
Rent, got to think about rent again

My dear Pisces friend, always amused by what happens in Texas, sent me a news item about a crime of passion over yonder in Houston. Apparently, the guy was caught cheating, and his angry wife ran over him three times. From the news description, she just drove around in circle, in her Benz, and flattened the guy who was caught at a hotel with another woman.

So Saturday morning, I e-mailed this guy whose weblog I read from time to time. I’m not sure if I was needling him, or just saw that his webcam was running, and decided that I needed an outside verification of facts. He wrote back about the “overkill” [on the coverage>, but then, thinking about the way the crime was described, first there was a major bitch fight, then she ran over him three times, I wonder if it’s really overkill or not? Maybe it’s just another crime of passion.

Don’t mess with Texas women.

You know, the best quote from that Houston Chronicle’s article?

“Clara Harris appeared at the Friday hearing dressed in a stylish black pants suit with her hair neatly swept back at the nape of her neck.”

So when I see a woman with her hair neatly swept back, dressed in stylish black pants, maybe driving a Benz, I’ll get out of the way.


I’ve had an idea kicking around in my brain for years about how to combine what I observe about astrology with what I like to do, write. Problem being, and I rather clearly recall this concept, it’s hard to jump from one genre to another, especially after an earned reputation in just one area.

So there’s a new link off to the side, called “Experimental Fiction,” although, I think I might toss some poetry in there, too. It’s one link, one way to find this stuff, and since I’m planning on excerpts from several upcoming projects, I’ll change it when I want. I might do away with it, I don’t know.

The idea started when I wanted to find a way to look at some of the stuff I’ve been working on lately, I wanted to see what sort of readership it attracted. See if the astrology and fiction can, indeed, be combined.

I received e-mail, years ago, from another author who used my basic astrology personality profiles to help get ideas on how to craft stories – according to that note, the stories were mysteries, and the basic profile was just a starting point. I’d suspect the Scorpio, myself. Or the Pisces.

I dug through the old files, found two half finished novels, don’t think I’ll post them, but I never can tell. Then I found some poetry, and frankly, as much as this scares me, some of it is good. Some of it is also more than ten years old at this point. Worthy of publishing?

It’s just a chance to air out some of my old stuff, and few current working files, to see if they fly. Although it’s a static link, I doubt I’ll leave much up it up for more than a week or two. A couple of the stories are kind of fun.

I’d forgotten that first one, and even with years of age, it doesn’t look too bad to me. But I’m biased.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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