The clown
A clown visited the fair, I guess, to get a reading. I did pop his chart, a Sagittarius.
Marcus Aurelius notes
[Book 4, the beginning of verse 48>
“Remind yourself constantly of all the physicians, now dead, who used to knit their brows over their ailing patients; of all the astrologers who solemnly predicted their clients doom….”
Trying to hit that line between doom and gloom, and being particularly uplifting when I’ve been looking at the Sagittarius/Gemini eclipse cycle, Mercury has been retrograde with a vengeance, and Pluto was opposing Saturn?
The solace, to be found in the truck stop breakfast, or chain food dinner, or anything in between. Me? Personally, I’m just marking time until Jupiter pulls his happy self on into Leo, in a few months. Themes for the day? None that were immediately discernible but I’m sure something will occur to me before the weekend is up.
“Obscure cultural studies.” [Most interesting college degree I’ve heard about.>
I did hit on a theme, but it’s an astrological signature, not a single sign, a group of charts that have gravitated into my sight over the last week, all about the same birthday time, all with the same T-cross in them. That part \\is\\ strange.