I want to rock and roll all night

I want to rock and roll all night

Or maybe not. I got call, before I left for Las Vegas, about going to see, and I quote, “Motely Crue” – for free. A friend of friend arranged some tickets, and I called \\Bubba\\ to see if he was working that show.

“Motley Crue? No, it’s just Tommy Lee, and no, I’ll probably be at Sheryl Crow that night, so anyway, let me tell you….”

First band, largely derivative. Second band, Flying Tigers, original, blessedly short set. Tommy Lee and his current band was on for close to two hours, and they pretty much rocked, although, my hostess for evening, the girl [Sagittarius> responsible for the lovely tickets, did observe after words, that Tommy Lee sure relied on certain four-letter expletives. Every other word.

My Pisces friend, also in tow, she observed that we were probably the oldest folks in the crowd, and I’d guess it was true, older by a good ten years, even, “And still able to rock! Oh Baby!”

We left when the band broke for their first encore. I used to make fun of folks who left at that time, thinking, “You paid, you should hear everything,” but I was way too tired. Maybe my Pisces friend can still rock all night long. I was home before midnight, dog-tired, ears still ringing.

“Fame” by David Bowie, covered by Tommy Lee. It rocked.

Trivia question, what’s the big tattoo on Tommy Lee’s belly say?

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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