
In the first week of May, 2000, there was a big astrological event. I was reminiscing about this event the other day, and I got to thinking about a bridge, one that I cross several times a week. It’s got small construction tag on it, a little plaque not much bigger than a 3 X 5 card, and I was meaning to get {{popup bridge2.jpg bridge2 240×320}}a picture of it.

Saturday morning, there was a mist rising up from the river’s water, a low-lying fog, almost. There’s something peaceful about that. I really do enjoy living by the river’s edge.

Israel and the bomb. [via MeFi> Alternate view.

Saturday evening was Bouldin Creek Caffeine Dealer, home of the “Kramer’s had too much coffee again” reading. For a while, I was in the company of my Cancer poet buddy, and I flew a few ideas past her. “Interesting, very interesting.”

Overhearing a conversation from another table, I couldn’t help but remark that we had arrived, this is exactly what our liberal art degrees were worth, sitting around a bohemian coffee shop on a Saturday night, sipping exotic beverages, discussing great points in literature, and being broke. All we dreamed as students, sitting around in coffee shops, being very bohemian, it had all come through.

I’m not sure if I’m supposed to be depressed or happy.

Oh yes, and on an astrological note, the big alignment in Taurus, in that first week of May, 2000? I suggested it marked the beginning of the end of the fundamentalist point of view. All of them. But I never suggested they would go down without a fight.

Wasn’t it Kermit?

Isn’t that the character who sang, “It ain’t easy being green?” {{popup kermit.jpg kermit 240×320}}Kermit, that was his name, right? Dinner at a South First Street Sushi place, or drinks afterwards, on the patio at Guero’s. The soft evening light giving way to a special kind of coolness.

Summer nights in Texas.

Universally panned by the critics, I have to admit, I enjoyed “Men In Black: II” or whatever the title was. Saw the matinee on Friday afternoon. Two hours of clean fun. Nothing especially sticks out about this movie. It follows all the rules for a good sequel, same characters, same plot, same story, a little low on the bathroom humor, a little high on the camp factor, two stars with chemistry, worked just fine. Not a lot of plot to get in the way of the action. Maybe the romance between the supporting role and a star didn’t quite have that spark, but as someone who writes an astrology column, I had admit, one of the best lines, “No, I’m a Libra.”

Yeah, I liked it, but then, it was at the bargain afternoon price.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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