Happy 4th

As it stands, I’m writing the equivalent of one decent-sized paperback book per year. Have been, for a while. [\\That\\ story came up in conversation the other day, and I stumbled across it trying to isolate the time when the scopes went from short to long.> Maybe it was in 1996 or perhaps a little later, but I did one-half of the daily scopes for year, bad business deal, as it took a lot more work than what I got paid for. Sort of put me off doing a daily scope for that very reason. That was a huge amount of text, again, nearly doubling what I usually do, just keeping up with the output for a single year of weekly scopes. Lots of folks, apparently, don’t get that. I suppose, if I were to just read my sun sign and nothing else, then it wouldn’t matter. However, other than that one Scorpio-only site that I saw once, I can’t think of doing just a Sagittarius-only site. Alienate the other 11 signs?

A strange thing occurred yesterday, it has to do with the weekly scopes. More specifically, with Virgo scopes **not** mailed. I suppose I should give a prize to the first respondent, but then the numbers started to add up, and I think I was around 400 last time I checked. See: I have this sense that if someone takes the time to write me, and as long as it’s a cute note, I try to respond myself. But I did get really tired of typing, “The cat ate the Virgo scope.”

So, while I was dining at Maudie’s with my Gemini buddy, I had to ask, it was a Virgo waitress. Just figures. I hope she wasn’t on the mail list.

I rolled around the lake, eastern loop, after lunch. Full belly, warm day, stopped and admired the river’s work, its lighter than usual color from all the runoff, and there were a few things I noticed. Long-billed hunter bird [no idea what kind> up a creek. Two turtles, one on top of the other, sunning themselves in the traditional “flying turtle” position: legs and arms fully extended, soaking up rays. Fish and Game officer, checking fishing licenses.

The clincher, for me, though was this one big snapper I’ve observed, never seen more than his head before, it’s a huge turtle, at least, judging by the size of its big jaws. He was out. He was lazily swimming under one of the footpath’s bridges. His head must’ve extended a full six inches – but his shell wasn’t really that much bigger. I remember one Fish & Game girl talking about that very snapper, said he would occasionally dine on baby ducks. Funny thing was, he wasn’t really that big. Never saw him surface, and his head was disproportionate to his shell’s size, or so I thought.

Maybe like guys who forget Virgo scopes.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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