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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